Bill Gates to Speak Next Week at the Korean National Assembly

Not only will he speak at the National Assembly, but he is expected to meet with top Korean business leaders as well:

From left, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong, and SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won.

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and co-chairman of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has been invited to speak at the National Assembly during his stay in Korea on Aug. 15-17, but all eyes are on whether he will meet with key business leaders during his visit, according to industry officials, Wednesday. 

Gates will visit the Assembly at 10 a.m. on Aug. 16 and meet with Speaker Kim Jin-pyo. At 10:40 a.m., he will give a speech on the topic of “The importance of international cooperation and Korea’s leadership for coping with and preparing for COVID-19 and future infectious diseases” at the plenary session of the Special Committee on Budget and Settlement of the National Assembly.

This is Gates’s first visit to the National Assembly since 2013. Back then, he gave a lecture on the topic of “Smart Aid: Innovation for a Better World and a Stronger Korea” at the National Assembly at the invitation of then-Saenuri Party (currently known as the People Power Party) member Chung Mong-joon.

Afterward, Gates met up with key businesspeople during his past visits to Korea and all eyes are on whom he will meet this time around.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link.

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2 years ago

Is anybody going to break a chair over Bill Gates’ face or have none of then used Windows before?

That’s a little joke.

Actually, the chair in his face would be for this kind of talk:

“If every country does what Australia did, then you wouldn’t be calling [the next outbreak] a pandemic,” Gates, a health philanthropist who has dedicated billions of dollars to vaccine research, said at the annual Munich Security Conference earlier this month.

He said that in February 2022.

He sure loved lockdowns, unemployment, and the destruction of small business for the little people.

Did I mention Australia currently has the world’s 2nd highest death rate per population? Number one is New Zealand… who were the only bigger arseholes.

Good job, Bill Gates… wish you were equally concerned with solving the problem of missing computers on home networks… or maybe, considering these same results, you equally were!

Bill Gates didn’t exactly say he was going to reduce the global population through forced vaccines… or whatever nonsense the anti-vaxers dream up.

What he does say is that if you give vaccines to the third world, it reduces the population because… because… something to do with third world women suddenly become responsible in their reproductive habits once offered vaccines or something.

This man clearly has not fùcked enough poor women to know what the fùck he is talking about.

Or maybe he is just talking intentional smack because nobody will call him on it. He could probably say you will never need more than 640K and it would pass.

Who knows.

If his third world vaccine program causes sterilization, well, he is doing God’s work. The higher cost of conflict diamonds and child-procuried lithium are small prices to pay.

I wonder if those fancy pance billionaires really want to lower the population.

Let’s Google it.

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2 years ago

Bill needs to be sent to Jim and Ron Watkins.

2 years ago

Ah… lots of ways to present statistics.

One might be able to draw conflicting conclusions.

And both of those conclusions might be valid to prove slightly different points.

Let’s look at this case.

You have presented historical data from back when it was in every government’s interest to lie about the number of covid deaths.

I don’t know if Peru was in on the racket or if a bunch of fat Peruvians actually died of covid… being that a fat population tracks better with covid deaths than a vaccine rate (which doesn’t really track at all… which doesn’t make the news much).

America was full of shìt… we all know it even if it is not openly admitted.

Italy had since come out and said real covid deaths were 10% of what was claimed. “Our bad”… or maybe “Our-a bad-a. Badabing badaboom.”

In the end, I don’t trust your numbers… and I can document why, if you care.

And in combination with a demonstratable history of manipulative governments, endless chains of transparent lies around the entire covid industry, and my deep professional knowledge of human nature, I don’t trust anything that has motivation behind it to manipulate my opinion.

So why do I trust the numbers now?

I don’t.

Korea is experiencing very close to the number of cases it did during this part of the Spring Wave 2022 curve. But the difference in testing, which is no longer free in every major neighborhood, is so great that current testing numbers can’t even be seen as a tiny bump on a graph with both. Chances are, there are more cases now than in the spring… it just isn’t a current goal to kill small business and fill people with vaccines that don’t work.

I am not complaining about that. Generally, government inaction is better than involvement in most issues.

So back to New Zeland and Australia…

It is an international race to the bottom right now… with conflicting messages that all have their purpose… and, once again, Orwell was right… douplethink is real.

We are told to believe current strains are less deadly but we need endless boosters to make the safe and effective vaccine effective in protecting us from a less deadly strain that doesn’t kill people under 60 or healthy people over 60… and blah blah blah.

Who knows the truth… except the answer is always take more boosters.

Whatever the case, governments no longer want to hype covid numbers directly… perhaps for the moment… as every government is positioning themselves for Winter Wave 2022… prepping the population for covid fear and restrictions to take their mind off the fact they won’t be able to afford food or heat their houses.

So what about Australia and New Zealand?

After their promises that if you cry alone in your home for two years, you will be safe from covid… and you need some Safe & Effective if you want to buy food… and our borders are closed… and you are out if business… etc…

They also wish to underreport covid numbers.

But their deaths are high enough that they can’t beat everyone else in a race to the bottom.

And that shows up in current statistics.


The current deaths per population as of 5 minutes ago.

