“The United States’ transfer of its munitions stockpiles in South Korea to Ukraine will not affect the readiness posture of the US Forces Korea, the US Department of Defense said Thursday.”
DoD genderless spokesindividual, Destiny Logjammer, said, “Having much less ammo is actually good for battle because it means your soldiers travel lighter or have extra capacity to carry education material which can help fight bigotry on the battlefield.”
Xi continued, as xi adjusted xir rainbow beret, “This will not affect our rediness posture as, even without ammo, we will exclaim ‘ready to fight tonight’ just as loudly as we did before. Only haters would question our readiness… posture.”
What happened to all that ammo bought from South Korea?
2 years ago
San Diego native Royce Williams was a real-life “Top Gun” during the Korean War.
Williams had shot down four Soviet fighter jets in November 1952, becoming a legend that would go unrecognized for more than 50 years.
After the aerial battle was finished, and rejoined by his wingman, they made their way back to the carrier. After landing the heavily damaged aircraft, Navy crew members counted 263 holes in it. It was so heavily damaged that there was no chance of salvaging it, and they had pushed it into the sea.
As we start counting down to Biden being evicted from the presidency, here is something interesting.
Of course the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop have been well-known since before the election but are only now getting press.
…which makes one wonder why the pro-Trump crowd who had copies has not simply dumped it all.
Something deeper is going on and it is unclear what that is.
Anyway, after reading a Hunter Biden memo outlining strategy for the Ukranian energy industry, I have reached two interesting conclusions.
– “He was getting paid so much despite having no experience with energy.” Maybe that is true, but his memo was intelligent and strategic and quite agreeable. He knew what he was talking about. He had a clear plan to act on it.
– He knew what he was talking about because his real job was to take in-depth knowledge from classified information given his vice president father and make good policy for his employer and for his own gain… seemingly with 10% back to the Big Guy.
If this gets traction… and it looks like it might… this will be the end of Uncle Joe.
Watch for it.
2 years ago
For those of you keeping up with Safe & Effective, here is what Bill Gates just said about the vaccine.
For those of you not intetested in listening to 22 second of Bill Gates telling the truth, here are the key points:
– the covid vaccine is not effective
– it is not broad, so it doesn’t protect against new variants
– it has a very short duration (especially in old people)
Now that Bill Gates has changed his opinion to match what I have been saying for two years, are you ready to entertain the idea that the vax was a failed medical experiment?
…and you were the test subject.
His last point was:
– all of these problems are fixable
Since I have a better track record of understanding vaccines than Bill Gates, media, politicians, doctors, scientists, pharmaceutical companies, and your mom, let me speak with some authority on what this means.
We are nowhere close to understanding the complexities of the immune system, including some of the fundemental concepts necessary to fix problems specific with mRNA.
We can research this, of course… and those problems might actually be fixable.
But consider for a moment the first round of research has been shamelessly done…
…on YOU…
…and everyone involved KNEW it couldn’t work before it started.
Think hard about what that means and how you feel about it.
The next round(s) of research will also need to be done on you…
…if you allow it.
They are now probing to see what they can get by with… promoting yearly, bi-yearly, and every three month boosters, to see what segments of society will grasp at what schedules.
But based on the low bivalent booster uptake (which has completely failed, as expected), it appears it will be hard to recruit voluntarily test subjects for further research.
People are starting to realize they were tricked by media, social media, politicians, glam scientists, and pharmaceutical companies…
…though it is unclear how these untrustworthy institutions gained their trust on this issue… especially in an environment of censorship and constantly changing narratives.
So if nobody wants to volunteer for another round of testing, how do they come up with test subjects?
They trick you again.
