Tweet of the Day: Keep the Inter-Korean Military Agreement

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2 years ago

Weak sauce. An agreement kept by one side only is like the Munich Agreenent of 1938. It results in the death and slavery of innocents.

2 years ago

Let me get this straight.

Blah blah blah right of self defense.

However when some nutjob drunk who got arrested and released 3 days in a row for attacking pedestrians decided to randomly attack me, I just shielded my head and backed up for 5 minutes until the cops arrived and wrestled him to the ground…

…because I would somehow be the bad guy if I properly defended myself.

Bonus: It seems this was the final straw. They kept him locked up until he went to jail.

Double Bonus: There was an unknown gap in the video coverage as I was backing up… and this is where the perp said I fought back (or did he?) The dirty pigs took this “seriously” and wanted to screw me on this. Fortunately someone took a video of the entire thing and when I showed it to the pigs, suddenly they were sweet as pie and wanted to forget the whole thing as quickly as possible.

Lesson: If you ever have any dealings with police, IMMEDIATELY start recording.

“Why are you recording?”

“If this situation goes to court, I will need to present a record of what happened.”

You will never see cops with such good manner, fair treatment, and an honest evaluation of the situation.

If I wasn’t a busy guy, I could have made a million won a day lying in a hospital bed…

…but I haven’t quite gone full native.

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