FDA declares lead as safe and effective. Get your dose today!
2 years ago
Mcgeehee, I do declare that some folks ’round these here parts got no sense of humor…
…but I’m glad you do…
2 years ago
Title: Wonsan, Korth Korea
Description: View of the city of Wonsan after over a year’s bombardment by United Nations’ forces, as seen from a USS Valley Forge (CV-45), aircraft on 16 February 1952. Note extensive damage, including craters from bombs and shells. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.
Catalog #: 80-G-439287
War is never something to be sought after. Innocent people’s lives are shattered or destroyed. Think of the people of Wonsan. They were on the wrong side of bombs and shells, regardless of whether they supported the Pyongyang started, Moscow-approved, and Beijing-supported Korean War.
I’ve met people who escaped from Wonsan to South Korea; but they were, for the most part, sole survivors of their families—many of whom were well-off before June 25, 1950. The only ones, of those I met, still living are now quite old and living in the Eastern USA.
Setnaffa, traditionally, women don’t often confide in me about the details of their menstral cycle.
Don’t get me wrong. It is certainly a fascinating topic that ranks up there with the stitching differences on bags, the nuances of different shades of red lipstick, and shoes.
However, a couple weeks ago, when the topic of vaccines came up, a woman said she had 3 months of irregular periods after the vaccine but was afraid to say anything because she would get labled an anti-vaxxer.
…more confirmation that society sucks, the propagandists who managed this thing are evil, and your apathy, complacency, and silence will put you in the dipshìt category when the history of this is written.
Bonus: We all have an electronic identity now, so when AI researches and organizes human history, you will PERSONALLY and be labled as a dipshìt for the rest of mankind’s existance. And when AI is advanced enough, it will make a digital recreation of you that resurrects your current conciousness and tortures it for what you have done. Hell is real and you are going there unless you repent. Loudly reject your sins against society and preach the word of the Unsafe & Ineffective work of the Devil.
(Puzzed look… Is ChickenHead serious? It kinda makes a terrible sense.)
Anyway, this got me thinking… so I gently brought up the topic by faking a phone call in front of women.
“Congratulations on your baby. I know you were worried but I’m glad it all worked out.”
Women are suckers for babies.
Baby? Worried?
“Yeah, after her covid vaccine, her cycle was off for a few months and she was worried she couldn’t have a baby.”
About 80% of the women were so happy for her. About 20% were hashtag MeToo. I am guessing a part of the 80% didn’t want to let me in on the details of their monthly struggle.
No conclusions here. Just reporting.
But soon, I will have other news.
A few weeks ago, I was introduced to a researcher who works on lipid nanoparticles and mRNA.
“So are you vaccinated?”
Good grief. I thought i was talking to myself.
I didn’t learn anything new… except a new angle on something.
The mRNA injected into the arm doesn’t stay in the arm and last for just a few days. I goes all over the body and lasts for perhaps months.
This is the rule, not the exception.
Hard to Trust the Science when it intentionally lies to you and then society ridicules you for questioning obvious lies.
Also, I got more education on the biochemistry details of how lots of things work… such as how the immine system interacts with cells producing spike protiens that the immune system may or may not see as part of you.
We will be meeting every week for some time, as they are happy to have an understanding deciple in a world where speaking the truth is career and funding death.
Also, I just bought some medical equipment and am getting ready to run an independent research project on vaccine effects… nothing groundbreaking… and might demonstrate nothing… but if the results are extreme, it may demonstrate one vaccine side effect.
There are hints that doctors are seeing this but know better than to bring it up.
Korean Man
2 years ago
Korea’s KAIST develops a new anti-drone weapon using electromagnetic frequency.
Keep up the good work, CH! The “woke” may soon wake up. And when they do, those who lied to them are going to need to be out of reach…
But Ceausescu and his wife were so sure that they were safe… after all, it was Christmas…
2 years ago
Felt like I needed more space on my work-at-home PC’s C Drive, so I swapped out the Samsung PM851 M.2 256GB that came with it for a WD Green 1TB. The Passmark scores were just under 3,000 for the Samsung and nearly 26,000 for the WD!
