Setnaffa must be entering a new vaccine jealously cycle.
A couple of days of anti-vaccine rants and whining and fake news, then he will go quiet before starting ranting about leftists 😀
2 years ago
That government mandated “vaccine” gave me a month of inflammation, compromised immune system, and provided no discernable benefits as I caught covid soon after anyways. It also caused minor nerve damage that I still have over a year after the vaccine.
Many people had it far worse than me. Of course people are upset. It also doesn’t help that there was extensive lying if not outright gaslighting by the authorities.
I survived “mild” myocarditis. There’s nothing mild about it contrary to what the government says. I was reduced to bed rest for over 8 months giving me plenty of time to think about the real possibility of being one of those “died suddenly.” I may have recovered, but there’s the distinct possibility of long term damage that could result in a shortened life expectancy.
The vaccine was neither safe nor effective. It created real damage and distress that is starting to be officially acknowledged, but I’m sure this will just be written off as a rant by the usual parties.
Narrarator: “While the lower IQ segment of society had no idea what was going on and belived the constantly evolving narrative based on a continious stream of everchanging shameless lies, those that had been paying attention for 2 years knew established science said the vaccine could not work and might even be dangerous. They also knew there was no such thing as a vaccine developed this quickly, even with established vaccine technology, let alone experimental technology that did not have a good record in testing.
They also suspected the chinabots would keep pushing toxins off on Americans.
But those with the highest IQ agreed with the chinabots and hoped anybody still wanting a vaccine would take two with two more for their kids.”
2 years ago
CH, I don’t want the low-IQ workers and their offspring killed off. I need them feeding the SS/Medicare Ponzi Scheme for me…
2 years ago
Setnaffa, we are less than 20 years away from that being mostly irrelevant.
AI is increasingly making good decision and automaton is increasingly doing low-IQ work.
We don’t need a world full of useless people “emitting carbon”.
More realistically, we don’t need a world full of useless people consuming oil, producing plastic waste, consuming the shrinking fish populations, destroying habitat, etc.
The vaccine must be ineffective. The science has been clear on this since the 1950s. Yet it was still promoted… even mandated. This was done due to greed or something more devious.
If the vaccine is deadly in a 20 year time-frame, and there is both science and statistics indicating that it is, you will have a better lifestyle without all the useless people.
The vaccine is an IQ test with two questions:
– Am I smart enough to question participation in a medical experiment designed to fail?
– If I was a subject in a medical experiment I watched fail in realtime, am I smart enough to recognize there is a problem and look for strategies to manage it?
For both questions, it looks like the failure rate is about 80%.
That is a good population reduction. Even low-vaccine Africa will get culled once the perpetual western aid dries up.
So relax.
You don’t need social security where we are going… a world with fewer people where everything is amazingly cheap due to no labor required.
As for the vaxxed, they don’t even really seem to recognize the vaccine might be unsafe and certainly is ineffective.
So we just torment them because they deserve it for trying to push their ignorance, stupidity, pride, and programming off onto us.
You cannot reason with people like this. You can only punnish them for their choices so they don’t make them again.
“Put the unvaccinated into camps” and “dont let them work and buy food” is what i heard.
I’m not going to just let that go…
…or it will be back.
2 years ago
I hear you and agree with quite a bit, CH. I even saw a lot of the logic behing the dystopian book Brave New World.
I an just “of an age” where I want to be able to retire gracefully and not need to dodge vax-zombies or their corpses on my way to work, the grocery store, or church.
Frankly, neither Vincent Price, Charlton Heston, nor Will Smith convinced me I want to be the last of the living.
That not being a big threat, I do still feel sorry for people too stupid to avoid digging a hole, pouring gasoline on themselves, and lighting up a blunt.
So I want them working and paying for me. Long story—probably 2 pitchers at least—that I may share if there’s ever an offline opportunity.
Last edited 2 years ago by setnaffa
2 years ago
For your weekend amusement:
2 years ago
For my weekend amusement:
2 years ago
I feel if I lived in many parts of America, I would need an emotional support squad automatic weapon.
