People who say "it's more about the pageantry" need to explain why other monarchies are never covered in the US this way. Naruhito's coronation was just 4 years ago. There was no round the clock coverage in the US.
Americans’ longing for monarchy is a much-discussed topic and has been for years. The common historical perception is that JFK’s “Camelot” was somehow the American version of a monarchy, satisfying an unspoken urge to have our own royalty. Even these days, many reality-TV shows are devoted to British people yelling at bumbling Americans (looking at you, Gordon Ramsay). There does seem to be, in certain sectors, a not-so-hidden need to be dominated by what is historically our mother culture, to “crawl back into the womb,” so to speak.
But any cultural analysis will also have to consider that many Americans thoroughly and proudly reject monarchy. Just cruise the comment threads of Instapundit to see plenty of conservatives going, “Fuck that—we fought a whole war to get away from monarchy.” So it’s not so simple as to say that “Americans pine for monarchy.” At best, only some do.
Also: I don’t agree with TK of AAK on many topics, but I think his point about uneven coverage is valid. The media are among those wanting to crawl back into the womb.
1 year ago
The English speak English. Their dramas, books, politics, news all get into America with ease. Basically their culture can easily leak unlike Japan which has the translation barrier. Doesn’t help that BBC America exists.
The British are a bit monarchy obsessed in their culture, that gets partially transferred to America as a monarchy curiosity. The Japanese are not monarchy obsessed in their cultural exports… what America gets from Japan is pure degeneracy.
Americans largely have no real or strong opinions on monarchy. They also have no real or strong feelings about the revolutionary War either.
TK is being a communist by projecting his desire to grovel at the feet of a hypothetical tyrant onto Americans who are really just watching posh reality TV.
1 year ago
TK always denigrates America. It’s like his main job.
Almost as if he was the real source of our chinabot infestation…
Korean Person
1 year ago
Korean Person
1 year ago
What is there in the what The Korean said that was offensive to America?
Ah I see.
The Korean’s political leanings are left wing liberal.
And we all know setnaffa detests left wing liberals. So it is natural for him to feel that way
Korean Person
1 year ago
We all know that The Korean is a liberal Korean American who hasn’t posted any stuff supportive of the PRC.
But since he’s liberal and does not agree with setnaffa, it is obvious that setnaffa is now moving toward to calling him a ‘chinabot’.
And we all know calling someone a ‘chinabot’ is setnaffa’s standard operating procedure when it comes to Koreans who do not agree with his right wing idealogy.
1 year ago
Almost as if he was the real source of our chinabot infestation…
It’s… beautiful, you’re finally coming around to the idea that it’s Jeolla-do communists who are shilling in the comment section. Maybe TK of AAK is posting here. Fits the pattern of telling everyone who will listen that he is THE KOREAN you must absolutely listen to on all Korean topics. The same arrogance that self asserts to being the sole representative of an entire people.
1 year ago
Communists are easy to deal with.
Ideally, you need a helicopter.
But it is not required.
1 year ago
Hey CH, I don’t have a helicopter; but I can speak with a Chilean accent when necessary. Is that enough?
1 year ago
Setnaffa, just because you don’t have a helicopter doesn’t mean you can’t join the War on Communism.
The first step is to understand that not everybody that looks like a communist is a communist.
Real Communists are pretty rare these days as:
– with such a string of spectacular failures, even the dumbest people are a bit skeptical of communism
– while the wonders of comumunism was a viable path to power in the past, it is now hard to fire up the poor and downtrodden with promises of being more poor and downtrodden
Some of what looks like communists are more like socialists… but not really. They are really Big Governmentists who think MOAR GOBBERMINT is the answer to everything they don’t like in others… and they live under the idea that bigger government will fall into place with all their personal wishes and ban all their dislikes. Everything they want will be free and those evil productive people will pay for it.
Others that look like communists are actually corporatists. Their version of neonfeudalism is kinda communistic. You will give all you can and you will take what you need, providing you can pay the subscription or usage fee, which is based on how much you can give in labor. It is a pretty brilliant way to maximize return on a person’s labor like is done for machines. As a bonus, subscription fees can be adjusted individually, via tracking and AI, to ensure everyone lives just well enough not to revolt. While this is amazingly communistic, those pushing the program are not communists… at least for themselves.
However, for the sake of simplicity of rotary wing flight scheduling, they can all be considered communists.