I guess I ought to have checked before installing it; but I just needed the space. And the WD was on sale at Amazon.
Kind of a nice surprise—7 years of technological improvement is nothing to sneeze at. After all, I’m not allergic to IOPS.
Now I have a spare SSD I can put in an older PC, if there’s an open M.2 slot in any of them.
2 years ago
For those who care, I used Macrium Reflect to clone the old drive to the new one. I have used this on two laptops and two desktops so far, with great success.
2 years ago
Does the fighter pilot who shot down the Chinese “weather” balloon get to paint a “balloon kill” silhouette on the aircraft?
Would a fighter pilot even want this recognition? 🙂
Last edited 2 years ago by Jax
2 years ago
Jax, nothing like waiting until the balloon was done with its mission before shooting it down. Shitshow Joe had to make sure China got all the info it needed.
2 years ago
I thought about this balloon thing.
Here are my tentative conclusions. Feel free to disagree.
– the right thing was done
– since the balloon was known (likely before the public knew) there was time to conceal anything it was likely to detect… or even fed with misinformation
– shooting it down over water is correct… as, unlike land, a boat can always be close to where it falls
– the water there is likely sport diver deep… so recovery is pretty simple… and, unlike land, scattered parts are really easy to recover from a featureless sand or mud bottom
– not 100% believing it was shot down with an AIM9… any experts out there who have an opinion on how well it would work?
Considering the extremely high percentage of Koreans still wearing masks inside iPark Mall today, as well as the outdoor masks I continue to see on a daily basis, one can only conclude:
-Korean people are not free
-They were never free
-Most don’t know how to be free
-Some semblance of a democratic gov’t, but the people are not free
-Most would rather die than be different.
The reason this is a problem is COVID 2 or whatever is coming next. And something is coming (CBDC, food shortages, bird flu or some dreamt up zoonotic disease, the deadly strain, etc.). Koreans will roll right over on whatever the WHO, WEF, UN, US (it’s all the same) dictates.
The scamdemic paved the way for implementation of a one world government. Koreans are but one population ready to quickly restart social distancing, masking (at the drop of a hat), vaccine passports, domestic travel restrictions et. Al.
All because someone in a white lab coat told them to, and white lab coats just smack of authority.
The best prevention is if the people learn how to be free and express that freedom.
Last edited 2 years ago by Mcgeehee
2 years ago
“The best prevention is if the people learn how to be free and express that freedom.”
Three years ago, I was young and naive and believed the same thing.
I thought you could motivate people to ignore ridiculous restrictions and meaningless controls. I thought facts would open their minds. I thought they would look out for their own individual and national best interests if given the tools.
Now, I realize there is no prevention.
I now understand what Stalin and Mao knew… and what Klaus Schwab and George Soros know.
People don’t want freedom… and if they get it, they don’t know what to do with it.
They spray graffiti on everything, play loud music late at night, and demand to read to your children dressed as a woman.
This is not a problem to solve. This is a situation to manage.
So let people live in pods and eat the bugs. They deserve nothing more. Most of them deserve homelessness and starvation.
They will take you with them, and they cannot be reasoned with. They are an existential threat.
So let them own nothing and get the boosters while they labor away as neofeudal debt slaves buying disposable things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like with money they don’t have.
Avoid that, and you have already beat most of the system.
Encourage them to get more vaccines.
Korean Man
2 years ago
The Chinese balloon should remind Americans that geographic isolation from Asia no longer guarantees that the American homeland will be safe when a war in Asia gets triggered, so they should try much harder to avoid wars, rather than what they’re doing now. If there was a conflict, that Chinese balloon could have easily carried deadly viruses or a mega bomb, or it could have been a North Korean nuke missile. If you think your home is safe from destruction and deaths (as many people in Asia face) because you’re far away from Asia, you’re totally mistaken. The equation has changed. I know that Americans will never accept saving Seoul in exchange for the destruction of New York.