Some ideas:
– include test vaccines in vaccines you actually want (flu)
– introduce a DeAdLy StRaIn that scares you into trying again because this time it is for real and this vaccine really works and blah blah blah
– vaccine passports so those “up to date” can leave the house
– nice job you have there… would be a shame if you lost it because you are an anti-science racist who doesn’t know Safer & Effectiver when you see it
So you have a choice:
– wait in anticipation so you can willingly comply with what is inevitably coming (if you have been paying attention to what the WEF, New Zealand, Bill Gates, et. al., is openly saying)
– do nothing now and be forced to comply later, lab rat
– get angry and get loud… spread information, spread memes, talk about it to everyone all the time so their plans are delayed for a generation
They are smart and tricky… and the next round of testing will have a lot of people saying, “Yeah, but this time is different, if you understand the science, man.”
But it won’t be different… just marketed differently… probably with an algorythm that knows exactly what will get a favorable response from you.
Make a choice on how this plays out or it will be made for you…
…by people, corporations, and organizations that do NOT have your best interests in mind.
2 years ago
As goes the testing on various subjects, my medicos have me firmly planted in the control group.
For better or worse, I’m only allowed injections they provide, i.e., none.
2 years ago
The natural question to ask right now in the face of millions of chicken deaths: don’t we have the influenza vaccine for avian flu?
And…”strangely”? Birds from organic and free range farming seem less effected. In some places, free range chicken eggs are now cheaper than the industrial laid ones.
It appears (the USDA admits) they refrain from inoculating chickens because it seems to increase the risk of infection rather than decrease it.
Acknowledging this reality, the USDA said, “During this outbreak, USDA has preserved open markets to countries that account for approximately 84 percent of the value of U.S. poultry and poultry products (including eggs) in 2014. However, some significant trading partners have indicated that, if we began vaccinating, they would ban all U.S. exports of poultry and eggs until they could complete a risk assessment.”
The vaccine is so good our trading partners will ban the poultry.
Don’t they care about healthy chickens?!?
Last edited 2 years ago by Liz
2 years ago
Stories now emerging of modified chicken feed that reduces or eliminates egg production in chicken. Some chicken farmers have turned to goat feed and see egg production return to normal.
“The United States’ transfer of its munitions stockpiles in South Korea to Ukraine will not affect the readiness posture of the US Forces Korea, the US Department of Defense said Thursday.”
DoD genderless spokesindividual, Destiny Logjammer, said, “Having much less ammo is actually good for battle because it means your soldiers travel lighter or have extra capacity to carry education material which can help fight bigotry on the battlefield.”
Xi continued, as xi adjusted xir rainbow beret, “This will not affect our rediness posture as, even without ammo, we will exclaim ‘ready to fight tonight’ just as loudly as we did before. Only haters would question our readiness… posture.”
Jabbed and unjabbed living together? Why not?
What happened to all that ammo bought from South Korea?
San Diego native Royce Williams was a real-life “Top Gun” during the Korean War.
Williams had shot down four Soviet fighter jets in November 1952, becoming a legend that would go unrecognized for more than 50 years.
After the aerial battle was finished, and rejoined by his wingman, they made their way back to the carrier. After landing the heavily damaged aircraft, Navy crew members counted 263 holes in it. It was so heavily damaged that there was no chance of salvaging it, and they had pushed it into the sea.
Another version with better photos:
They live among us.
Not every admiral is as shiny as they think they are.
Zero reproductive rights in China?
Not really a surprise.
Unexpectedly! https://www.thedrive.com/news/major-insurance-companies-are-refusing-to-cover-hyundai-and-kias-because-theyre-stolen-too-much
As we start counting down to Biden being evicted from the presidency, here is something interesting.
Of course the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop have been well-known since before the election but are only now getting press.
…which makes one wonder why the pro-Trump crowd who had copies has not simply dumped it all.
Something deeper is going on and it is unclear what that is.
Anyway, after reading a Hunter Biden memo outlining strategy for the Ukranian energy industry, I have reached two interesting conclusions.
– “He was getting paid so much despite having no experience with energy.” Maybe that is true, but his memo was intelligent and strategic and quite agreeable. He knew what he was talking about. He had a clear plan to act on it.
– He knew what he was talking about because his real job was to take in-depth knowledge from classified information given his vice president father and make good policy for his employer and for his own gain… seemingly with 10% back to the Big Guy.