There are now simply too many videos discussing (the way too many) vaccine problems. I, for one, consume my fair share … to the point I’m tiring of the same points being made … just in different formats.
This link, however, discusses a few new angles I hadn’t heard before:
Operation Warp Speed was run by the DoD, not HHS or any of the other so-called “health” agencies.
A 4-star general ran OWS. Know who that was? Ever heard of him? Wonder why you’ve never heard of him?
Ever see him at the daily COVID briefing? Nope. That briefing was run by people who had no idea what was going on.
His “mission” was to destroy the enemy at all costs.
At least 400 OTA type contracts. Yeah, look that one up.
And because we were under a Public Health Emergency, he had the latitude to use every DoD capability at his disposal — including psyops to accomplish the mission: Deceive, deny, and delay. And that’s why nothing made sense (to those of us who were awake).
That’s why we were blatantly deceived about everything COVID: masking, lockdowns, testing, infection / hospitalization / mortality rates, vaccine information, safety studies, clinical trials, etc. The PHE justified all the deception; all done on purpose.
“His “mission” was to destroy the enemy at all costs.”
You guys definitely live in a world of your own. They do have therapy and medication for this.
So, you’re saying that Trump lied to and deceived the American people?
2 years ago
“His “mission” was to destroy the enemy at all costs.”
Not sure what that means… but, based on governmental behavior, it would seem to be the American people… unless you are a stinking hippie or a violent black.
“You guys definitely live in a world of your own. They do have therapy and medication for this.”
There is! If you want to keep from having the same problems all these tinfoil hat nutjobs have, make sure to take the latest Safe&Effective.
“So, you’re saying that Trump lied to and deceived the American people?”
– He knew the vaccine was bad news but ignored it due to long-term political considerations.
– He is a man of real estate and beauty pageants but relied upon the “experts” when the topic turned to vaccines.
– He knows the vaccines are dangerous but, since his enemies are the ones who can’t get enough, he promoted it… so they would get more.
I would like to believe the last one but it could be one of the other two or something else.
What do you think?
Korean Man
2 years ago
Unlike some country (which I won’t mention the name) which demands and bully South Korea to invest hundreds of billions into their country, or else face consequences, the UAE pledges to invest $30 billion into South Korea.
Well, it’s not really so different from what the CCP hillbillies offer… for the leaders or the followers…
Or did you naively think Islamic nations are benevolent Christians looking to store up treasure in Heaven?
Read up again on Mohammed’s cult. That Mosque and Halal street in Itaewon were just the opening salvos in a war started by an Arab in the 7th Century.
South Korea is still in Dar al Harb, not Dar al Islam. But for how long? The Covid nonsense showed the world most people are ready to be slaves.
2 years ago
Korea Man, you crafty little chinaman.
Of course you know the poison you are pushing, but let’s explain it to everyone else.
If you have two choices, which one would you take?
– You take thirty thousand dollars and buy a taxi. Then you pay a Arab a thousand dollars a month to drive it. You keep all the money it makes.
– You get paid a thousand dollars a month to drive some Arab’s taxi.
Korea has lots of money.
There is nothing Arab money “invested” in Korea can offer.
2 years ago
Now the Chinabot is advocating sharia?
Nothing there about KM advocating sharia. KM simply shared with us a news story about the UAE pledging to invest about USD 30 billion into the ROK.
So if anyone is advocating sharia, it’s Yoon and his advisers, not KM, since this was probably pulled off by Yoon to score political points and increase his approval ratings here at home.
The so called pledges are MOUs, which are fancy signed pieces of paper with no legal effect. Meaning the UAE can choose to forget about the investment pledges or make up an excuse to not go ahead with the investments, in which case there is nothing the ROK can do about it.
2 years ago
While we are on the subject of MOUs.
MOUs are the favored method of Korean politicians for scoring points.
Since they have no legal effect, the other side has no qualms about signing it, and Korean politicians will then tout the signed MOUs claiming that they brought in a new investment or business that will create new jobs, etc.
