ROK Drop Open Thread – December 09, 2022

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Korean Person
Korean Person
2 years ago

Should GI Korea defy logic and decide to turn over the ROK Drop to setnaffa, here are some names that setnaffa might adopt for his blog;

  1. Setnaffa’s Blog
  2. Setnaffa’s Hole
  3. Setnaffa’s Place
  4. Setnaffa’s Musings
  5. The Unvarnished Truth by Setnaffa
  6. The Real News by Setnaffa
  7. Down with Vaccines, Masks, Renewable Energy and Leftists!
  8. Everything is a Great Conspiracy
  9. No This ain’t a K-Blog
  10. Why I Love and Respect Russia and Putin
  11. The Den of the Fantastic Four
2 years ago

GI Korea told me he was going to turn it over to you so you could call it…

A Chinaman’s Delusional Rantings Intended to Deflect Truth and Harm Korea.

But why take responsibility when you can try to harm Korea and outsource your IT to GI Korea.

Besides, managing a blog would take valuable time away from your duties manning the glory hole in the gay bar that primarily targets homeless people in the hood.

2 years ago

Seems like Korean Person should try to find a girlfriend as I’m taken.

2 years ago

South Koreans are about to get a year or two younger, thanks to a new law

I knew of the International age of course, and the Korean age, but I didn’t know of the Calendar age….

“Take “Gangnam Style” singer Psy, for example. Born on December 31, 1977, he is considered 44 by international age; 45 by calendar year age; and 46 by Korean age.”

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 years ago

The South Koreans are getting younger, but the Americans are getting older, due to their worrying over how China is taking over the Middle East oil, with China promising to provide military security for the Gulf states, in return for Petro-Yuan – which will make the US dollar virtually worthless. The US tried to pull the same blackmail stunt on the Saudis as they pulled on South Korea (threaten to withdraw military support) but the Saudis (unlike SK) didn’t fall for it. China and the Gulf States sign a monumental agreement that will make the Yuan backed by the Gulf state oil, which will no doubt make the Yuan the world’s most powerful reserve currency.

Goodbye American economy. Americans now have to really work for that US dollar (just like the Koreans and others who don’t have that luxury of printing money without any limits whenever they feel they need to). This is not going to go well for the US. The Americans can blame nobody else other than their own dumb government.

Last edited 2 years ago by Korean Man
2 years ago


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Korean Man
Korean Man
2 years ago

setnaffa will still be complaining about the commies when he is forced to fork out $5000 US bucks for a Samsung phone after the US dollar devaluates.

2 years ago


2 years ago

The weak part of any Chinese plan to get oil from the other side of the world is…

…how to get oil from the other side of the world.

Tankers are really, really, really vulnerable.

And pipelines are… well… history shows…


America may be spiraling downward, and there is some evidence of that, or this may be global wishful thinking, and there is some evidence of that…

…but be careful what you wish for.

If America winds up going down, they will take the whole world with it… as a better strategy than going down alone while the world chuckles is to take everyone down and hope America is in a better position to recover first and lead whatever system comes next.

Think about that before you wish trauma upon America or corner a dangerous animal.

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 years ago

Chickenhead, it will be the best thing to happen if the US no longer has the sole status as the petro-dollar. That means the world will no longer have to put up with the US exporting its economic mismanagement/inflation/abuses to the rest of the world. We’re sick of the US dollar, letting a single country print an unlimited amount of money, and letting the Americans live off the fruits of other countries. With the number of economic crimes that America has committed, the US should look like the Brazil of today, if it wasn’t for the fact that the US dollar was backed by Gulf State oil for so long. You had your fun in the sun undeservedly, it’s time to end this monopoly. Now, I don’t back the idea that the Chinese Yuan will now be the sole Petro-backed currency. A single country getting the power to abuse its status is not good for the world. The best outcome I think would be a basket of multiple currencies to become petro currencies. That way, no single country is allowed to abuse this benefit for the sole selfish reasons as the US has done in the last several decades.

That means you Americans will have to work for the pay that you get for a change. You can no longer create your assets out of thin air and take assets of other countries that were earned by hard work with dirty tactics that your country is engaged in right now. And all those sanctions against countries also didn’t help your cause, did it?

Last edited 2 years ago by Korean Man
2 years ago

Glad to see the cockroaches feeling brave enough to out themselves.

[T]he number of people killed by the Communist governments amounts to more than 94 million. The statistics of victims include deaths through executions, man-made hunger, famine, war, deportations, and forced labor. The breakdown of the number of deaths is given as follows:

   65 million in the People’s Republic of China

   20 million in the Soviet Union

   2 million in Cambodia

   2 million in North Korea

   1.7 million in Ethiopia

   1.5 million in Afghanistan

   1 million in the Eastern Bloc

   1 million in Vietnam

   150,000 in Latin America

   10,000 deaths “resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power”

From the notorious right-wing website Wikipedia:

2 years ago

I hear you.

