South Korean Team Prepares to Inspect Fukushima Nuclear Plant’s Water Storage Tanks

It will be interesting to see what Korea’s inspection team says once they complete their inspection:

In this file photo, officials at Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, speak to journalists at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on Feb. 2, 2023. (Yonhap)

In this file photo, officials at Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, speak to journalists at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on Feb. 2, 2023. (Yonhap)

A team of South Korean experts will focus on examining storage tanks of radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant and its treatment system, the team’s chief said Monday, amid lingering concerns about the safety of the water.

Nuclear Safety and Security Commission Chairperson Yoo Guk-hee, who heads the 21-member inspection team, made the remarks before his meeting with Japanese officials from Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the wrecked power plant, at Tokyo’s foreign ministry.

He added that the experts will check with their “own eyes” the K4 tanks, designed to store and conduct measurements of radioactive substance, and “request required data” from the Japanese authorities.


You can read more at the link.

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1 year ago

And after the inspection, decide if cheap GE plants are really worth it.

1 year ago

When I think of high safety standards, I always think of Korea.

1 year ago

So… they pump in water to cool the misshapen remains of the reactor core. The water picks up radioactive particles and brings them out.

The original plan to just filter the water worked until the filters were too radioactive to manage. Nobody saw that coming.

The current plan is to store the water until it becomes a problem due to quantity and then dump it into the sea every now and then when the outrage has died down from the last dumping.

It is unclear if reconstructing the reactors outside of containment is the best strategy… but perhaps it is all they have.

It seems like filtering it into small quantities and reprocessing into new fuel pellets or making bullets for 3rd world armies is a better solution.

1 year ago

dump it into the sea every now and then

Back in the early days of nuclear waste management the slogan was “the solution to pollution is dilution.” It made sense in a very intuitive way. After all, all those radioactive materials came out of the environment in the first place, putting it back ought to not cause problems… and the US and Soviets conducted hundreds of above ground nuclear tests with no apparent negative effect.

Supposedly cancer rates went up a little because of radioactive pollution, but then cancer rates have continued to go up after dumping ended so who really knows?

1 year ago

It used to be a tourist event to watch the mushroom clouds of the open air nuclear tests…

…from downtown Las Vegas.

People fret over tactical nukes going off in Ukraine and I have to prove to them that nobody in the rest of the world (and most of Ukraine) would notice.

That is actually pretty easy to do.

Then you start wondering if a few strategic nukes cleansing major American cities of druggies, criminals, homeless, and libtard politicians who keep doubling down on failure, is a truly progressive solution.

Neutron bombs may be the way forward.

Maybe the Deep State and Putin are working together.

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