ROK Drop Open Thread, June 09, 2023

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1 year ago


Trump got indicted for, among process crimes, espionage.

Trump is a (rat) bastàrd¹ on many levels, but a traitor to America, he is not.

While there is ample evidence that Biden and Hillary helped other countries at the expense of America, for political and personal gain, Trump has (agree or disagree with his methods) worked only to help America and clearly explained his reasoning for his actions (for anybody listening).

Of course this won’t stick.

This isn’t about convicting Trump.

This is about election interference. The media will drone on about “under indictment” as this case drags on to election time.

Will it affect the vote?

Not for the NeverTrumpers and the MAGAdonians… but it may have some effect on swing voters (if there really are any).

But what effect will it have?

It is such clear prosecutorial fraud, it might get people to vote for him who aren’t happy that an incompetent sitting president is using the legal system to shut down his main competitor in the next election… while the FBI conceals or destroys evidence of crimes by the selected politicians.

That is some third world shiate, right there.

(Does anyone remember the boxes of classified data they found in various Biden offices dating back to his vice presidency, ranging from Chinatown to his garage? What happened to that?)

So, get the popcorn and watch the show.

¹Trump is not dishonest per se. He is just tricky and knows how to use the system against those who do not. I would never do business with him. But I want him doing business for me. Which he did for 4 years.

1 year ago

If the regime was fair, it would have indicted Biden, Clinton, Fauci, FBI, etc for all the same things and far more. The regime has not. It has nakedly used the law to rule by law rather than the republican ideal of rule of law, and yet they accuse Trump of being the one that damages the republic. They have eroded the laws and traditions of the republic so far and for so long they are creating the very Caesar they fear. If not Trump, more will come for all the old rules and traditions are dead and gone. Only power remains and those willing to seize it. The greatest irony of all of this is that Trump is genuinely a boomer who still believes in the Republic and doesn’t want to kill it.

Anyways, I’ve been pondering a question for a while. Do American nukes still work? Tritium triggers are what make them boom and not fizz, and America has been shutting down it’s Tritium production. Down to one reactor and it’s only for reprocessing domestic material. Itself being shut down no latter than 2030. Tritium half life is only 12 years. Shortage incoming. Without routine replacement, you’re sitting on a bunch of dirty bombs. Without domestic production, might not be able to do maintenance. This doesn’t even get into all the other factors like the explosive’s chemical degradation, electronic decay, core instability… all dependent on industries the US has been shutting down for decades.

All these problem would be easily dealt with by testing, but the anti nuclear testing treaties have forced maintainers to rely solely off of computer models that increasingly are removed from real world test data. CTBT was technically nonbinding, so it should be fairly trivial to conduct a test. Allegedly Trump wanted a test, but DOD rejected it claiming it would take years to set it up. Why the wait time? Are they scared the nukes don’t work and don’t want to expose it?

Why the immense energy spent on banning testing? USA and others conducted over 2000 tests without any discernible health effects. High altitude and underground testing are fairly safe. Talking with “experts” anti testing was always coallinged with anti proliferation and anti nuke. It was stealth denuclearization. Do American nukes still work, and if they do for how long?

1 year ago

Meanwhile back in the Korean ports.

The estimated average amount of meth used per 1,000 people per day 2020-2022 in three port areas — Busan, Incheon and Ulsan — was estimated to be 31.63 milligrams, while the figure for other regions stood at 18.26 milligrams.

1 year ago

Meth use is somewhat self-correcting… it kills the users…

1 year ago

Never tell me it cannot be done.


1 year ago

GI, Trump, as President, had legal access to the documents. Biden, as VP, never had legal access. Don’t get us started on Hillary’s bathroom server or the unauthorized insecure email addresses used by Clinton, Dubya, SCOAMF, and Biden (and many others).

This is transparently illegal and biased activity by the DoJ. It would give a bad name to banana republics to call it that level of corruption.

Of course, there will be no consequences for the actual criminals.

Oh, and Trump, along with his lawyers, admitted all documents and revised the room where they were stored based on FBI/DoJ instructions. No one obstructed anything.

