South Korea to Soon Make Decision on Indoor Mask Mandate
|It is looking more likely that the indoor mask mandate will soon be repealed, however I don’t expect Koreans will be taking off their masks anytime soon:
The government will decide when to lift the indoor mask mandate this week, as the country is past the peak of the latest winter COVID-19 wave, Interior Minister Lee Sang-min said Wednesday.
“With this winter’s COVID-19 wave past its peak, the overall virus situation is stabilizing,” Lee said during a government virus response meeting.
Taking the virus situation and other external factors into account, the government will determine when and to what extent the indoor mask mandate would be adjusted during the next virus response meeting scheduled for Friday, the minister noted.
You can read more at the link.
“Mommy, why are they all wearing mask way back in the 2020s? Even alone in their selfies?”
“Well, baby, they were idiots.”
“Did they get smarter?”
“No, baby, they got culled.”
Masks are worthless and the vaccine is deadly, get over the scamdemic.