Perhaps from now on, we should say, “communists and communist-like individuals.”
Ah… who cares.
Let’s remeber that we don’t care that a communist or socialistnor corporatist or globalists exists… but they hate the fact we exist… as they hate anyone they cannot control and exploit.
And if you don’t have a helicopter, well, a hammer upside the head works just as well for anyone who won’t leave you alone and wants to use you.
Korean Person
1 year ago
Leave it to the Setnaffarians to overreact against an imagined enemy/threat.
It seems our Dear Setnaffarian leader is bored out of his mind.
He is spending all his energy mobilizing his sockpuppets to attack a reasonable Korean American who happen to have liberal views.
And to avoid being painted as someone who uses the word ‘chinabot’ to describe his rivals he is now reverting to the word ‘commie.
1 year ago
Let’s do a quick commie/chinabot test.
Keep in mind, you have given plenty of data so any inconsistancy due to telling us what (you think) won’t make you sound like a chinabot or a communist will immediately flag.
Also, if you simply refuse to answer because you think it might expose you, not answering will 100% expose you and open up enhanced namecalling and ridicule.
Dummy or non-serious answers will also make you a greater target.
A liberal Korean concerned with the future of Korea will answer honestly in hopes of informing others of intelligent points of view they may not have concidered.
Shine, my friend.
– List 5 good directions Korea is going.
– List 5 bad directions Korea is going.
– List 5 directions you would like to see Korea go.
– List the 3 biggest threats to the prosperity of the Korean people.
– List the way(s) these threats should be overcome.
I have very clear answers to all of these. If you really are Korean, they likely won’t differ much in spirit, and perhaps not even in wording.
1 year ago
Think the whole monarchy fetish is driven by girls who wish they were princesses. There are a great many of them.
1 year ago
“driven by girls who wish they were princesses”
That’s not very inclusive.
I wish I was a princess, too.
Which is why I dress like one.
A beautiful dress and high heels…
…and plenty of blackface…
…because I want to be Princess Markle.
1 year ago
Sorry CH, ypu’ll never be Princess Markle. You are not always whinging about how raaaciss whitey is, how oppressive it is to be expected to behave as a proncess, or how miserable your childhood was…
You should take lessons from TK or the otber chinabot.
1 year ago
I got a big fat minus two for being a fan of Princess Markle?
I guess she IS hated.
Sorry to see so many racists resentful of anyone diluting the Nazi blood of the Royal Family.
Americans’ longing for monarchy is a much-discussed topic and has been for years. The common historical perception is that JFK’s “Camelot” was somehow the American version of a monarchy, satisfying an unspoken urge to have our own royalty. Even these days, many reality-TV shows are devoted to British people yelling at bumbling Americans (looking at you, Gordon Ramsay). There does seem to be, in certain sectors, a not-so-hidden need to be dominated by what is historically our mother culture, to “crawl back into the womb,” so to speak.
But any cultural analysis will also have to consider that many Americans thoroughly and proudly reject monarchy. Just cruise the comment threads of Instapundit to see plenty of conservatives going, “Fuck that—we fought a whole war to get away from monarchy.” So it’s not so simple as to say that “Americans pine for monarchy.” At best, only some do.
Also: I don’t agree with TK of AAK on many topics, but I think his point about uneven coverage is valid. The media are among those wanting to crawl back into the womb.
The English speak English. Their dramas, books, politics, news all get into America with ease. Basically their culture can easily leak unlike Japan which has the translation barrier. Doesn’t help that BBC America exists.
The British are a bit monarchy obsessed in their culture, that gets partially transferred to America as a monarchy curiosity. The Japanese are not monarchy obsessed in their cultural exports… what America gets from Japan is pure degeneracy.
Americans largely have no real or strong opinions on monarchy. They also have no real or strong feelings about the revolutionary War either.
TK is being a communist by projecting his desire to grovel at the feet of a hypothetical tyrant onto Americans who are really just watching posh reality TV.
TK always denigrates America. It’s like his main job.
Almost as if he was the real source of our chinabot infestation…
What is there in the what The Korean said that was offensive to America?
Ah I see.
The Korean’s political leanings are left wing liberal.
And we all know setnaffa detests left wing liberals. So it is natural for him to feel that way
We all know that The Korean is a liberal Korean American who hasn’t posted any stuff supportive of the PRC.