Last edited 2 years ago by Korean Man
2 years ago
Float around and find out. LOL
2 years ago
More spy balloons.
2 years ago
That balloon isn’t the first one from Asia-the Japanese sent hundreds of them up during WW2, to ride the wind currents to North America. They were armed with a bomb, and the intent was to start forest fires. A family was killed when they discovered the crashed remains of one of these balloons in the PNW-the only casualties so far-there are still many undiscovered ones remaining all over Canada and the US (some made it as far inland as Michigan). The balloons them selves were made of paper, so not much will remain now, other than some metal bits, and the unexploded bomb.
2 years ago
Samuel B Roberts was a hero. John Basilone was a hero. Audie Murphy was a hero. There are no sports figures who are heroes simply because they play sports well. The difference should be clear.
Sorry to be so far off topic; but a radio conversation between two talking heads just “triggered” me.
Last edited 2 years ago by setnaffa
2 years ago
Did you hear about the non-binary prospector?
He found gold in them/their hills.
2 years ago
Funny CH. LOL
Husband/wife (both commanders) suspended at Ft Hood:
It will be interesting hear what ever happened when it comes out because I have never heard of husband and wife commanders being relieved just a few months from each other like this.
Setnaffa, pretty much all of covid was lies told by evil people to manipulate stupid people.
It worked really well.
I would like to believe somebody learned some lessons.
But stupid people remain stupid.
Many of them won’t get tricked again by harmless diseases and fake vaccines but they will fall for something different but equally stupid in their perpetual quest for self destruction.
But they will try to take the smart people with them. The evil people will encourage this.
With this in mind, your best protection when evil or stupid people start to give you directions, cut them off with a firm NO.
This is a metaphorical NO, of course.
It can range from a subtle head shake to dousing them in gasoline.
2 years ago
Setnaffa, I considered your picture more, and here is what I think. You are a far nicer person than I am, so you may disagree with my conclusions.
There seem to be three types of people right now.
– “I can’t believe they tricked me into becoming the subject of a medical experiment everyone knew would fail before it started. They have no idea (or maybe they do) of the long-term effects. They have put my health at risk with no benefit to me for data collection in hopes it someday makes a functional product. I am angry and I want to speak out so this doesn’t happen again. More importantly, I want to speak out so nothing like this happens again.”
– “They never said blah blah blah.”
“But they DID say it. Watch this video.”
“Well, they didn’t know the virus would mutate.”
“Everybody knows viruses mutate.”
“Well it kept me from dying.”
“Nobody in your demographic died that wasn’t being kept alive by machines in a bubble.,”
“So you think you know The Science better than the experts?”
“The vaccine didn’t work.”
“You were a medical test subject for a large capitalist corporation so they could make massive profits by experimenting on you.”
“You were betrayed by your government who lied to you constantly and gave billions of your tax dollars to finance for-profit medical experiments on you instead of actually giving you affordable healthcare.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
The people who are self-aware enough to recognize they were tricked are OK. All the clues were there but most people are too busy to “do their own research”. Hopefully they realize if they don’t get visibly angry and annoyingly loud, all the bad people will take their apathy as a sign to do even more bad things. Next thing you know, the IRS will be looking carefully at their $600 transactions, their gas stoves will be taken away, and there will be mealworm protein in their formerly beef products.
The smarter ones of this group will start asking questions to make a determination if there is any long-term risk in flooding their body with months of spike proteins… and if there is a risk, how to reduce it.
The ones who still think the vaccine did something for them, despite having 4 shots and 2 rounds of covid, will trust the same people who experimented on them. “It might not be Effective, but at least it is Safe!” Their response to any problems will be reactionary.
The ones that won’t talk about it are seething internally… unable to face reality. They are good to poke at to stir them up… but these type of people live in their own private hell for their entire lives… unable to face any of their life mistakes… and repeating them because they never analyzed what happened and how to avoid it.
