South Korea Lowers Age of Criminal Responsibility to 13
|With this new policy kids at the age of 13 can spend time in jail instead of youth correction centers:

The age of criminal responsibility will be lowered by one year from the current 14, the Ministry of Justice said Wednesday, announcing measures to cope with an increasing number of serious crimes committed by juveniles.
The ministry said it will revise the criminal and juvenile laws to lower the criminal age limit to be able to charge youths criminally from the age of 13.
Currently, minors under the age of 14 cannot be convicted of a crime in South Korea. If such children commit offenses, they are referred to community service programs or youth correction institutions.
Under the soon-to-be revised laws, 13-year-old middle school first or second grade students, for instance, will be subject to criminal punishment if they commit a crime.
You can read more at the link.
In some things, South Koreans are more wise than Americans.
Somebody mentioned school shootings yesterday.
…something that has been reported in an odd way lately.
So we looked it up and found why.
It turns out school shooting are common or rare depending on how you report them.
If you want to say pro-Trump white students are shooting up schools… well… that is a hard narrative to support…
…at least without manipulation.
The latest school shooting was done by Orlando Harris with no picture. Once you learn his name was Orlando DeShawn Harris, you don’t need a picture.
The school shooting before that was done by a white guy… until you rePhotoshop the luminance back to normal and he becomes Hispanic again.
What about all the other school shootings in the fat double digit number reported by media with no details?
– mostly black kids shooting black kids in black school parking lots over black things
– black kids and Hispanic kids doing drive-bys at homecoming, prom, ball games
– school busses taking fire while going through the hood
– accidental discharge
– a few kids settling individual scores
Not sure if changing the age of responsibility from 14 to 13 will fix this… but there is certainly a problem…
…and it is bring concealed rather than addressed.
After serious research, I believe the root cause of school shootings in Asia eludes me.
But it’s probably related to Charlie Chan, Mr Moto, and James Lee Wong being portrayed by white actors.
this is what OG K-Pop Rap has led to…..
@ChickenHead adding on to the topic of shootings and crime.
Homicide rates in white America are very similar to European rates. Around 1.1 per 100,000. America has widespread legal gun ownership while Europe largely does not. Guns appear to have no correlation to overall homicide rates.
Homicides in the African American community stands around 10 to 11 per 100,000. In the same range of West Central Africa where their ancestors came from.
Very taboo to acknowledge this, but most people know.
I suggested over 50% of gun crime could be immediately solved by not letting black people have guns.
That didn’t get any traction at all… not even a comment.
All the solutions to black gun crime always seem to involve taking my gun.
That is so unfair that it needs attention drawn to it even of it risks being called a raaaaaciisst.
Protip: Racism ends where the truth begins.
On this case, it would be nice of it wasn’t a racial thing… but it is. Lying to ourselves and each other to protect feelings or falsely signal we are virtuous will never solve the problem.
Actually, it is not racial… it is cultural… but race and culture correlate so closely here, being intellectually lazy still works.
It would probably be more accurate to say the problem involves historic black culture, its urban black culture descendent, and those who follow current urban black culture.
Which is mostly black people.
Traditionally in Korea, the American black teachers in Korea have had more in common with me than urban blacks. Lately, there has been an uptick in whitey-hating borderline ghetto blacks… or, at least, that is the show they are putting on in the club scene.
I know quite a few African blacks… but they are all researchers and have PhDs… so they want nothing to do with these American blacks.
So it isn’t a black problem… but it is still a problem… and nobody will even admit it exists… so it will never be fixed.
So, in the end, the continued plight of the America negro really is rhe white man’s fault.
Sounds like a reason for reparations.
Again, Cloward-Piven. The Democrats have been grooming their armies of hate for many years. They want to destroy our eco omy, culture, and desire for freedom, so they propose to try to force us to sell our souls to them on the cheap.
Sorry,not this week.
BTW, I really don’t care if Americans of any suntan have firearms. As long as they aren’t Democrats. And I don’t think Communists should have firearms, either.
But I’m not the one who decides. So I’m not gonna stress about it.
OTOH, the wife and I did vote (early, in-person) today. So we’ll see after Election Day whether we guessed right.
Hope your Thursday is peachy.