The experts say the reason that has not been done alrwady is because the American dollar has been so cleverly entangled in every possible aspect of the global economy that it is not possible to wave a magic wand and make America go away.

So it looks like you have to go back to the battery factory and spot weld standard connector to fit Walmart mobility scooters for 12 hours a day to serve your American masters.

And remember what a very wise man once said, “If America winds up going down, they will take the whole world with it.”

2 years ago

BTW, those numbers were published in 1997 and were rather light as reported by other sources. Except for China (probably 90M, not 65M), they’re under-reported by half, and leave out the roughly 30M-50M in Sub-Saharan Africa killed by communist revolutions and the follow-on reprisals, starvation, and disease.

And they killed about half of my wife’s family.

And that’s just in the 20th Century.

So yes, I hate communism.

2 years ago

But do you hate REAL communism?

2 years ago

I’m not sure, CH… I keep getting told that Lenin and Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, Pol Pot, the Castros, Chavez and Maduro, and even Mugabe in Zimbabwe (among many others) weren’t “real communists.”

But they sure acted the part.

Maybe all those people were too stupid to follow Karl Marx?

2 years ago

I was in a public restroom in the entertainment area at 2am Saturday night / Sunday morning and I realized a few things.

– Real Communism has been tried on a small scale. It just never worked… because it can’t work… for many reasons… primarily because it is a utopian ideal that doesn’t mesh well with reality.

– On a national level, Communism hasn’t ever been tried because that’s not how it works. Communism isn’t “done”… it emerges from socialism… hence the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

– Real Socialism doesn’t work for the same reasons.

Which brings me to the restroom.

It was Real Communism.

Toilet paper was everywhere. The urinals were full of cigarette butts. The sink was stopped up and full of vomit. There was poop on a toilet seat. It stank of all the smells unpleasant to mankind.

Do the people responsible for this keep their home bathrooms in this condition?


But they don’t own this one.


Welcome to economic systems where nobody cares.

2 years ago

Hey setnaffa yeah I’d heard about that, and good on her!
the flight attendant Union is really leftist for some reason, though most actual flight attendants seem to be conservative the ones who run the Union are out there.

2 years ago

It has been a while since I whined around about covid.

Let’s take a look at the latest scam… covid treatment.

Since HCQ and Ivermectin… and their decades of safety data and understood pathways why they might inhibit the covid virus… are actually fishtank cleaner and horsepaste, the pharmaceutical companies have come to our rescue with Paxlovid and Molnupiravir.

Paxlovid, we know for the Paxlovid Rebound. That was the thing that double shot, double boosted Fauci had when he used it to treat his… ehem… covid infection.

Molnupiravir is kinda interesting. If you are interested (as I was) I can explain the biochemistry and how it tricks a replication stage of the virus into misreplicating. This produces mutations and the following virus cannot replicate. Pretty simple and clever.

Except… well… some small percent of the new viruses CAN replicate. We didn’t see that coming. One strain linked to Molnupiravir use has 72 mutations in 2 months… which is more than the 3 years since it came from alpha.

Molnupiravir use may increase the frequency of NeW sTrAiNs coming out.

The most clever part of Molnupiravir is how it differentiates between viral genetics, human cell genetics, and mitochondrial genetics.

The way that works is… it… uh…

How long has this been tested did you say?

As one biochemist said, “This is really frightening. Nobody knows what this may do. This has to be intentional.”

Bonus: It gets spookier… as the molecules created which disrupt the viral reproduction don’t have a known lifespan and may go on to disrupt bacterial reproduction in the gut and then go on to enter the sewage system and actual nature. That theory makes sense on paper. Reality may vary.

Chicken Cheese Ramen
Chicken Cheese Ramen
2 years ago

Inside every Korean Person there is an American trying to claw his way out, to borrow a phrase from a certain Vietnam era movie.

Open thread and all, so I saw this bit of news: retired Navy Seal Chris Beck, who became a tranny and was known as Kristin Beck for the last ten or so years, has renounced said transition and is a dude again. No info on whether his twig and berries were removed, but the entire article and subsequent info on Robby Starbuck’s twitter page is interesting. In a nutshell, Beck says he was placed on hormones by a VA doctor after a single hour-long therapy session. The VA doc encouraged him to transition, sweetening the deal with a proposed book deal and the adulations of the Twitterari and Leftards in media. He puts Anderson Cooper in the crosshairs as deliberately amplifying the transitioning message through subsequent interviews. He became a poster child for “I do what I want! and My Body My Choice” Overall, as you might surmise, our poor SEAL was duped into life altering changes. He is now trying to right the wrong by coming out forcefully against transitioning- especially for kids.