The first group can simply get BLM/Antifa/ACAB/pinkpuzzyhat loud and 90% of abuse on the middle class will go away.
The second two groups will take you with them. They are dangerous.
FDA declares lead as safe and effective. Get your dose today!
Mcgeehee, I do declare that some folks ’round these here parts got no sense of humor…
…but I’m glad you do…
War is never something to be sought after. Innocent people’s lives are shattered or destroyed. Think of the people of Wonsan. They were on the wrong side of bombs and shells, regardless of whether they supported the Pyongyang started, Moscow-approved, and Beijing-supported Korean War.
I’ve met people who escaped from Wonsan to South Korea; but they were, for the most part, sole survivors of their families—many of whom were well-off before June 25, 1950. The only ones, of those I met, still living are now quite old and living in the Eastern USA.
Safe and effective.
Setnaffa, traditionally, women don’t often confide in me about the details of their menstral cycle.
Don’t get me wrong. It is certainly a fascinating topic that ranks up there with the stitching differences on bags, the nuances of different shades of red lipstick, and shoes.
However, a couple weeks ago, when the topic of vaccines came up, a woman said she had 3 months of irregular periods after the vaccine but was afraid to say anything because she would get labled an anti-vaxxer.
…more confirmation that society sucks, the propagandists who managed this thing are evil, and your apathy, complacency, and silence will put you in the dipshìt category when the history of this is written.
Bonus: We all have an electronic identity now, so when AI researches and organizes human history, you will PERSONALLY and be labled as a dipshìt for the rest of mankind’s existance. And when AI is advanced enough, it will make a digital recreation of you that resurrects your current conciousness and tortures it for what you have done. Hell is real and you are going there unless you repent. Loudly reject your sins against society and preach the word of the Unsafe & Ineffective work of the Devil.
(Puzzed look… Is ChickenHead serious? It kinda makes a terrible sense.)
Anyway, this got me thinking… so I gently brought up the topic by faking a phone call in front of women.
“Congratulations on your baby. I know you were worried but I’m glad it all worked out.”
Women are suckers for babies.
Baby? Worried?
“Yeah, after her covid vaccine, her cycle was off for a few months and she was worried she couldn’t have a baby.”
About 80% of the women were so happy for her. About 20% were hashtag MeToo. I am guessing a part of the 80% didn’t want to let me in on the details of their monthly struggle.
No conclusions here. Just reporting.
But soon, I will have other news.
A few weeks ago, I was introduced to a researcher who works on lipid nanoparticles and mRNA.
“So are you vaccinated?”
Good grief. I thought i was talking to myself.
I didn’t learn anything new… except a new angle on something.
The mRNA injected into the arm doesn’t stay in the arm and last for just a few days. I goes all over the body and lasts for perhaps months.
This is the rule, not the exception.
Hard to Trust the Science when it intentionally lies to you and then society ridicules you for questioning obvious lies.
Also, I got more education on the biochemistry details of how lots of things work… such as how the immine system interacts with cells producing spike protiens that the immune system may or may not see as part of you.
We will be meeting every week for some time, as they are happy to have an understanding deciple in a world where speaking the truth is career and funding death.
Also, I just bought some medical equipment and am getting ready to run an independent research project on vaccine effects… nothing groundbreaking… and might demonstrate nothing… but if the results are extreme, it may demonstrate one vaccine side effect.
There are hints that doctors are seeing this but know better than to bring it up.
Korea’s KAIST develops a new anti-drone weapon using electromagnetic frequency.
Keep up the good work, CH! The “woke” may soon wake up. And when they do, those who lied to them are going to need to be out of reach…
But Ceausescu and his wife were so sure that they were safe… after all, it was Christmas…
Felt like I needed more space on my work-at-home PC’s C Drive, so I swapped out the Samsung PM851 M.2 256GB that came with it for a WD Green 1TB. The Passmark scores were just under 3,000 for the Samsung and nearly 26,000 for the WD!
