Was Russia Really Plotting to Attack Japan as Leaked FSB Documents Claim?
|I have hard time believing that Russia was ever going to “attack” Japan like this Newsweek report is claiming. An attack on Japan would trigger the US-Japan alliance which would lead to an overwhelming military response that would crush whatever attack Russia launched. With that all said, after what we have seen of the Russian performance in Ukraine, the Japanese military could probably defeat any Russian attack without American assistance:

Russia was preparing to attack Japan in the summer of 2021, months before President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, an email featuring a letter from a whistleblower at Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), shared with Newsweek, reveals.
The email, dated March 17, was sent by the agent, dubbed the Wind of Change, to Vladimir Osechkin, a Russian human-rights activist who runs the anti-corruption website Gulagu.net, and is now exiled in France.
The FSB agent writes regular dispatches to Osechkin, revealing the anger and discontent inside the service over the war that began when Putin invaded neighboring Ukraine on February 24.
You can read more at the link, but what I can believe is that Russia may have been determining the likelihood of succeeding with a provocation against Japan such as sinking one of its naval ships. This would put Japan in tough spot because their constitution would not allow them to undertake offensive operations and thus the Japanese government would turn to the U.S. for support.
This would also put the U.S. in a tough spot because the Biden administration would have to determine if taking offensive action against Russia is worth it in response to a sunken Japanese ship. Putin would likely bet no offensive military action would be taken and instead toothless sanctions and sternly worded letters would be issued. The lack of a response from the U.S. would have put a strain on the U.S.-Japan alliance which is what their ultimate goal may have been. Additionally sinking a Japanese ship would be a morale boost for the Russian Pacific Fleet. I wonder if Putin wishes he would have initiated a provocation against Japan instead of his current disastrous war in Ukraine?
The people behind Joe Biden (Beijing?) really want the US and our allies in a shooting war with Moscow.
It’s sad we have to allow their war pr0n.
Meanwhile, China is ramping up it’s war with itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BxU-meBKVQ
“I have hard time believing that Russia was ever going to “attack” Japan like this Newsweek report is claiming.”
It appears the “news” is pushing for world war. We would probably already be in one if a Polish farmer hadn’t taken pictures of identifiable missile parts.
“With that all said, after what we have seen of the Russian performance in Ukraine, the Japanese military could probably defeat any Russian attack without American assistance”
So now that we know the “news” is completely full of shìt on things we know about, can we consider for a moment that maybe they are full of shìt on things we don’t know about?
The “news” has been reporting such things as:
– Russia is out of shells and missiles
– Russia is losing
– Ukraine to retake Crimea by December
What we are seeing:
– with an inferior force, Russia is occupying a large section of Ukraine (but not to be inferior for much longer).
– Ukrainians are cold and dark and pooping in buckets.
– Ukrainian military action is mostly one step above guerilla warfare… not an easy thing to fight no matter how good your military is (looking at you, America in Afghanistan armchair quarterbacking the Russian military)
For political considerations, Russia’s “police action” in Ukraine did not have several of the important points that America has mastered:
– Shock and Awe the civilian infrastructure on the first day of the war
– send in Overwhelming Force
Soooo… it is really hard to see that Russia is losing or that their military is as poor as is being claimed.
(Which brings up the Ukranian doublethink: Russia’s military sucks. Russia is kicking our ass, send more weapons.)
A new general has taken over for the next phase of the war… which has fewer political considerations.
– triple the size of the military
– pull back military to take advantage of natural barriers instead of pointlessly holding cities… move to the east side of rivers and blow bridges
– start the methodical destruction of Ukrainian electrical, water, sewer, communication, transportation, food distribution, weapons-to-the-front pipeline, etc… put to the test “Ukranians are willing to be cold and dark and hungry for years.” Maybe. Doesn’t matter. The war is going to end the same with or without the misery.
People can keep believing the Russian military sucks and they are going to slink home with their tail between their legs… but they are going to be increasingly disappointed.
The first clue is that the people saying this the loudest also said:
– vaccines are safe and effective
– black criminals matter
– something about Trump and pìss hookers
– protesters with no weapons is an an armed insurrection
– Musk is incompetent
– inflation is actually good
– I will eat the bugs and be happy (hint: I won’t )
…and a lot more complete nonsense.
So, it is correct to be skeptical when they again tell you to believe them and not your lying eyes.