Only 4% of Unmarried Korean Women Find Child Bearing Important

This is not good news for the historically low Korean birthrate:

Just four percent of unmarried Korean women in their 20s and 30s see marriage and childbearing as essential in their lives, according to a recent survey that paints an even gloomier picture of the country’s continuously falling fertility rate. 

The survey was conducted by Park Jeong-min, a professor of social welfare at Seoul National University and published in the Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies, Sunday. Park surveyed 281 unmarried men and women aged between 20 and 40 on their thoughts about marriage and childbirth.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link.

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2 years ago


Other survey results:


2 years ago

I see this as a feature of the clot-shot, the lock-downs, and the guys in South Korea tending to be just a little too pretty, a little too light on their feet (like their K-Pop “influencers”). After all, the government is never wrong. And no one wants to be a TERF, eh wot?

Meanwhile, a Chinese virologist who escaped from Hong Kong claims the CCP really are nose-picking cretins:

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 years ago

No worries there for Korean men though. Korean women can have single career-filled satisfied unmarried lives.

There is plenty of fish in this ocean for Korean men (who are also becoming severely short in supply) who are now highly sought after internationally by women of all ages and nationalities.

The appeal of Korean men

The women Lee interviewed were fascinated with Korean men who were portrayed on TV as being in touch with their emotions and willing to embrace their “effeminate sides,” Lee said.

They considered Korean men cultured and romantic while complaining that men in their home countries often neglected their appearances and had one-track minds.

Grace Thornton, a 25-year-old gardener from the United Kingdom, traveled to Seoul in 2021 after watching K-drama “Crash Landing on You” on Netflix.

She was struck by how men in the show did not jeer at or catcall women on the street, as happens in her home country.

In her eyes, Korean men are “gentlemen, polite, charming, romantic, fairytale-like, chivalrous, respectful.” She said it also helps that Korean men dress well and groom themselves.

“(English men in comparison) are half drunk, holding a beer, holding a dead fish,” she said – a reference to what she said was the prevalence of fishing pictures in British male dating app profiles.

And the appeal is not entirely about the men.

As Thornton puts it: “In England, I’m very common looking and sound the same as everyone else. In Korea, I’m different, exciting and foreign. People pay attention to me. I felt special.”

2 years ago

“Grace Thornton, a 25-year-old gardener from the United Kingdom, traveled to Seoul in 2021…”

Hard to believe Grace had to come all the way to Korea to find love.

You would expect a girl could write her own ticket as a… a… a professional gardener.

Somehow this seems like a codeword I don’t know… like how strippers are “dancers” and “aspiring DJ who was just beginning to turn his life around” means little career thug who made the world a better place by getting shot.

Maybe “gardener” means marajuana grower.

Maybe it means she is the hoe.

2 years ago

Let’s look closely at what Korea Man’s pointed out.

This is a pretty interesting and complex dynamic. There is a lot to consider here…

…and some wisdom to extract.

In the 1990s, the nastiest white guy could get a hot Korean girl. White girls wanted nothing to do with Korean guys.

“But why?”

“Look at ajushi. Do you think he was any different in 1995?”

Now, the rolls are reversed.

Korean girls are wise to the fact that a lot of white guys in Korea are losers, and few of them will fulfill their Hollywood fantasy. English teaching has gone from upper middle class to working poor and the social status went from scholar to babysitter.

White girls have not yet learned this hard lesson. Most Korean guys they can marry are at the fringe of society in some way and are not at all K-pop except for hair color and eye shape.

Exotic Korean guys are FAR more international these days and are more willing to work around white girl bùllshìt… for a while… so they are attractive.

Lots of white guys are complaining they can’t get a Korean girlfriend while even the nastiest lumpy white girl has unlimited Tindr hookups with pretty hot Korean guys looking for a piece of strange. Decent Korean girls don’t use Tindr.

This just scratches the surface of this dynamic.

There are PhDs to be had here.

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