Will the Democratic Party Attempt to Impeach President Yoon Next Year?

Via ROK Drop reader Korean Man comes this interesting article from Modern Diplomacy assessing that the impeachment of President Yoon next year is a possibility:

It is problematic to poke any other faults since Yoon has been running the country for a little over six months and has not had time to make any consequential decisions that could supply political ammunition against him. Blaming Yoon for the economic storm is risky as this could lead to questions about who had sowed the wind in the first place.

Technically, however, there is little to stop the Democrats from initiating the impeachment proceedings that could be announced if voted for by 200 out of 300 Members of Parliament and subsequently endorsed by the Constitutional Court. The Democrats already have 169 votes that could be beefed up to 200 by enlisting allies from other left-wing parties and Yoon’s enemies among the Conservatives like Lee Jun-seok’s faction. They have enough of their appointees in the Constitutional Court, and, as the Candlelight Vigil showed, public protests can be as effective as backdoor influence in terms of putting pressure on a public institution.

Lurking as yet another potential factor in the fray are the United States that may choose to assist in toppling President Yoon to replace him with a classic right-winger, given that the Democrats are as pro-American as the Conservatives anyway. If the United States are gearing up for a global confrontation, Washington would be better off with an amenable rather than pragmatic head of South Korean state.

Modern Diplomacy

You can read much more at the link, but it is very clear that the Democrat Party is trying to use the Itaewon crushing tragedy to attack the President with like they did the Sewol tragedy with former impeached President Park. However, they are not getting as much traction on Yoon as they hoped because his poll numbers continue to slowly rise after the tragedy. Also I am not sensing any unhappiness with President Yoon from the United States either so I don’t see any pressure on Yoon coming from that direction. As it is right now I don’t think impeachment will happen, but it is clearly the strategy I have been saying for weeks that the Democratic Party is trying to execute against President Yoon since the Itaewon crushing incident happened.

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2 years ago

You mean will the communist stage a coup against Pres. Yoon….

2 years ago

And they’ll time it to coincide with aggressive moves from Norkistan and Beijing.

2 years ago

It seems from that some ROK Droppers think that the DPK will go all in to impeach Yoon.

It’s not that simple.

Getting the National Assembly to vote to impeach is no problem, since the DPK has the votes.

The problem is making it stick in the Constitution Court.

The Constitution Court judges don’t just rubber stamp the impeachment votes, but will go through it with a legal comb. Meaning if there is no legal basis to impeach then they will throw it out, just like they did with Roh Moohyun’s impeachment.

If that happens then the DPK will look stupid and will most probably lose their parliamentary majority next year, which the DPK does not want to do.

So, if they want to impeach Yoon, it would have to be in the scale of the Choi Soon-sil scandal, not the Itaewon tragedy or the failure to shoot down the NK UAVs.

In that sense, Yoon’s mother-in-law and wife are suspected of being involved in shady deals.

Yoon is also well known for going above and beyond to protect those around him even if means ignoring the law.

If they are smart enough they would keep quiet and lay low during his presidency.

But if they do something and Yoon is tempted to protect them such as suggesting to prosecutors that they look over their illegal acts, then yes we would have an another impeachable event.

There are some who are predicting that something like the above will happen during his term.

Korean Person
Korean Person
2 years ago

Via ROK Drop reader Korean Man

Korean Person not Korean Man.

Two different persons you know.

2 years ago

Shame on you, GI.

You assumed its gender.

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