Korea Times Advertisement About Women Goes Viral on Twitter
|Apparently this odd advertisement in the Korea Times is very popular on Twitter right now:

A bold but cryptic full-page advertisement about the power of women in the US edition of the Korea Times has set Twitter abuzz as concerns about alarmingly low birth rates have persisted in Korea.
The Korean-language daily — the largest in the US, headquartered in Los Angeles with bureaus in New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Hawaii, Toronto and Vancouver — featured the print ad on June 14. The ad simply shows two sentences that read, “The most powerful force of a woman is not giving birth” in both Korean and English.
The two sentences are attributed to “Sung Sam Bang.” The individual’s identity remains unknown, with no clear indication if it is a real name or pseudonym.
At the bottom of the page, a disclaimer from the Korea Times in small print confirms that the advertisement was paid for, but refrains from either supporting or dismissing its content.
A tweet featuring a photo of the ad shared three days later on June 17, saw more than 2.5 million views by June 19, along with nearly 25,000 retweets and over 10,000 likes. Twitter’s viewer metrics include any logged-in user who encounters the tweet, including the author.
Korea Herald
You can read more at the link.
Absolutely right!
…as my sandwich isn’t going to make itself.
Is it okay to say “women”? Are we not required to say “not-men”?
I’m a bit behind on the current lingo…
If the most powerful force of a woman is not giving birth, why are they being relabled as “birthing persons”?
What else sets them aside?
A guy can make me a sandwich, wash my dishes, clean my toilet, blow me to completion, etc.
Ladies, better start distinguishing yourselves ir be made redundent.
CH, we may differ greatly in many areas of discrimination. For example, where we choose to perform voluntary body functions and with whom. However, you have succinctly grasped the whole woke theology. Their goal is the abolition of women.
As if only the men will suffer when the population declines and there are only old people to take care of. The old women will suffer too when there’s a lack of tax money and a lack of workers to take care of them in their old age homes.
Your idea works for a generation.
Then, when the problem is bigger, what is the solution?
Ok. One generation later?
Ok. After Korea is covered in concrete and 60 story half-size apartments?
Better find a workaround instead of kicking the can.
Just like fatty Mao’s failed “One Child” policy and now Winnie Xi’s “Minimum Three Children” policy, the limp-wristed incels pretending to be Koreans think central planning is useful for more than just academic exercises and destroying actual nations. Examples include every communist country on Earth.
I’ve already linked to videos showing how poorly China is doing with infrastructure and economic issues. They are lying about their current population, too. It is becoming rapidly-aging unmarried men with no job, no future prospects, and no hope.
Which is probably why our chinabots pick on South Korea. Up until Moon, the ROK was very successful, and Yoon appears to be putting them back on the right path.
Time will tell for Korea; but China is already falling apart—and the writing is on the wall for Xi and his minons…
Not because of anything America is doing, but because of the corruption and greed within a China that mixes styrofoam and twin as filler in building foundations, installs fake fire hydrants, and has so destroyed its own culture that people won’t even change the lightbulbs in the hallways of their own apartments!
China is on a pathway like 90s Japan… only worse. They know it. They will try to avoid it… probably with war.
History shows China’s response to their growing situation will be a strong central government and international isolation or a weak central government and regions competing with each other for international interaction.
The second one is most probably.
As Japan grows into a remilitarized regional power, they will outsorce labor to favorable regions of China… but more on their terms.
Japan will also have a growing influence in Pacific Russia to secure resources.
Will Russia remain a united country is the question. Much of the world would like to see Russia broken up.
Up until Moon, the ROK was very successful, and Yoon appears to be putting them back on the right path.
So setnaffa has admitted that former Presidents Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun, the founders and godfathers of the Korean liberal political movement had successful presidential terms.
As for Pres. Moon, I’ll admit that there are things he could have done better but compared to the bumbling Yoon, who maybe way over his head, Moon was a lot smarter.
And since setnaffa has admitted that he likes liberal Korean presidents maybe he can be more receptive of Moon’s presidency.
Kim Dae-jung’s biggest accomplishment was the excellent policy of pulling intrusive government out of free enterprise during the IMF crisis.
Not having government as a business partner is always great for the econony…
…something that government knows but can’t bring itself to practice.
Moon did the opposite during covid, at the bidding of the globalist/corporatists in an attempt to destroy the small business economy, and Yoon doesn’t even know this policy is possible.
As for Ro, he could have done great things but became petty.
Don’t wrestle with a pig. You come out covered in shìt and the pig enjoys it.
But none of this matters.
Left vs. Right is just an imaginary battle in Korea. Both the Korean left and right generally want what is best for Korea and Koreans. The arguments are on the finer points of how to get there and how to allocate resources to cronies.
The real battle is the nationalists who are loyal to Korea vs the globalists who will betray Korea for ideology they see as more grand (and recognition on a world stage and personal gain).
There are more and more Korenans in power leaning this way. And the globalists identify their tools and fund their way to power.
Korea needs to avoid globalism, government workers not loyal to Korea above all else, and politicians who are not working for Korea.
Use the Moon administration as a guide for what to avoid.