If this gets traction… and it looks like it might… this will be the end of Uncle Joe.
Watch for it.
For those of you keeping up with Safe & Effective, here is what Bill Gates just said about the vaccine.
For those of you not intetested in listening to 22 second of Bill Gates telling the truth, here are the key points:
– the covid vaccine is not effective
– it is not broad, so it doesn’t protect against new variants
– it has a very short duration (especially in old people)
Now that Bill Gates has changed his opinion to match what I have been saying for two years, are you ready to entertain the idea that the vax was a failed medical experiment?
…and you were the test subject.
His last point was:
– all of these problems are fixable
Since I have a better track record of understanding vaccines than Bill Gates, media, politicians, doctors, scientists, pharmaceutical companies, and your mom, let me speak with some authority on what this means.
We are nowhere close to understanding the complexities of the immune system, including some of the fundemental concepts necessary to fix problems specific with mRNA.
We can research this, of course… and those problems might actually be fixable.
But consider for a moment the first round of research has been shamelessly done…
…on YOU…
…and everyone involved KNEW it couldn’t work before it started.
Think hard about what that means and how you feel about it.
The next round(s) of research will also need to be done on you…
…if you allow it.
They are now probing to see what they can get by with… promoting yearly, bi-yearly, and every three month boosters, to see what segments of society will grasp at what schedules.
But based on the low bivalent booster uptake (which has completely failed, as expected), it appears it will be hard to recruit voluntarily test subjects for further research.
People are starting to realize they were tricked by media, social media, politicians, glam scientists, and pharmaceutical companies…
…though it is unclear how these untrustworthy institutions gained their trust on this issue… especially in an environment of censorship and constantly changing narratives.
So if nobody wants to volunteer for another round of testing, how do they come up with test subjects?
They trick you again.
Some ideas:
– include test vaccines in vaccines you actually want (flu)
– introduce a DeAdLy StRaIn that scares you into trying again because this time it is for real and this vaccine really works and blah blah blah
– vaccine passports so those “up to date” can leave the house
– nice job you have there… would be a shame if you lost it because you are an anti-science racist who doesn’t know Safer & Effectiver when you see it
So you have a choice:
– wait in anticipation so you can willingly comply with what is inevitably coming (if you have been paying attention to what the WEF, New Zealand, Bill Gates, et. al., is openly saying)
– do nothing now and be forced to comply later, lab rat
– get angry and get loud… spread information, spread memes, talk about it to everyone all the time so their plans are delayed for a generation
They are smart and tricky… and the next round of testing will have a lot of people saying, “Yeah, but this time is different, if you understand the science, man.”
But it won’t be different… just marketed differently… probably with an algorythm that knows exactly what will get a favorable response from you.
Make a choice on how this plays out or it will be made for you…
…by people, corporations, and organizations that do NOT have your best interests in mind.
As goes the testing on various subjects, my medicos have me firmly planted in the control group.
For better or worse, I’m only allowed injections they provide, i.e., none.
The natural question to ask right now in the face of millions of chicken deaths: don’t we have the influenza vaccine for avian flu?
And…”strangely”? Birds from organic and free range farming seem less effected. In some places, free range chicken eggs are now cheaper than the industrial laid ones.
It appears (the USDA admits) they refrain from inoculating chickens because it seems to increase the risk of infection rather than decrease it.
Acknowledging this reality, the USDA said, “During this outbreak, USDA has preserved open markets to countries that account for approximately 84 percent of the value of U.S. poultry and poultry products (including eggs) in 2014. However, some significant trading partners have indicated that, if we began vaccinating, they would ban all U.S. exports of poultry and eggs until they could complete a risk assessment.”
The vaccine is so good our trading partners will ban the poultry.
Don’t they care about healthy chickens?!?
Stories now emerging of modified chicken feed that reduces or eliminates egg production in chicken. Some chicken farmers have turned to goat feed and see egg production return to normal.