When Lee Myung Bak was Seoul Mayor, he signed a MOU with the Walt Disney Company for building a Disneyland on the site of Seoul Land in Gwacheon.
The Seoul City Hall made a big deal of it, it was all over the newspapers and some people believed that there will come a day when they didn’t have to go all the way to Tokyo to visit a Disneyland theme park.
It’s been more than twenty years since that MOU, and obviously no Seoul Disneyland.
2 years ago
A quick question for all you doctors, pilots, and wives of pilots with medical training:
For those of you paying attention, the FAA expanded the acceptable range of an EGK measurement for pilots.
The PR interval is accepted to be normal between 120-200ms.
“If the PR interval is > 200 ms, first degree heart block is said to be present.”
FAA guidelines:
“Normal Variants (Updated 10/26/2022)
The following common ECG findings are considered normal variants and are not cause
for deferment unless the airman is symptomatic or there are other concerns. Airmen who have these findings may be certified, if otherwise qualified:
• First-degree AV (atrioventricular) block with PR interval less than 300 ms (0.30 sec).”
There is a list of other “normal variants”.
As you can imagine, the anti-vax crowd is going crazy over this. When there is anecdotal evidence of vaccine-induced heart problem, a strong denial from groups that have pushed an ever-changing narrative of lies, incuriosity into researching the situation, emotional canceling of those who speak out, all sorts of statistical shenanigans, and changing data collection and reporting methods to make comparisons impossible, it is understandable that changing something from unacceptable to normal right at this time might be viewed as shady.
So is this a problem?
Twenty minutes on the web gave mixed answers.
Before I become an expert on cardiac function and FAA regulation history, anybody have an answer?
2 years ago
In 1980, a pilot in my Bomb Squadron was medically discharged for a heart murmur. Not an actual problem, as I understood it at the time, just a known irregularity that suddenly became unacceptable.
The FAA requires any pilot with a history of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias to complete a cardiac evaluation before a certification (waiver) decision is considered. Favorable certification decisions result when the arrhythmia is well controlled or eliminated and no evidence of other heart disease exists.
However, the Strategic Air Command decided there would be no “defects”, tested or otherwise.
I mistrust government agencies for a variety of personalvand historical reasons—and all the more when Democrats run the White House and Senate.
The clot shot has already done so much to destroy America that Beijing must think Biden, Fauci, et alii, were worth all they had to pay.
Last edited 2 years ago by setnaffa
2 years ago
CH, it has been a long while since I’ve read a telemetry strip, and I was never an ICU or CCU nurse so my background in heart conditions is pretty sparse.
I know some mild dysrhythmias have been acceptable with the FAA if there are no other symptoms. For example, about 35 or so percent of endurance athletes have mild incomplete right bundle branch block (RBBB). It’s never fun to hear the word “block” when you get your ECG results, but if it has no clinical significance it is considered normal.
I don’t know about the new standard for first degree AV block. I’m assuming they require an echocardiogram the first time that’s diagnosed. But I don’t know.
As you know, my spouse is currently out on disability for SVT. He has been on beta blockers for over a month and hasn’t had an episode in almost 3 weeks. Knock on wood, it might be resolving itself. Sometimes it does. Also, the cardiologist told us that since covid hit (also the vax, haven’t seen any distinction made there) a lot of people get SVT and it resolves itself about a year in.
I noted a few months ago to the (now disgraced) Joe Silverman (navy pilot turned pediatrician) on twitter that an alarming number of airline pilots were filing for disability over new cardiac arrhythmias in particular. He blocked me for that comment. I knew it to be true, from the person who handles those disability claims. We have a (pilot) friend whose arrhythmia disappeared in 2017 to come back after the vaccine (but also after covid…would be nice to determine if it was one or the other, I suspect it could be both).
Looks like it dates back to 2013.
For 1st degree AV block. “If no evidence of structural, functional or coronary heart disease – Issue Otherwise – Requires FAA Decision”
Unless there is something I’m missing (possible) doesn’t look like a change.