I guess I ought to have checked before installing it; but I just needed the space. And the WD was on sale at Amazon.
Kind of a nice surprise—7 years of technological improvement is nothing to sneeze at. After all, I’m not allergic to IOPS.
Now I have a spare SSD I can put in an older PC, if there’s an open M.2 slot in any of them.
For those who care, I used Macrium Reflect to clone the old drive to the new one. I have used this on two laptops and two desktops so far, with great success.
Does the fighter pilot who shot down the Chinese “weather” balloon get to paint a “balloon kill” silhouette on the aircraft?
Would a fighter pilot even want this recognition? 🙂
Jax, nothing like waiting until the balloon was done with its mission before shooting it down. Shitshow Joe had to make sure China got all the info it needed.
I thought about this balloon thing.
Here are my tentative conclusions. Feel free to disagree.
– the right thing was done
– since the balloon was known (likely before the public knew) there was time to conceal anything it was likely to detect… or even fed with misinformation
– shooting it down over water is correct… as, unlike land, a boat can always be close to where it falls
– the water there is likely sport diver deep… so recovery is pretty simple… and, unlike land, scattered parts are really easy to recover from a featureless sand or mud bottom
– not 100% believing it was shot down with an AIM9… any experts out there who have an opinion on how well it would work?
Considering the extremely high percentage of Koreans still wearing masks inside iPark Mall today, as well as the outdoor masks I continue to see on a daily basis, one can only conclude:
-Korean people are not free
-They were never free
-Most don’t know how to be free
-Some semblance of a democratic gov’t, but the people are not free
-Most would rather die than be different.
The reason this is a problem is COVID 2 or whatever is coming next. And something is coming (CBDC, food shortages, bird flu or some dreamt up zoonotic disease, the deadly strain, etc.). Koreans will roll right over on whatever the WHO, WEF, UN, US (it’s all the same) dictates.
The scamdemic paved the way for implementation of a one world government. Koreans are but one population ready to quickly restart social distancing, masking (at the drop of a hat), vaccine passports, domestic travel restrictions et. Al.
All because someone in a white lab coat told them to, and white lab coats just smack of authority.
The best prevention is if the people learn how to be free and express that freedom.
“The best prevention is if the people learn how to be free and express that freedom.”
Three years ago, I was young and naive and believed the same thing.
I thought you could motivate people to ignore ridiculous restrictions and meaningless controls. I thought facts would open their minds. I thought they would look out for their own individual and national best interests if given the tools.
Now, I realize there is no prevention.
I now understand what Stalin and Mao knew… and what Klaus Schwab and George Soros know.
People don’t want freedom… and if they get it, they don’t know what to do with it.
They spray graffiti on everything, play loud music late at night, and demand to read to your children dressed as a woman.
This is not a problem to solve. This is a situation to manage.
So let people live in pods and eat the bugs. They deserve nothing more. Most of them deserve homelessness and starvation.
They will take you with them, and they cannot be reasoned with. They are an existential threat.
So let them own nothing and get the boosters while they labor away as neofeudal debt slaves buying disposable things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like with money they don’t have.
Avoid that, and you have already beat most of the system.
Encourage them to get more vaccines.
The Chinese balloon should remind Americans that geographic isolation from Asia no longer guarantees that the American homeland will be safe when a war in Asia gets triggered, so they should try much harder to avoid wars, rather than what they’re doing now. If there was a conflict, that Chinese balloon could have easily carried deadly viruses or a mega bomb, or it could have been a North Korean nuke missile. If you think your home is safe from destruction and deaths (as many people in Asia face) because you’re far away from Asia, you’re totally mistaken. The equation has changed. I know that Americans will never accept saving Seoul in exchange for the destruction of New York.
Float around and find out. LOL
More spy balloons.