I was leaning heavily toward DeSantis; but now Trump has my vote. Even if he doesn’t have his own Lynyrd Skynyrd song.

Last edited 1 year ago by setnaffa
1 year ago

Pilopon and heroin are two of the biggest hard currency earners for Little Brother Jong-eun.

The Southern jopok funding nuclear weapons aimed at their chingu, their nuna and their hyoungnim.

Cocaine mostly from Colombia, so more a kyopo connection there.

1 year ago

@GI, another difference is that depending how you interpret things, President Trump had the right to posses these documents while Vice Predisent Biden did not.

This is a can of worms for both prosecution and defense, primarily becasue the law is being twisted and weaponized this way for the first time, so there are no clear conclusions.

In the spirit of the law, was Trump collecting classified documents to sell to our enemies and damage America? Nobody but the end-spectrum NeverTrumpers are even entertaining this idea.

So the situation is a presidential candidate is using weaponized government against his main opponent for what, at worst, is a victimless process crime.

This is clear election interference, which is a crime with a large percentage of the nation as victims.

1 year ago


On Day 1, it was revealed the prosecution fraudulently modified the transcript of Trump talking about a classified document.

Not an auspicious start to the Get Trump Trial.

Protip: When you have a slam-dunk case, you don’t jeopardize it with stupidity. When you are really trying a case in the Court of Public Opinion, you only care about headlines becasue most people are too ignorant to notice the followup or retraction.

Remeber: This trial is not about convicting Trump. It is about election interference. Keep that in mind and all the insanity you are about to see will make perfect sense.

1 year ago

Well, well, well. The usual suspects spinning things their (Trump’s) way.

No, Trump didn’t have legal access to these classified documents. Top Secret/SCI belongs in a SCIF and only a SCIF and not in a private residence. Ever. I can see none of you have ever held a Top Secret/SCI clearance (I have) or even a Secret one at that.
And no, Trump didn’t magically declassify anything just by thinking about it. That’s not the way declassification works. There’s a process in place.
And no, Trump had no right to keep any of those classified documents once he fairly lost the election; none of them belonged to him anymore and the fact that he and his lawyers lied about them and tried to conceal/keep them makes him a criminal.
Spin it any way you want though to make yourselves feel better.
And Setnaffa; DeSantis? Really? Have you ever watched The Handmaid’s Tale? That’s where that f&cker wants to take the US.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

70-year-old Korean Marine veteran fights back against robbers

One of the commentators on Youtube:

I’ve taught in and outside of the city, and there’s an insane notion within the former that we all deserve to be robbed. It was unreal. There was no sense of “If I work hard, I could earn this,” it was “Someone has something I want, and I’ll take it if I can.” It was a disgusting culture.

Sort of how Biden’s IRA law is designed to achieve this, taking from South Korea.

Last edited 1 year ago by Korean Man
1 year ago


No, Trump didn’t have legal access to these classified documents. Top Secret/SCI belongs in a SCIF and only a SCIF and not in a private residence. Ever.

Glad you agree that Hillary didn’t have legal access to classified documents. Top Secret/SCI belongs in a SCIF and only a SCIF and not in a private email server located in a private residence. Ever… but DOJ and all the usual suspects didn’t agree, and so here we are. The supposed law only matters based on partisan identification. Don’t you get it? The rule of law is dead and gone. You either indict everyone fairly for criminal doings, or you grant amnesty to everyone fairly. To do neither and solely use the law to target specific individuals in clearly political intent goes against the most foundational constitutional traditions this country was built on.

And no, Trump didn’t magically declassify anything just by thinking about it. That’s not the way declassification works. There’s a process in place.

You’re so fucking stuck in the past it’s unbelievable. There is no “process” at the top levels of government. Everyone plays fast and loose with the so called rules. “Process” is only for the little people like you or regime enemies like Trump.

the fact that he and his lawyers lied about them and tried to conceal/keep them makes him a criminal.