2 years ago
Just to add (sorry, trying to make things look a little less dystopian).
Much has changed with pilot physicals through the years. For example, my father in law had to medically retire (he was a pilot for a major airline at the time) for hypertension. His blood pressure wasn’t even that high, and medication kept it in check. Today he would not have had to retire…probably not in the last 30 years or so, because that changed, and for the better I think. Today if medication keeps blood pressure under control pilots with diagnosed hypertension can fly. Pilots with some vision impairment (if correctable) can also fly. There are even pilots with a history of serious heart issues (prior to covid) who were able to go back on flying status if everything had improved and their tests indicated it was fine. USAF physicals for pilots are far different now (my spouse noted this about 10 years ago) than they used to be. After the first very stringent testing, once the pilot is trained they like to keep them flying if possible. Think this is more about the pilot shortage than anything recent (though I’m certain covid and perhaps vaccines are some part of it).
Okay, ’nuff said.
Back to shoveling snow…
2 years ago
Thanks for the info, Liz.
I couldn’t leave it alone so i looked it all up.
Best I can tell, asymptomatic first degree AV block <300ms was acceptable pre-covid.
It was (is) considered a defect but not a problem.
It is hard to know the truth when everybody lies.
The only real eye-opener here is just how shoddy the specifications are for all the requirements… meaning this information isn't very consistent in its terms or content or layout. This might be because anyone looking it up already knows the details.
Whatever the case, there still appears to be heart issues caused by the vaccine. The few studies that have been done via autopsy show no evidence of heart inflamation due to covid.
I am actually going to check this out soon. A guy who had a couple months of heart problems after the vaccine is giving me his cardiac MRI next week.
The doctor told him there was no scarring but, as I have witnessed the medical system break down and have no shame in lying to keep their jobs, I am going to give a second opinion with my massive skills of reading MRIs… which consists of me comparing his pix to pix of scarring collected from the internet and if I see any similar features, I will send a screenshot to a doctor with no skin in this game that I trust and say, "So, doc, whatcha see here?"
Well then.
Setnaffa must be entering a new vaccine jealously cycle.
A couple of days of anti-vaccine rants and whining and fake news, then he will go quiet before starting ranting about leftists 😀
That government mandated “vaccine” gave me a month of inflammation, compromised immune system, and provided no discernable benefits as I caught covid soon after anyways. It also caused minor nerve damage that I still have over a year after the vaccine.
Many people had it far worse than me. Of course people are upset. It also doesn’t help that there was extensive lying if not outright gaslighting by the authorities.
I survived “mild” myocarditis. There’s nothing mild about it contrary to what the government says. I was reduced to bed rest for over 8 months giving me plenty of time to think about the real possibility of being one of those “died suddenly.” I may have recovered, but there’s the distinct possibility of long term damage that could result in a shortened life expectancy.
The vaccine was neither safe nor effective. It created real damage and distress that is starting to be officially acknowledged, but I’m sure this will just be written off as a rant by the usual parties.
South Korea really hates CCP hillbillies.
Narrarator: “While the lower IQ segment of society had no idea what was going on and belived the constantly evolving narrative based on a continious stream of everchanging shameless lies, those that had been paying attention for 2 years knew established science said the vaccine could not work and might even be dangerous. They also knew there was no such thing as a vaccine developed this quickly, even with established vaccine technology, let alone experimental technology that did not have a good record in testing.
They also suspected the chinabots would keep pushing toxins off on Americans.
But those with the highest IQ agreed with the chinabots and hoped anybody still wanting a vaccine would take two with two more for their kids.”
CH, I don’t want the low-IQ workers and their offspring killed off. I need them feeding the SS/Medicare Ponzi Scheme for me…
Setnaffa, we are less than 20 years away from that being mostly irrelevant.
AI is increasingly making good decision and automaton is increasingly doing low-IQ work.
We don’t need a world full of useless people “emitting carbon”.