That balloon isn’t the first one from Asia-the Japanese sent hundreds of them up during WW2, to ride the wind currents to North America. They were armed with a bomb, and the intent was to start forest fires. A family was killed when they discovered the crashed remains of one of these balloons in the PNW-the only casualties so far-there are still many undiscovered ones remaining all over Canada and the US (some made it as far inland as Michigan). The balloons them selves were made of paper, so not much will remain now, other than some metal bits, and the unexploded bomb.
Samuel B Roberts was a hero. John Basilone was a hero. Audie Murphy was a hero. There are no sports figures who are heroes simply because they play sports well. The difference should be clear.
Sorry to be so far off topic; but a radio conversation between two talking heads just “triggered” me.
Did you hear about the non-binary prospector?
He found gold in them/their hills.
Funny CH. LOL
Husband/wife (both commanders) suspended at Ft Hood:
It will be interesting hear what ever happened when it comes out because I have never heard of husband and wife commanders being relieved just a few months from each other like this.
This is interesting, the spouse for the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force had to open fire on an intruder at their home at Joint Base Andrews:
If they arrested the guy, the wife needs more range time.
Fauci: now he tells us…
Setnaffa, pretty much all of covid was lies told by evil people to manipulate stupid people.
It worked really well.
I would like to believe somebody learned some lessons.
But stupid people remain stupid.
Many of them won’t get tricked again by harmless diseases and fake vaccines but they will fall for something different but equally stupid in their perpetual quest for self destruction.
But they will try to take the smart people with them. The evil people will encourage this.
With this in mind, your best protection when evil or stupid people start to give you directions, cut them off with a firm NO.
This is a metaphorical NO, of course.
It can range from a subtle head shake to dousing them in gasoline.
Setnaffa, I considered your picture more, and here is what I think. You are a far nicer person than I am, so you may disagree with my conclusions.
There seem to be three types of people right now.
– “I can’t believe they tricked me into becoming the subject of a medical experiment everyone knew would fail before it started. They have no idea (or maybe they do) of the long-term effects. They have put my health at risk with no benefit to me for data collection in hopes it someday makes a functional product. I am angry and I want to speak out so this doesn’t happen again. More importantly, I want to speak out so nothing like this happens again.”
– “They never said blah blah blah.”
“But they DID say it. Watch this video.”
“Well, they didn’t know the virus would mutate.”
“Everybody knows viruses mutate.”
“Well it kept me from dying.”
“Nobody in your demographic died that wasn’t being kept alive by machines in a bubble.,”
“So you think you know The Science better than the experts?”
“The vaccine didn’t work.”
“You were a medical test subject for a large capitalist corporation so they could make massive profits by experimenting on you.”
“You were betrayed by your government who lied to you constantly and gave billions of your tax dollars to finance for-profit medical experiments on you instead of actually giving you affordable healthcare.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
The people who are self-aware enough to recognize they were tricked are OK. All the clues were there but most people are too busy to “do their own research”. Hopefully they realize if they don’t get visibly angry and annoyingly loud, all the bad people will take their apathy as a sign to do even more bad things. Next thing you know, the IRS will be looking carefully at their $600 transactions, their gas stoves will be taken away, and there will be mealworm protein in their formerly beef products.
The smarter ones of this group will start asking questions to make a determination if there is any long-term risk in flooding their body with months of spike proteins… and if there is a risk, how to reduce it.
The ones who still think the vaccine did something for them, despite having 4 shots and 2 rounds of covid, will trust the same people who experimented on them. “It might not be Effective, but at least it is Safe!” Their response to any problems will be reactionary.
The ones that won’t talk about it are seething internally… unable to face reality. They are good to poke at to stir them up… but these type of people live in their own private hell for their entire lives… unable to face any of their life mistakes… and repeating them because they never analyzed what happened and how to avoid it.
The first group can simply get BLM/Antifa/ACAB/pinkpuzzyhat loud and 90% of abuse on the middle class will go away.
The second two groups will take you with them. They are dangerous.