Glad we agree again. The fact that Hillary and her lawyers lied about them and tried to conceal/keep them makes her a criminal. Oh, wait… there’s several major differences. She deleted all the records which means she also destroyed government records as well as conspired against the US government. There’s another key difference. She’s a democrat so that makes her innocent in the eyes of the regime.

DeSantis? Really? Have you ever watched The Handmaid’s Tale? That’s where that f&cker wants to take the US.

That’s an extraordinary claim. Do you have evidence? You appear to have all of these preconceived notions of what Christians are based off a TV show written by anti Christian feminist progressives. Your world view is warped by propaganda. I say this as someone who has a problem with belief, spend any real time in most Christian churches and you’d find Handmaid’s Tale a gross caricature of what Christians really are. The most traditional Christian sects in this country, Amish and Mennonites, treat their women with a respect and gentleness that is absent in the pornified modern world.

I can see none of you have ever held a Top Secret/SCI clearance (I have) or even a Secret one at that.

Clearly OPM failed in the background check with you.

1 year ago

Something else to ponder. I’ve always liked Beau, some of you may want to check his videos out

1 year ago

Couldn’t read the WaPo article Stephen it had a paywall (I am suspect of the WaPo anyway as it is owned by Bezos and lost credibility)
I know some folks with SCIFs in their homes. Requires a construction project but they do it for folks that have to make very big decisions very quickly.
that doesn’t mean Hillary is clear. I have never met anyone who worked in intelligence who would say she didn’t break the law egregiously.

1 year ago


Those 2 previous comments are not from me: the original Stephen.

On Rokdrop, which is a Korea based blog, I have no comment on the Trump court case in Miami. That case will wind its way through the court in Miami, regardless of my thoughts.

Of more concern to me is the substantial increase in pilopon use in South Korea.

These tons of pilopon are being smuggled in from North Korea through transshipments of containers through Chinese ports.

The triads have been teaming up with the jopok and the yakuza for decades.

1 year ago

Well, Ladies & Gentlemen, this is as close to fame as you will get.

I read the Trump indictment and it turns out…


…it appears I am included in the case.

The complaint is he had “documents with classified markings” rather than “classified documents”.

I am not sure, but I think these are not the same thing.

For example, I have a document marked “Top Secret”. It says “Operation Northwoods”… something about the American government proposing to kill American citizens so there would be justification for war against Cuba.

Good thing the American government stopped doing crummy things to Americans in the 60s.

Anyway, I am somewhat under the impression that when something is no longer classified, they don’t track down every copy and hit it with a bottle of whiteout.

Legal English is not written to be understood.

It is written to not be misunderstood.

“Documents with classified markings” instead of “classified documents” was no mistake.

It was the absolute truth… but it was targeted at the legally ignorant masses yelling “but… but… but… classified” rather than the legal case.

There is no case here…

…except in the court of public opinion before an election… against the guy leading every poll.

You dont have to like Trump but you should fight shoulder-to-shoulder with his supporters against this lawfare.

…because someday, the right will win and all these weapons will be used against you (and me).

All abortions will be back alley. Legal pot will be over. Music lyrics with pimp and ho will be censored. Faggoty stuff in schools will be replaced by Bibles… and your kids better be able to quote it. Illegal aliens will be 50 to a cell until they are deported… with no more free medical care (but that doesn’t mean you will get any either)… etc.

And the candidate that stands up against this will be Trumpinized.

“But but but,” you will say.

But you won’t be self aware enough to realize you once had the power to make sure this didnt happen.

But the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd never really had long-term thinking skills.

I would giggle at this prospect but I know the farther the lefties push the pendulum, the farther it will swing back. And apart from throwing acid on commies and leftist busybodies, nothing good will come of it.

Lefty Bìtch Karen is horrible but Church Lady poking into your business is just as bad.

But keep supporting the downward spiral of the Rule of Law so you can Git Trump.

You will earn the result.

1 year ago

Good catch. Even if I had read the whole thing, I wouldn’t have caught that subtle (but huge) difference in language. S’all good man.

1 year ago

Everything God allows is good. Whether we are wise enough to see it or not. Read the Book of Job for more details.