More realistically, we don’t need a world full of useless people consuming oil, producing plastic waste, consuming the shrinking fish populations, destroying habitat, etc.
The vaccine must be ineffective. The science has been clear on this since the 1950s. Yet it was still promoted… even mandated. This was done due to greed or something more devious.
If the vaccine is deadly in a 20 year time-frame, and there is both science and statistics indicating that it is, you will have a better lifestyle without all the useless people.
The vaccine is an IQ test with two questions:
– Am I smart enough to question participation in a medical experiment designed to fail?
– If I was a subject in a medical experiment I watched fail in realtime, am I smart enough to recognize there is a problem and look for strategies to manage it?
For both questions, it looks like the failure rate is about 80%.
That is a good population reduction. Even low-vaccine Africa will get culled once the perpetual western aid dries up.
So relax.
You don’t need social security where we are going… a world with fewer people where everything is amazingly cheap due to no labor required.
As for the vaxxed, they don’t even really seem to recognize the vaccine might be unsafe and certainly is ineffective.
So we just torment them because they deserve it for trying to push their ignorance, stupidity, pride, and programming off onto us.
You cannot reason with people like this. You can only punnish them for their choices so they don’t make them again.
“Put the unvaccinated into camps” and “dont let them work and buy food” is what i heard.
I’m not going to just let that go…
…or it will be back.
I hear you and agree with quite a bit, CH. I even saw a lot of the logic behing the dystopian book Brave New World.
I an just “of an age” where I want to be able to retire gracefully and not need to dodge vax-zombies or their corpses on my way to work, the grocery store, or church.
Frankly, neither Vincent Price, Charlton Heston, nor Will Smith convinced me I want to be the last of the living.
That not being a big threat, I do still feel sorry for people too stupid to avoid digging a hole, pouring gasoline on themselves, and lighting up a blunt.
So I want them working and paying for me. Long story—probably 2 pitchers at least—that I may share if there’s ever an offline opportunity.
For your weekend amusement:
For my weekend amusement:
I feel if I lived in many parts of America, I would need an emotional support squad automatic weapon.
There are now simply too many videos discussing (the way too many) vaccine problems. I, for one, consume my fair share … to the point I’m tiring of the same points being made … just in different formats.
This link, however, discusses a few new angles I hadn’t heard before:
Operation Warp Speed was run by the DoD, not HHS or any of the other so-called “health” agencies.
A 4-star general ran OWS. Know who that was? Ever heard of him? Wonder why you’ve never heard of him?
Ever see him at the daily COVID briefing? Nope. That briefing was run by people who had no idea what was going on.
His “mission” was to destroy the enemy at all costs.
At least 400 OTA type contracts. Yeah, look that one up.
And because we were under a Public Health Emergency, he had the latitude to use every DoD capability at his disposal — including psyops to accomplish the mission: Deceive, deny, and delay. And that’s why nothing made sense (to those of us who were awake).
That’s why we were blatantly deceived about everything COVID: masking, lockdowns, testing, infection / hospitalization / mortality rates, vaccine information, safety studies, clinical trials, etc. The PHE justified all the deception; all done on purpose.
The first 20 minutes of this link discusses the vaccine rollout debacle.
“His “mission” was to destroy the enemy at all costs.”
You guys definitely live in a world of your own. They do have therapy and medication for this.
So, you’re saying that Trump lied to and deceived the American people?
“His “mission” was to destroy the enemy at all costs.”
Not sure what that means… but, based on governmental behavior, it would seem to be the American people… unless you are a stinking hippie or a violent black.
“You guys definitely live in a world of your own. They do have therapy and medication for this.”
There is! If you want to keep from having the same problems all these tinfoil hat nutjobs have, make sure to take the latest Safe&Effective.
“So, you’re saying that Trump lied to and deceived the American people?”
– He knew the vaccine was bad news but ignored it due to long-term political considerations.
– He is a man of real estate and beauty pageants but relied upon the “experts” when the topic turned to vaccines.