But since he’s liberal and does not agree with setnaffa, it is obvious that setnaffa is now moving toward to calling him a ‘chinabot’.
And we all know calling someone a ‘chinabot’ is setnaffa’s standard operating procedure when it comes to Koreans who do not agree with his right wing idealogy.
It’s… beautiful, you’re finally coming around to the idea that it’s Jeolla-do communists who are shilling in the comment section. Maybe TK of AAK is posting here. Fits the pattern of telling everyone who will listen that he is THE KOREAN you must absolutely listen to on all Korean topics. The same arrogance that self asserts to being the sole representative of an entire people.
Communists are easy to deal with.
Ideally, you need a helicopter.
But it is not required.
Hey CH, I don’t have a helicopter; but I can speak with a Chilean accent when necessary. Is that enough?
Setnaffa, just because you don’t have a helicopter doesn’t mean you can’t join the War on Communism.
The first step is to understand that not everybody that looks like a communist is a communist.
Real Communists are pretty rare these days as:
– with such a string of spectacular failures, even the dumbest people are a bit skeptical of communism
– while the wonders of comumunism was a viable path to power in the past, it is now hard to fire up the poor and downtrodden with promises of being more poor and downtrodden
Some of what looks like communists are more like socialists… but not really. They are really Big Governmentists who think MOAR GOBBERMINT is the answer to everything they don’t like in others… and they live under the idea that bigger government will fall into place with all their personal wishes and ban all their dislikes. Everything they want will be free and those evil productive people will pay for it.
Others that look like communists are actually corporatists. Their version of neonfeudalism is kinda communistic. You will give all you can and you will take what you need, providing you can pay the subscription or usage fee, which is based on how much you can give in labor. It is a pretty brilliant way to maximize return on a person’s labor like is done for machines. As a bonus, subscription fees can be adjusted individually, via tracking and AI, to ensure everyone lives just well enough not to revolt. While this is amazingly communistic, those pushing the program are not communists… at least for themselves.
However, for the sake of simplicity of rotary wing flight scheduling, they can all be considered communists.
Perhaps from now on, we should say, “communists and communist-like individuals.”
Ah… who cares.
Let’s remeber that we don’t care that a communist or socialistnor corporatist or globalists exists… but they hate the fact we exist… as they hate anyone they cannot control and exploit.
And if you don’t have a helicopter, well, a hammer upside the head works just as well for anyone who won’t leave you alone and wants to use you.
Leave it to the Setnaffarians to overreact against an imagined enemy/threat.
It seems our Dear Setnaffarian leader is bored out of his mind.
He is spending all his energy mobilizing his sockpuppets to attack a reasonable Korean American who happen to have liberal views.
And to avoid being painted as someone who uses the word ‘chinabot’ to describe his rivals he is now reverting to the word ‘commie.
Let’s do a quick commie/chinabot test.
Keep in mind, you have given plenty of data so any inconsistancy due to telling us what (you think) won’t make you sound like a chinabot or a communist will immediately flag.
Also, if you simply refuse to answer because you think it might expose you, not answering will 100% expose you and open up enhanced namecalling and ridicule.
Dummy or non-serious answers will also make you a greater target.
A liberal Korean concerned with the future of Korea will answer honestly in hopes of informing others of intelligent points of view they may not have concidered.
Shine, my friend.
– List 5 good directions Korea is going.
– List 5 bad directions Korea is going.
– List 5 directions you would like to see Korea go.
– List the 3 biggest threats to the prosperity of the Korean people.
– List the way(s) these threats should be overcome.
I have very clear answers to all of these. If you really are Korean, they likely won’t differ much in spirit, and perhaps not even in wording.
Think the whole monarchy fetish is driven by girls who wish they were princesses. There are a great many of them.
“driven by girls who wish they were princesses”
That’s not very inclusive.
I wish I was a princess, too.
Which is why I dress like one.
A beautiful dress and high heels…
…and plenty of blackface…
…because I want to be Princess Markle.
Sorry CH, ypu’ll never be Princess Markle. You are not always whinging about how raaaciss whitey is, how oppressive it is to be expected to behave as a proncess, or how miserable your childhood was…
You should take lessons from TK or the otber chinabot.
I got a big fat minus two for being a fan of Princess Markle?
I guess she IS hated.
Sorry to see so many racists resentful of anyone diluting the Nazi blood of the Royal Family.
Good clip. 😀