A little late, I’m afraid. We could have used this turn of events by him a couple of years ago to help convince the 50% population of rubes in ‘Merica that, I dunno, maybe this idea of transitioning is both ill-conceived and ill executed and, most likely, not necessary in 99.9% of all cases. We circle the toilet bowl, my friends. End stage Rome. But I hold onto the single hope that we aren’t out yet, and that perhaps there is still some good that can come from us. Half of us, anyway.

And as to Korean Person’s rant stemming from the basest of human emotions: avarice, envy and revenge- whether you’re a tool of uncle mao or a Nork- it’s irrelevant to me. As CH eloquently stated, if we go down, you’ll go harder. I’ve got good odds that even South Korean boy bands drafted into the ROK army can we whipped into shape in a week by an old school ROK army SGM and put on the line- because the reality of living in a dismal shithole like NK vs what SK has to offer isn’t even a debate. And even those soyboys will be fitter and ready to take the fight to the remains of the Nork army. And if you’re a PLA stooge? Meh. Most of your country is beneath the poverty level. Of that demographic, most of them would gladly end each village commissar and commie lackey to have the taste of what America has and still believes in: freedom, motherfucker.

On an unrelated note, the section for writing comments on here has a read ahead insert function (hitting tab) that offers the words you might be typing. it is eerily…accurate.

2 years ago

CH, like you told us earlier, the spike protein factory in the mRNA “vaccines” is the bit that induces clots in a lot of folks. And it not only doesn’t stay at the injection site, it infest the walls of arteries, heart muscles, the liver, the spleen, and nearly every organ. It even crosses the blood/brain barrier.

This has been confirmed via numerous autopsies. As have the unusual fibrous clots that also contain the spike protein and a weird almost plastic material that does not crumble away like ordinary blood clots.

As our newest buddy pointed out, these spike ptotiens are probably going to be in the water and food chain soon.

With any luck, Saint Fauci of the Mask will be in Hell at least an hour before the Grim Reaper collects the rest of us; but it might well be worthwhile to remember Romans 10:13 before that time.

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2 years ago

Setnaffa, I’m always trying to be careful on all this.

There is a LOT of misinformation that is pushed harder than real information.

– The self-assembling 5G graphine nanoparticles is a great thing for everyone to focus on so nobody asks, “Should we really be performing experimental genetic modifications on babies that have an undeniable level of side effects when there is a zero rate of covid death?”

I am skeptical of the “clots” being widespread, as there would be even more widespread symptoms being seen prior to death.

“We removed 20cm rubbery clots from the legs during the autopsy” should have an even larger number of “patient presented with blue legs”.

Sooo… I am not sold on the clots being as widespread as promoted.

– the spike protein appears to leave the injection site, stay around much longer than the promised couple of days, and bind to ACE2 receptors throughout the body and cause harm in some percentage of the vaxxed.

When this happens in the heart, it causes inflamation. There is a great hole in knowledge here… as nobody seems to be publishing on what this means.

Pre-2019 papers indicate that any heart inflamation is bad. If it is bad enough to cause symptoms, it unquestionably means scar tissue replaced heart tissue. Heart function is reduced and the 5 year survival rate is something we are going to notice… we may be noticing now as cardiac deaths are above average in the heart inflamation demographic… but that is due to lockdows, stress, drug use, diet, global warming, racism, anything but the vaccine.

– The spike protein lasting long enough to enter the environment / shedding / etc., is unclear. It may all be misinformation. Nobody seems interested in studying this. It could be because real scientists know it cannot be a thing. It could be because there is no money or glory and only career death in pointing this out. This is likely not something to worry about… but who knows.

Bonus: Korea lifting the mask mandate is going to depend on what percentage of the olds they can sucker into getting the bivalent booster… so when some scold points at you like a body snatcher and yells “maskeuh maskeuh”, you can blame racist science-denying old people who just don’t understand the science, man.

Stay Safe & Effective.

Chicken Cheese Ramen
Chicken Cheese Ramen
2 years ago

Good summary on the vax anomalies. My co-worker recently watched “Died Suddenly,” the documentary made by one of Glenn Beck’s crew. I can tolerate Glenn Beck at best; at worst, his blubbering emotional outbursts and gibbering makes me think he should be backhanded ala pimp hand. He might act a fool, but he’s our fool, trying to do good, attempting to move the ball down the field into the sanity end zone, so I’ll overlook his antics.

Anyway, my co-worker insisted that this documentary is the “troof” as they say, and the jab caused her sudden hand arthritis and these suspect clots in others.
I shrug. I have no medical degree or one in any hard science. I don’t know and I don’t have the time to go down the rabbit hole as to “The Science” behind what is what.

