Thanks to a tip from @martyn_williams I took a look at the warning areas for the upcoming (NET May 31) North Korean recon sat launch. The map below shows the launch site, polygonal warning areas and (orange lines) my fit to the trajectories. (1/n)…
About 0630 this morning Air Raid sirens going off in Seoul. In Seoul area emergency text messages sent out telling citizens to prepare to evacuate. Only occurred in Seoul apparently. Also, apparently NAVER web crashed with so many people logging on…
About 0630 this morning Air Raid sirens going off in Seoul. In Seoul area emergency text messages sent out telling citizens to prepare to evacuate. Only occurred in Seoul apparently. Also, apparently NAVER web crashed with so many people logging on…
Here is story, nk launch and sirens…
Given the unhinged figurehead of norkistan, it’s never bad to be careful. Glad it was a false alarm.