Picture of the Day: Korean Parents Receive Monthly Government Stipend to Boost Birthrate

Monthly 'parental pay' granted for 1st time
Monthly ‘parental pay’ granted for 1st time
A notice on the payment of monthly benefits to parents with infants aged 0-1 is posted on a community service center in Seoul on Jan. 25, 2023. The government introduced the “parental pay” to support such parents and encourage child births amid the country’s low birthrate. Parents with children aged 0 and 1 receive 700,000 won (US$568.18) and 300,000 won per month, respectively. The pay will increase to 1 million won and 500,000 won next year, respectively. (Yonhap)
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2 years ago

WTF is wrong with Korea?

– Korea needs fewer, not more people.

– This type of program encourages the poor, uneducated, short-term thinkers, and other undesirables, to have babies. Korea needs even fewer of these as the global tech situation RAPIDLY moves toward robots and AI replacing warm bodies.

A useful program would be to offer 500/month for a year to get permanently sterilized. That would be a good program in America, too.

Clearly, I am going to need to have a talk with the Ministry of That’s the Next Generation’s Problem.

2 years ago

They have no new ideas and are just trying to copy Xi copying Mao.

2 years ago

My wife and I were talking about this-back after the Korean War, people were living on the edge of starvation, and just barely ekeing out a living, and still people had loads of kids. Now, in a prosperous, modern country, no one wants to have a baby.Go figure.

2 years ago

16 years later …

“I just wanted the money … I never loved you.”

An entire “백만원” generation. Talk about unintended consequences.

2 years ago

Don, in the past, you needed lots of kids to work the farm and take care of you in old age.

Now, unless you dress them in rags and put them down by the train station with a can, they serve no financial purpose.

Kids are now a vanity project.

…unless you are on welfare or an illegal alien.

In that case, they make a lot of financial sense.

Korean Person
Korean Person
2 years ago

I see that the Setnaffarians don’t want the Korean race to procreate and want to see the end of the Korean race.

More proof that the Setnaffarians, having failed to overthrow the legitimately elected government of Joe Biden, now want to redeem themselves by destroying Korea on behalf of their Russian and Chinese masters.

2 years ago

Don’t worry, Korean Person, it isn’t just Koreans.

Whites, Asians, blacks, Latins, and assorted tribesmen all need to reduce their populations…

…and maybe even go extinct.

Korea will be just fine with 25 million of the smartest citizens and a functional medium-sized mammal habitat and population.

At least you are doing your part… population reduction through homosexuality.

Good job.

2 years ago

While in Korea, as a wild youth of 30-something, I did my best to “procreate” with as many Korean women as possible. Korean Person’s Mom promised she’d raise him right; but now I see she was just leading me on…

…is how it seems we got our chinabots…

Last edited 2 years ago by setnaffa
Korean Person
Korean Person
2 years ago

After having fathered an unwanted child in Korea, I got on the next plane out to avoid responsibility and paying child support. It was during this time of flux, that I met a Russian goddess who seduced and convinced me to join the Soviet cause. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, I was lost until Putin became Russian President and later installed his super agent Trump into the US Presidency. I then found my calling, specifically the establishment of a cult to spread fake news and conspiracies in order to keep his opponents off guard and him in power. It didn’t work out so now we have turned our attention to Korea.

setnaffa’s life story in a nutshell 😀

2 years ago

Some folks really seem to have Daddy issues… Pretty sad…

I can truthfully attest that there are no little setnaffas out there. No matter how much KP wants to find a real man knocked up his mum, it was not me. And I never had any interest in Russians, unlike pretty much every leftist I’ve met.

I’m sorry our chinabot doesn’t know who his father is; but I’m guessing the dude’s still driving a lorry in Sokcho.

Korean Person
Korean Person
2 years ago

Ah setnaffa

You are reacting to what I said.

Which means what I said is indeed true.

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