Picture of the Day: Koreans Protest Russia’s War in Ukraine
Protesters hold up banners demanding the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, in Seoul on Feb. 25, 2023, a day after the one-year mark since the start of Moscow’s invasion of the neighboring country. (Yonhap)
Well-trained sheep.
Well-trained sheep.
Since they are not protesting against the USFK, THAAD, or for more vaccinations and such, they are not protesting about things that matter to setnaffa the most.
They are protesting about Russian troops in Ukraine, and I wonder why setnaffa would call them “Sheep.”
Unless of course setnaffa is working for the Russians and would naturally be unhappy about seeing Koreans protesting against Russian troops in Ukraine.
Another way to look at this is:
Who knows the truth. We do know:
– NATO promised not to encroach on Russia’s sphere of influence and then they did everything possible to get right on Russia’s borders.
– Ukraine has been making discriminatory laws and shelling civilians in these areas since 2014
– Ukraine is filled with horrid corruption… some of which appears to have made its way into American government
– America is filled with homeless druggies, crumbling infrastructure, and a middle class that hopes it won’t need a hospital visit.
Feeling zero love toward Ukraine, NATO, and the American politicians who call American patriotism right-wing racism but encourage Ukrainian patrotism (despite literal nazis) with Ukraine First, America Last policies.
It is hard to fault Russia for making the least worst choice… that they were forced into making.
“Unless of course setnaffa is working for the Russians”
A little known fact is that China has chinabots and Russia has southernbots.
While chinabots push policies like global warming restrictions on everyone but China, more mRNA vaccines for everyone but China, and Yankee go home and leave Korea defenseless to China…
…the southernbots push things like grossly sweet tea, remembering the Alamo, and Russian multifaceted battlespace dominance over covert NATO proxies.
I haven’t heard about the tea, the Alamo, or Lawrence v. Texas, but he does seem to lean toward Russia.
You may be on to something.
Let’s keep an eye on this Setnaffa fellow.
Yankee go home and leave Korea defenseless to China…
That is a curious statement considering that it was Trump, the Messiah of the Setnaffarians, who called for the USFK to be pulled out of Korea.
So I wonder does it mean that Trump is a “chinabot?”
It is also worth to note that a lot of Americans want USFK to leave Korea, and past Presidents like Nixon and Carter tried and succeeded.
In that case, Koreans won’t stop the Americans from leaving but the Americans should at least give Korea its own nuclear deterrent.
“it was Trump, the Messiah of the Setnaffarians, who called for the USFK to be pulled out of Korea.”
That’s one way to remember it.
Another way is that he wanted a 5-fold increase in payments or he would remove USFK.
Korea agreed to a 13.9% increase from when the previous deal expired in 2019.
Trump could have been serious. Trump could have use one of his frequent negotiation tactics.
I don’t know. I didn’t write Art of the Deal.
Bonus: The media play it as if Trump lost out not getting his 5-fold demand while Biden is a great diplomat for smoothing things over, as the 13.9% increase started on his watch.
Who knows the truth.
Korea was willing to oay 13.9% more so that is probably the most important information.
It is well known, in certain circles, that setnaffa had a drink with a Rooskie Congresscritter in the bar at the Shilla Hotel back in 1996…
The Russian was there trying to sell milk products that need no refrigeration and to leer at the Philippina singer.
Setnaffa was there to see why JW Blue was $30/shot…
Never did get any of the dairy stuff promised; but JW Blue tastes the same in North America. Like Scotch.
JW Blue is oddly not special.
JW Double Black is quite good (and doesn’t seem to have anything to do with JW Black)
JW Green has a hint of Islay peat and is also quite good.
But JW generally is to whiskey what Budweiser is to beer and McDonalds is to hamburgers.
I great consumer grade whiskey is Macallan. There are all sorts of variations, but the normal 12 is excellent. The sherry cask is better but will be lost on most people unless comparing a glass of each.
Royal Salute 21 is even better but not at that price.
It is a dreaded “blended whiskey”.
Protip: “I only drink single malt,” translates in English to, “I am a pretentious fàggot who got my whiskey appriciation knowledge from a marketing department rather than experience.”
I am a big fan of Islay whiskey with the traditional petrochemical/hospital/hot road flavor of peat from back before coke and coal were introduced to Scotland.
While Laphroaig and Ardbeg are excellent, Smoky Scot at about 50,000 won/bottle is the best value going right now if you like peated whiskey.