Iwakuni Marine Caught Stealing and Crashing Car

I just don’t understand how idiots like this guy think they are going to get away with doing dumb things like this:

This screenshot from an All Nippon News report shows security camera footage from a car dealer in Iwakuni, Japan, Dec. 3, 2022. (ANN)

A U.S. Marine has met with and apologized to the owner of a vehicle that was stolen and then crashed last month outside this base near Hiroshima, according to a local media report. 

The Marine, who has not been identified by local authorities or the Marine Corps, spent nearly two hours with the victim on Thursday, the local Chugoku newspaper reported the next day. In addition to apologizing, he promised to pay for any damages, the report said.

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2 years ago

I just don’t understand how idiots like this guy think they are going to get away with doing dumb things like this:

Ran out of crayons to eat? /jk

Seriously tho… I expect our Marines to exercise discipline. And this “jolly joker” ought to be sent back Stateside to finish his last 2 weeks in USMC waxing floors and scraping it up so he can repeat the process. And his Platoon Sergeant should have to explain why he should be allowed to keep his job, too.

It’s one thing to get drunk and get in a fight. It’s something else to steal and wreck someone else’s property when you’re supposed to be protecting it.

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