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Kevin Kim
2 years ago
2 years ago

But CH!! How are those number even possible??? India uses Ivermectin and HCQ!!!! Shouldn’t they be the ones reporting high death counts?

Surely you can’t mean Saint Fauci of the Mask&Jab misled us? That would be heresy!!!

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Last edited 2 years ago by setnaffa
2 years ago

As I said…

“One might be able to draw conflicting conclusions.

And both of those conclusions might be valid to prove slightly different points.”

You are showing me historic numbers… a cumulative of total covid deaths per population from the time it started to now…. back before there was any vaccine and doctors were (perhaps even with good intentions) putting people on ventilators.

It is a valid conclusion to say, “Peru has the most deaths!”

As we know most counties completely lied about these numbers, frequently by a factor near 10, I find these number to be untrustworthy. But perhaps their ranking is valid even if their scale is not?

I really have no idea.

Now let’s consider the numbers I presented.

They are the daily deaths for the last month… how many people are dying right now per population.

My point is… why are countries with huge internal travel restriction, social distancing backed by force, and almost 100% vaccine rates, currently having the highest deaths per population?

This should raise some questions.

Even though it is a race to the bottom, with nobody wanting go show high covid deaths, New Zealand and Australia must not be able to frigger their numbers enough to get out of the top spots.

If you look over the numbers for a lot of countries, you can “prove” a lot of conflicting conclusions.

This may be because the numbers have a high degree of bullshìt and it is a fool’s errend to seek any sort of order in the intentional chaos.

Assuming they have any validity…

– countries with high vaccine rates and countries with low vaccine rates can both be grouped into high/low case and high/low death clusters. The vaccine seems to have little effect except temporarily for high-risk populations.

– mask mandates clearly have no effect

– lockdowns seemed to have increased all-cause mortality

I was really interested in Peru’s high numbers. The media is full of shìt. The reasons they give range from the wrong kind of hospital beds to global warming. They don’t know or don’t want to say.

Best I can tell, some factors may be:

– high rate of female obesity (take note, chubby-chasers)

– indiginious populations hit especially hard – perhaps given blankets with covid were given out (that’s a joke)… old world diseases are never kind to new world inhabitants

– one of those cultures where someone dies and you keep the corpse around for a few days and stay lovey-dovey with it – with no behavior modification for those shedding disease… even when the government mandates you spend less time (which is one of those compromise government restrictions that does not solve the problem but still restricts the population… good job, government.)

Lots of other countries have some or all of these conditions… so it must be more complicated.

Or maybe it is as simple as the amazing compassionate global response…

…also known as raking in international donations to assist with world-record covid deaths.

Trust nobody when power and money are changing hands.

So, once again…

As of right now, despite record vaccine rates and miserable social and travel restrictions, New Zealand and Australia are currently experiencing the highest deaths per capita in the world.

The reason is not clear… but finding that reason(s) might be highly informative in guiding honest and effective covid policy.

…which is why nobody is likely looking.

2 years ago

@GI Korea. John Hopkins is compromised — this was exposed early in the scamdemic. They get the same manipulated statistics directly from the Anthony Fauci / Bill Gates / Deep State / Cabal-driven source as the bought & paid-for “news” organizations. They repeat CDC/FDA/NIH/WHO data and simply put it in a different format. Viola! You’ve got a John Hopkins product. It is not an independent institution.

This isn’t the 1960’s anymore when institutional data/statistics had integrity. Published research outcomes could be repeated by the independent institutional peer community. Now, all integrity is gone; outcomes cannot be repeated.

Scientific integrity has been replaced by repeating the same lie over and over again. 

So in the above debate, CH’s correctly stated exposure of the purposefully ambiguous (yet containing just enough feasibly possible information as to be believable) statistics repeated hundreds/thousands of times in the public sphere has more credence than “John Hopkins” University.

Korean Person
Korean Person
2 years ago

I would not waste my time with these Setnaffarist losers.

They are not interested in the truth and science.

They are only interested in hearing what they want to hear. Specifically, that there is a conspiracy by Faucci, the government and the pharma companies to push the ineffective mRNA vaccines to the population, etc.

Anything other than the above, they will only say “FAKE NEWS!!’

2 years ago

“They are only interested in hearing what they want to hear. Specifically, that there is a conspiracy by Faucci, the government and the pharma companies to push the ineffective mRNA vaccines to the population, etc.”

Well… you got me there.

Nobody vaccinated catches or spreads covid. Faucci never caught covid. The government is saying not to worry about it anymore. The pharmaceutical companies aren’t suggesting a booster every three months is ideal.

…and the only side effect for young healthy men with a 0.000% chance of dying from covid has been a temporary increase in rainbows and possibly puppydogs.

So I can’t argue with that.

Don’t forget your booster.

2 years ago

GI, doesn’t the timeline kind of matter? Total deaths over the course of the past 2 1/2 years (which includes also the time before vaccination) doesn’t tell us much.

This one offers a timeline:

Think the above gets its information from Johns Hopkins as well.
Time will tell…when I look at what has been happening in Israel (which should be the textbook case) since about last January it does not look like what one would expect to see from a diligently vaccinated country (by comparison to others with less draconian policies). The trend doesn’t look good, at any rate. It will probably be years before we know the answer there just isn’t enough data yet.

Last edited 2 years ago by Liz
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