At the end of your trials, aim to come out as gold.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

China hired an untold number of former American jet fighter pilots to train China’s pilots and crack US air tactics, in return for $$$.

So it’s not just Tesla, Apple, Intel, IBM, and NVIDIA which are collaborating with China, with blessing from the US government.

1 year ago

Korean man, I’ve heard RAF pilots did that but I’ve never heard that US fighter pilots went to be instructors for the Chinese. I don’t speak the language that video was in. I’d like more information please.

1 year ago

I noticed the commercial is in English. Gee. This can’t be Chinese propaganda.
Edited to add: the beginning cites the Airforce times. I know they did a piece on the (former) RAF pilots who went to China to be instructors.
that was NOT a “blessing” from the UK btw. The government said it took immediate steps to curb and penalize the activity.
they can probably never go home and if they must stay in China that is certainly a living hell.

Last edited 1 year ago by Liz
1 year ago

People who ask “What’s so good about Texas?” are just jealous their home state isn’t shaped like a waffle iron.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

Despite the limited responses from the Marines, Navy and Air Force, chances are high that the Pentagon is now energetically focused on the possibility that others may be, or have been, at work with China. Theoretically, China’s recruitment model could extend to former U.S. Army personnel and an interest in U.S. armor/artillery/infantry tactics, air and missile defense, and systems operation in all of the above.

“Threatened” By Chinese Poaching & Russian Acts, US Offers Its Military Pilots ‘Big Bonus’ To Stay In Service

Last edited 1 year ago by Korean Man
1 year ago

“Chances are high” eh?
big difference from the claim an undisclosed number are doing it “with the blessing of the US government”
The military has been offering large pilot bonuses for a long while.
No secret there is a pilot shortage…airlines can’t hire fast enough.
that is the competition, not China.

1 year ago

Yes, global shortage due to demography and the pandemic bringing forward many retirements.

There are all sorts of reasons for airforce pilot shortages. The Republic of Singapore Air Force has faced a shortage for decades due to the requirement for 20/20.

“According to the National University Health System, myopia is the most common eye condition affecting children in Singapore today. More than half of children here develop myopia by the age of 12.”

Straits Times 23 February 2023

1 year ago

Any of you Flag Code people know if you are allowed to put some other flag in the center with American flags in lesser positions?

If this is cool, it will really help.

I have 2 American flags but only one Nazi flag and I wasn’t sure the proper way to display it without throwing off the symmetry.

1 year ago

Well, CH, I see the WH beat you to the punch!

1 year ago

That’s interesting about the Singapore pilots Stephan (a squadron of F15 folks were at the base in Idaho a few years back they were impressive)
cascading consequences led to the shortage (as you mention). Started many years before the pandemic though…the USAF was a big source of new pilots and they cut back. Then they didn’t have enough and you can’t just hire more new pilots without instructors. Seasoned instructors were the limiting factor and still are. Some folks have come back from retirement as contractors. In the airlines it has never been like this. The majority aren’t former military anymore. When my spouse’s dad flew for Eastern it took 18 years at least to be a Captain. Now it is six (the bare minimum). Dearth of pilots makes newbies able to accrue seniority fast.

1 year ago

For months, the BBC has been communicating in secret with three North Koreans living in the country. They expose, for the first time, the disaster unfolding there since the government sealed the borders more than three years ago.

Chan Ho blames the international community. “The US and UN seem half-witted,” he says, questioning why they still offer to negotiate with Kim Jong Un, when it is so clear he will not give up his weapons. Instead, the construction worker wishes the US would attack his country.

“Only with a war, and by getting rid of the entire leadership, can we survive,” he says. “Let’s end this one way or another.”

Myong Suk agrees. “If there was a war, people would turn their backs on our government,” she says. “That’s the reality.”

1 year ago

Reality shows us, time and again, that liberal politicians — not just US Democrats — either think they can talk evil dictators into behavior they like. There will be no attack from “The West” (i.e., US and allies) that brings Chinese troops into Korea.

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