– He knows the vaccines are dangerous but, since his enemies are the ones who can’t get enough, he promoted it… so they would get more.
I would like to believe the last one but it could be one of the other two or something else.
What do you think?
Unlike some country (which I won’t mention the name) which demands and bully South Korea to invest hundreds of billions into their country, or else face consequences, the UAE pledges to invest $30 billion into South Korea.
Now the Chinabot is advocating sharia?
Well, it’s not really so different from what the CCP hillbillies offer… for the leaders or the followers…
Or did you naively think Islamic nations are benevolent Christians looking to store up treasure in Heaven?
Read up again on Mohammed’s cult. That Mosque and Halal street in Itaewon were just the opening salvos in a war started by an Arab in the 7th Century.
South Korea is still in Dar al Harb, not Dar al Islam. But for how long? The Covid nonsense showed the world most people are ready to be slaves.
Korea Man, you crafty little chinaman.
Of course you know the poison you are pushing, but let’s explain it to everyone else.
If you have two choices, which one would you take?
– You take thirty thousand dollars and buy a taxi. Then you pay a Arab a thousand dollars a month to drive it. You keep all the money it makes.
– You get paid a thousand dollars a month to drive some Arab’s taxi.
Korea has lots of money.
There is nothing Arab money “invested” in Korea can offer.
Nothing there about KM advocating sharia. KM simply shared with us a news story about the UAE pledging to invest about USD 30 billion into the ROK.
So if anyone is advocating sharia, it’s Yoon and his advisers, not KM, since this was probably pulled off by Yoon to score political points and increase his approval ratings here at home.
The so called pledges are MOUs, which are fancy signed pieces of paper with no legal effect. Meaning the UAE can choose to forget about the investment pledges or make up an excuse to not go ahead with the investments, in which case there is nothing the ROK can do about it.
While we are on the subject of MOUs.
MOUs are the favored method of Korean politicians for scoring points.
Since they have no legal effect, the other side has no qualms about signing it, and Korean politicians will then tout the signed MOUs claiming that they brought in a new investment or business that will create new jobs, etc.
When Lee Myung Bak was Seoul Mayor, he signed a MOU with the Walt Disney Company for building a Disneyland on the site of Seoul Land in Gwacheon.
The Seoul City Hall made a big deal of it, it was all over the newspapers and some people believed that there will come a day when they didn’t have to go all the way to Tokyo to visit a Disneyland theme park.
It’s been more than twenty years since that MOU, and obviously no Seoul Disneyland.
A quick question for all you doctors, pilots, and wives of pilots with medical training:
For those of you paying attention, the FAA expanded the acceptable range of an EGK measurement for pilots.
The PR interval is accepted to be normal between 120-200ms.
“If the PR interval is > 200 ms, first degree heart block is said to be present.”
FAA guidelines:
“Normal Variants (Updated 10/26/2022)
The following common ECG findings are considered normal variants and are not cause
for deferment unless the airman is symptomatic or there are other concerns. Airmen who have these findings may be certified, if otherwise qualified:
• First-degree AV (atrioventricular) block with PR interval less than 300 ms (0.30 sec).”
There is a list of other “normal variants”.
As you can imagine, the anti-vax crowd is going crazy over this. When there is anecdotal evidence of vaccine-induced heart problem, a strong denial from groups that have pushed an ever-changing narrative of lies, incuriosity into researching the situation, emotional canceling of those who speak out, all sorts of statistical shenanigans, and changing data collection and reporting methods to make comparisons impossible, it is understandable that changing something from unacceptable to normal right at this time might be viewed as shady.
So is this a problem?
Twenty minutes on the web gave mixed answers.
Before I become an expert on cardiac function and FAA regulation history, anybody have an answer?
In 1980, a pilot in my Bomb Squadron was medically discharged for a heart murmur. Not an actual problem, as I understood it at the time, just a known irregularity that suddenly became unacceptable.
The FAA requires any pilot with a history of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias to complete a cardiac evaluation before a certification (waiver) decision is considered. Favorable certification decisions result when the arrhythmia is well controlled or eliminated and no evidence of other heart disease exists.
