Why is Kim Jong-un Making Appearances with His Daughter?

Little Kim was recently out with her father Big Kim again:

Photo, released by the Korean Central News Agency on Nov. 27, 2022, shows North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (front, R) with his daughter during a photo session with officials involved in this month’s intercontinental ballistic missile launch.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made a second public appearance with his daughter during a photo session with officials involved in this month’s intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch, state media said Sunday.

Photos published by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) showed the daughter, presumed to be Kim’s second child, Ju-ae, dressed in a long black winter coat with a fur collar and with her hair partially tied back, as she walked hand in hand or linking arms with her father.


You can read more at the link, but some of the speculation I have read is that Kim Jong-un is show casing his daughter now to set her up for succession. She is believed to be 10 years old so I find it hard to believe she is being set up for succession at that age.

I think it is more likely that Kim is using his daughter to soften his image in preparation for any future negotiations. His sister has long been playing the bad cop with bombastic language and threats while Kim Jong-un is the good cop where he speaks more measured and is mostly smiling in photo ops.

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2 years ago

I agree with you, GI… However, with the raised eyebrow, she looks like she probably could order the troops to kill off siblings, aunts, uncles, etc., if she felt out of sorts…

2 years ago

Wow. She’s ten years old and almost as big as Fatty the Third? How long is it going to be before the people of North Korea figure out that family is living large at their expense?

2 years ago

It’s the State religion, johnhenry. They know and some will willingly starve themselves to feed the dynasty, if needed.

2 years ago

Yeah, I know. But it was a great opportunity to use the expression “living large”, wasn’t it?

2 years ago

Maybe his daugher is the designated successor.

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