Tweet of the Day: Being A Slavic Looking Woman in Japan
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2 years ago

So, did we find out which bar she works at?

2 years ago

Come on.

She isn’t Nordic or Germanic.

Slavs are so low down on the rank of “white”, they barely even classify.

Oh, you disagree?

Then you would have to admit the word “slave” comes from…

…white people.

Why, yes, let’s have this discussion.

2 years ago

Why do all these leftists need to be a victim?

It’s quite frankly as unattractive as simping for Winnie XI.

2 years ago

You know the research project where they tested if people with facial scars were discriminated against in job interviews.

They took women and gave them prosthetic scars. Right before the job interview, they touched them up to look super real.

True enough, the women with scars on their faces reported horrible discrimination. Some of the people interviewing actually made comments directly referencing the scars.

People are horrible.

Wait… this just in…

When the scars were touched up before the interview, they were actually removed.

These crazy bìtches imagined their entire victimhood.

…pretty much like most (but not all) “victims.”

This is pretty much in keeping with my experience.

Foreigners (mostly not-quite-America inferiority-complex Canadians) yelling at Koreans for staring and “talking about” them.

But when you understand them, “The foreigner is handsome,” is the topic.

I have been a victim a few times. But most of the time, I am not… even when it could seem I am if you look at the situation with a victim mentality.

Besides, 90% of being a victim is in your control. Learn from the past to manage potential victimhood and get terrible retribution on the people who victimized you.

It serves as a warningnto others and it lets you do sociopathic things you would never do to another human being.

That allows you to live your life in decent society as peaceful as a Hindu cow.

2 years ago

… as opposed to the “cows” grazing through leftist-controlled cities, amirite?

No photos attached because I dont think most of you deserve it… but think “like Trigglypuff”.

2 years ago

As regards suntans… and this being “Black History Month”, the closest thing to a perfect shade was a “bronze” achieved by a blonde of my acquaintance (same high school, same class) whose father, a banker, had a country club membership at a place I delivered computer equipment. I was with my boss, so I could not spend the appropriate time to stare, slack-jawed and drooling, at this young woman. Let’s just say she was the opposite of the people in this google street view image:

Her brother married a similar young lady and died quite young from unrelated causes. Here’s what they looked like about 50 years ago:

Capture - Copy.JPG
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