However, the Strategic Air Command decided there would be no “defects”, tested or otherwise.
I mistrust government agencies for a variety of personalvand historical reasons—and all the more when Democrats run the White House and Senate.
The clot shot has already done so much to destroy America that Beijing must think Biden, Fauci, et alii, were worth all they had to pay.
CH, it has been a long while since I’ve read a telemetry strip, and I was never an ICU or CCU nurse so my background in heart conditions is pretty sparse.
I know some mild dysrhythmias have been acceptable with the FAA if there are no other symptoms. For example, about 35 or so percent of endurance athletes have mild incomplete right bundle branch block (RBBB). It’s never fun to hear the word “block” when you get your ECG results, but if it has no clinical significance it is considered normal.
I don’t know about the new standard for first degree AV block. I’m assuming they require an echocardiogram the first time that’s diagnosed. But I don’t know.
As you know, my spouse is currently out on disability for SVT. He has been on beta blockers for over a month and hasn’t had an episode in almost 3 weeks. Knock on wood, it might be resolving itself. Sometimes it does. Also, the cardiologist told us that since covid hit (also the vax, haven’t seen any distinction made there) a lot of people get SVT and it resolves itself about a year in.
I noted a few months ago to the (now disgraced) Joe Silverman (navy pilot turned pediatrician) on twitter that an alarming number of airline pilots were filing for disability over new cardiac arrhythmias in particular. He blocked me for that comment. I knew it to be true, from the person who handles those disability claims. We have a (pilot) friend whose arrhythmia disappeared in 2017 to come back after the vaccine (but also after covid…would be nice to determine if it was one or the other, I suspect it could be both).
Just found a very helpful link here:
Looks like it dates back to 2013.
For 1st degree AV block.
“If no evidence of structural, functional or coronary heart disease – Issue
Otherwise – Requires FAA Decision”
Unless there is something I’m missing (possible) doesn’t look like a change.
Just to add (sorry, trying to make things look a little less dystopian).
Much has changed with pilot physicals through the years. For example, my father in law had to medically retire (he was a pilot for a major airline at the time) for hypertension. His blood pressure wasn’t even that high, and medication kept it in check. Today he would not have had to retire…probably not in the last 30 years or so, because that changed, and for the better I think. Today if medication keeps blood pressure under control pilots with diagnosed hypertension can fly. Pilots with some vision impairment (if correctable) can also fly. There are even pilots with a history of serious heart issues (prior to covid) who were able to go back on flying status if everything had improved and their tests indicated it was fine. USAF physicals for pilots are far different now (my spouse noted this about 10 years ago) than they used to be. After the first very stringent testing, once the pilot is trained they like to keep them flying if possible. Think this is more about the pilot shortage than anything recent (though I’m certain covid and perhaps vaccines are some part of it).
Okay, ’nuff said.
Back to shoveling snow…
Thanks for the info, Liz.
I couldn’t leave it alone so i looked it all up.
Best I can tell, asymptomatic first degree AV block <300ms was acceptable pre-covid.
It was (is) considered a defect but not a problem.
It is hard to know the truth when everybody lies.
The only real eye-opener here is just how shoddy the specifications are for all the requirements… meaning this information isn't very consistent in its terms or content or layout. This might be because anyone looking it up already knows the details.
Whatever the case, there still appears to be heart issues caused by the vaccine. The few studies that have been done via autopsy show no evidence of heart inflamation due to covid.
I am actually going to check this out soon. A guy who had a couple months of heart problems after the vaccine is giving me his cardiac MRI next week.
The doctor told him there was no scarring but, as I have witnessed the medical system break down and have no shame in lying to keep their jobs, I am going to give a second opinion with my massive skills of reading MRIs… which consists of me comparing his pix to pix of scarring collected from the internet and if I see any similar features, I will send a screenshot to a doctor with no skin in this game that I trust and say, "So, doc, whatcha see here?"