International Students Unhappy with Tuition Hike at Korean Universities

If you are an international student in South Korea you will once again be paying more for tuition this year:

International students take a photo on graduation day in front of SahmYook University, Seoul in 2020. Newsis

Amid what they say are financial struggles, local universities are relying on international students in their decision to raise international student tuition. 

This year’s hikes for international students are in sharp contrast to tuition for domestic students, which has been frozen for the last 15 years. 

Major universities in Seoul, including Chung-Ang University, Hanyang University, Sogang University, Sungkyunkwan University, the University of Seoul and Yonsei University, will raise tuition for international students by up to five percent this year, according to those in the education circle.

The main reason for the tuition hikes for international students is government restrictions on raising tuition for domestic students, they say. According to Korea’s Higher Education Act, tuition increases cannot be more than 1.5 times the average increase in consumer prices during the three preceding years, meaning that tuition for domestic students can only rise by up to 4.05 percent this year. 

Korea Times

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Kevin Kim
2 years ago

Not raising tuition on Korean students reminds me of rent control in the States. How long can this strategy last?

2 years ago

A lot of Korean universities, especially for international students, have become like American universities…

…extended high school where you get a B0 just for perfect attendance.

At least they are only pushing stuff like International Business Management and not Minor-Attracted African Genderqueer in Digital Media Studies.

Hopefully, it stays that way.

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