But like you, I am not convinced the jab causes these clots as I think we would see this clotting phenomena spread like wildfire amongst the interwebs, social media journalists, and other randos with a phone, camera and wifi connectivity.

Here is what I wonder:
What side effects have people experienced based upon the type of jab they received and when? Are formulas for Moderna or Pfizer different in 2022 then they were in 2020? Or 2021? Are more people having health issues that received a dosage at a particular time or area? Were vaccine lots contaminated or the formulas tweaked?
We probably will never know unless someone inside one of the companies blows the whistle. And maybe there isn’t any whistle to blow- maybe this is what you get when you have a vaccine rushed to approval.

2 years ago

Clots story not spreading on the interweb due to government & internet companies colluding to prevent the story coming out.

2 years ago

This seems to be the situation on different batches and different effects.

– we know unquestionably that there are different batches of covid vaccines with different effects. There is a website which tracks batches and there is a very clear difference in side effects and deaths.

– these batches were distributed in such a way as their difference might not be noticeable to a local market… making sure bad batches didn’t noticeably over-affect one area by killing/injuring an unusual number of people. But they certainly can be evaluated if you look at the big picture, which the website does. The distribution pattern suggests intentional design. It really appears this is all one big experiment.

– side effects and increased all-cause mortality are not equal throughout the world (depending on your trust level for statistics). This allows everyone to point at a country’s statistics which support their idea. Nothing is ever clear. This is likely by design.

– increased non-covid mortality appears enough in western countries that it cannot be hidden so it is being explained away. In Korea, there doesn’t seem to be much increase for under 65. This suggests possibilities like some countries got better batches or things like obesity and diet play a part in how the vaccine affects people. Who knows. The inability to pin down any facts benefits those wishing to block any conclusions.


– I don’t watch any of the idiot talking heads and I am not interested in fake documentaries. There is likely ZERO information in it I haven’t seen from a primary source… and since it apparently contains some false information that is easily verified, it just seems like another attempt to taint real information with false information.

– I don’t know if I just notice it more or if there is an actual increase in people complaining about all sorts of little health problems. I have a solution for that.

“My uvula hasn’t felt right for a while.”

“OMG, that’s like one of the symptoms of vaccine side effects. Are you vaccinated? Did it start after the vaccine?”

Of course it always started after the vaccine… and who knows if the vaccine had anything to do with it.

It gets them thinking. The pharmaceutical companies have lost a lot of money selling boosters with this tactic.

(or maybe the taxpayers just have to pay to store unused vaccines until they expire and the have to pay again for disposal.)

Who cares. My only goal is to get people to lose interest in all this. At that point, government and corporations will move on. If interest continues, someone will eventually come to me to explain how I need to get vaccinated to buy food.

Chicken Cheese Ramen
Chicken Cheese Ramen
2 years ago

what is the website you are referring to that tracks the various vaccine lots? I’d like to check that out.

Korean Person
Korean Person
2 years ago

I see that setnaffa has created another one which goes by the name of Chicken Cheese Ramen.

2 years ago

The website you are looking for is:

Let’s see if WordPress will let this link fly.

I looked for it on Google with keywords and… nothing. If I didn’t know the name of it, I might not have been able to find it.

You can also get the data directly from github… and one Python program later, you can produce beautiful graphs based on all sorts of variables.

2 years ago

If anybody wants to see a graph of improving awareness over time:

Korean Person
Korean Person
2 years ago

If anybody wants to see a graph of improving awareness over time:

Of course the Setnaffarians with their leader setnaffa having vaccine jealousy will make you want to believe that.

That graph reflects the natural tendency for people to not get vaccinated as the Covid-19 virus becomes more benign and the pandemic goes to the endemic stage.

At this stage, it is obvious interests in vaccines will naturally wane.

It is not necessarily an indication that people realize that vaccines are harmful and not effective, as claimed by the lying and fake news spreading Setnaffarians.

2 years ago

Another way to look at that graph is…

…fewer people want to go through the short-term (or long-term) side effects they had with previous shots just so they can catch covid again… doesn’t seem like a good deal.

A double digit percentage of the vaccinated I know had a few days of side effects that were about as miserable as their experience with covid a few months later.

Seems like a two-for-one special of feeling terrible shouldn’t be something you ask for.

Covid has never posed any risk to the healthy. It has only killed the sick, the fat, and the old (because they are sickness, not old).

Despite this knowledge being public, lots of people flocked to an untested medical experiment with known dangers to protect them from something with no danger.

Lots of people are wiser now. After having covid, due to the failed experiment, they are less afraid… and in their lizard brain, they recognize the experiment hasn’t changed and neither has the danger.

2 years ago

Chinese economy beginning to feel the pressure:

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