Ukraine Defense Ministry Trolls Russia After News They Are Buying North Korean Munitions

This is a nice troll response by the Ukraine Defense Ministry to news that the Russians are buying munitions from the North Koreans:

Russia has been forced to buy military hardware from North Korea as sanctions squeeze Moscow’s ability to supply its military, the US says.

A US official revealed Moscow is the process of purchasing millions of rockets and artillery shells from Pyongyang for use in Ukraine.

And they said that Russia could be forced to buy additional North Korean weaponry as the war dragged on. 

Buying from North Korea is a sign of “severe supply shortages”, they added.

The intelligence was first reported by the New York Times. Ukraine’s defence ministry tweeted a mocking response to the report, saying that it showed “Soviet weapons” had “exhausted their potential”.

The ministry said the while Ukraine was switching to Nato standards, Russia was heading in the direction of North Korean standards – be it in the field of “weapons, politics or standard of living”.


You can read more at the link.

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2 years ago

Funny; but people are still dying, so too soon to laugh.

2 years ago

Ukrainian president rents out his multi-million dollar Italian vacation villa to Russians as we speak….who is laughing now?

2 years ago

Ukraine can laugh… because they only laugh at themselves.

Like so many in the world, they are getting what they accept.

Until Puppet Zelensky’s head is on a stick, he will continue to do NATO’s bidding and send father and sons and brothers into the hopeless meat grinder where the ratio of Ukranian to Russian deaths is pretty skewed.

If the Ukranian people accept this, let it be.

Ukraine cannot “win”. No amount or NATO hand-me-downs will change this.

Russia has stated two or three goals and have done nothing which contradicts these.

1. The denazification of Ukraine

Despite Nazis not being particularly popular amongst European leadership and the mentally ill left, but I repeat myself, nobody wants to notice that Nazis are a bit of a force in Ukraine. These are real Nazis with tattoos and insignia and songs and other assorted Nazi things.

It seems Ukraine might be in a bit of agreement with this. They didn’t go rushing to help Azov when they were trapped in the steel factory. And it appears they targeted the prison many of them were in.

The Nazis became a bit of a political power in Ukraine and perhaps a lot of Ukranians are happy to assist in denazification.

Poor Russia thought the outrage of invasion could be partially offset by the high ideals of killing Nazis. But no. Apart from accusations of Nazi being overused to the point it means nothing, Russia just learned nobody really cares about Nazis anyway. When they are useful, “Ermahgawd, Nazi!” When they are inconvenient, “I do nazi anything.”

2. Demilitarization of Ukraine

This is why heavy bombers are not leveling Kiev. Russia is not trying to kill civilians and make their lives miserable. They aren’t even targeting Ukrainian civilian leadership. And they even avoided great opportunities to kill Ukranian soldiers not on the front.

Russia wants Ukraine to bring their military equipment to the front where it can be destroyed.

This was working out until NATO decided to go to war with Russia.

So now, instead of winning by destroying Ukraine’s equipment, they are going to win by destroying Ukraine’s soldiers. That is a longer and uglier process. But if NATO commands it, Zelensky promotes it, and the Ukranian people agree… well… there will be a lot of “hot, single Ukranian women looking for…”

We used to credit only drugs with keeping the price of a BJ at five dollars.

3. Reclaiming Russian-speaking areas

Ukrain has been hassling these people with bad-hearted laws and artillary since at least 2014.

This point is worth a lot more writing.

So this war is going to drag on because NATO wants it to drag on.

And, if you think about it a certain way, maybe the people running America and Puppet Biden want to watch Europe kill itself. Good. Smug little Eurotrash deserve what they accept.

So what should Russia do? How about buy military equipment from nations offering it at fantastic prices.

This war is going to be won with drones and artillery… so Russia is buying up drones and artillery.

Reading history books, I never see anyone complain about entering battle with too much ammo.

Even if they don’t need it, who knows the future. NATO will hassle them elsewhere.

So everything makes sense.

2 years ago

Dang it, CH! You’re not supposed to tell everyone!

I mean, NATO’s secret plan was to use up all the old ammo so the countries needed to buy more so the people in charge could afford more out of Winnie XI’s honey jar.

But now that you let the Russian cat out of the bag, and the implication that everyone on Twitter with a Ukrainian flag emoticon is wearing swastika panties, nothing will change.

Romans 1:22 is still in effect.

Self-inflicted wounds bite.

2 years ago

Wait… what are you saying setnaffa?

I don’t have anything nearly as embarrassing as a Ukrainian flag emoticon.

And ny swastika panties have the ϟϟ stitching and the ☠ totenkopf over my butthole to keep the ghays away.

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