Infamous Convicted USFK Murderer, Kenneth Markle Passes Away at Age 50
|Via a reader tip comes news that quite possibly the most infamous criminal in USFK history has passed away at age 50 in West Virginia:
Kenneth Lee “Kennet” Markle, III, 50, of Keyser, WV, died Tuesday, February 14, 2023 in Keyser.
Born on June 7, 1972 in Wurzburg, Germany, he was a son of Kenneth L. Markle, Jr. and Helen M. “Mickey” (Hickey) Markle, of Keyser. He was preceded in death by an infant brother, Jarrod Markle and his grandparents, Kenneth L. Markle, Sr., Wanda P. Markle and John and Edith Hickey.
Kennet was a 1990 graduate of Keyser High School and was employed as a project manager in the cellular communications industry. He was an avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan.
Tribute Archive
For those that don’t know who Kenneth Markle is, I recommend reading my below prior posting about him:
I also recommend reading the below prior posting where Markle’s alleged ex-girlfriends describe what he is like in the comments section:
I have actually met Markle before when he was still being held in the foreigner prison down in Cheonan. He was the person that used to pick up the mail from people that would go and check up on the prisoners there. He was actually very polite when I interacted with him. However, since his release from Korean prison in 2006 he went on to continue a life of crime in West Virginia:
Two Mineral County men were arrested Monday when they were served arrest warrants by Keyser Police at two locations.
Kenneth Lee Markle, 44, of Keyser, was charged with 24 counts of nighttime burglary and 74 counts of unauthorized use of a debit card, police said.
Markle was arrested at a North Water Street residence late Monday and granted pre-trial release after posting $15,000 bond, police said.
Cumberland Times-News
Markle actually contacted me a few years after he got out claiming his innocence and that if I read the court transcripts I would understand he was not a murderer. I offered to post the complete transcripts on the ROK Drop and he never sent them to me. His side of the story is that he hit the victim in the head with a coke bottle after she attacked him and was alive when left the room. He claims someone else killed her and violated her body. He told himself that bogus story for so long he probably actually believed it after a while.
Judging by this collage of mugshots that ROK Drop commenter Chickenhead has put together, I would not be surprised that besides being a thief that Markle was a meth-head as well:

This officially closes the chapter on Kenneth Markle and hopefully those impacted by his crimes get some solace that he will not be able to victimize anyone else ever again.
I guess finally seeing the transcripts is not going to happen.
He should have died in prison a long time ago.
Kee-hrist, what a waste of oxygen Markle was. Good riddance.
I was over in Korea from 92-94 on Camp Hovey. The locals were rightfully so angry none of us could go off post for months. I drove our Bn Commander for a few months and we ended up stopped briefly in what to me was just another spot on the road. He looked at me and said something to the effect “see that building over there, that’s a Korean prison and where the murderer from last year is imprisoned.” I’m so glad this stain on the genome is gone.
I’ve seen the transcripts and the pictures of the crime. What do you want to know? Also be was never on meth, he didn’t do drugs. That was stress that aged him.
I was in his platoon his room was right adjacent to mine. He had got there A few months before me he should have already returned to the US when he committed that crime but he had gotten a field grade article 15 For theft so it extended his one year tour because he had to finish out his punishment Of 45 days extra duty 45 days no pay And loss of rank he went from an E3 to an E-2 He was a total alcoholic a liar and a thief he was lazy and he was a total moron as a medic when he committed that crime he had snuck off base He had done it Several times before And he would would always be braggadocious and giddy when he got back the next morning it was no different that morning the next day after he killed her but when thee CID showed up his whole demeanor changed he turned sheet white it was like a movie was happening in front of me he was a pile of trash enough said
I was in his platoon and lived 2 doors down from him in the barracks. We were in 5-20 infantry at Camp Casey. The whole base was mad at our platoon when that happened. There were demonstrations and riots outside the gates and everything.
I to was in HHC 5/20 INF (M) I was on CQ when they came on got him. He knew exactly what was going on. I lived off post at the time I would see him down there sneaking around and harassing the females. He was not well liked and most of the time would get kicked out of the bars.
how did he die though? 50 is a young age – self inflicted perhaps?
only 15 years for murder is crazy, he went on to come back and get married and has two teenage girls now, after his crime in Korea and all his crimes in the US how did he not serve many more years? I know people with life sentences that weren’t as bad as he was, the justice system is nuts
Spornicate – my understanding is that the Korean justice system isn’t as harsh with perpetrators of single murders, USFK paid the blood money to the girls family and most importantly, Korea got to rid themselves of an ugly living piece of history, USFK got him out of their area, the Army gets him completely out of the service, and Markle got out of 3 square meals of fish heads and rice. Everybody wins, except justice, but maybe, just maybe, it was justice that got to him at age 50.
What is it about the US culture that produces this many monsters like him?
Korean man, do you mean like many individuals in the Kim family in Pyongyang?