Korean-Americans Fear Gun Violence More Than Any Other Asian Ethnic Group
|The Korea Times has article published that Korean-Americans fear gun violence more than any other Asian ethnic group. Some Korean-Americans are now arming themselves because of the gun violence in America:

As fear escalates to new heights, some Korean Americans have decided to take their safety matters in their own hands. How? It’s simple. Owning your own gun.
Korea Times
While advocacy groups are firm in their belief that gun ownership is never the correct way to deal with fears, some Korean Americans feel it is the only way for them to feel safe in America.
Brian Kim is one of those people.
“I had returned home from visiting my parents and noticed my window was left wide open,” he explained. “I knew then I had to protect myself. Up until then, I had no idea how easy it was to obtain a gun.”
Kim states that with his gun, he feels much safer than before.
“Obviously, if I were living in Korea, I would never feel the need to own a gun because no one else has one, but in America, your safety is kind of up to you,” Kim said. “I was also threatened with a gun last year, so I’ve been thinking about purchasing another one for my car.”
Kim, however, does not agree with open carry, which refers to carrying a firearm in public in circumstances where the firearm is fully or partially visible to others.?He thinks there are simply way too many people that are unhinged for open carry.
You can read more at the link, but being a victim of a crime is much more likely than being a victim of a mass shooting. Having guns to deal with criminals was very beneficial to the Rooftop Koreans during the LA riots.
Fake news.
Koreans aren’t living in fear. They’re using their Constitutional Rights.
Clearly, they have never met a drunk Uzbek.
That’s an Asian ethnic group I fear more than gun violence.
Narrarator: What is left out of every such report is that Korean-Americans actually fear BLACK gun violence. This is because it is difficult to find examples of gun violence against Korean by any other ethnic group.
Anybody see this make national news a couple of weeks ago?
And for those of you who haven’t figured out when the race of the perpetrator is noticeably missing from the article…
“Kim, however, does not agree with open carry, which refers to carrying a firearm in public in circumstances where the firearm is fully or partially visible to others. He thinks there are simply way too many people that are unhinged for open carry.”
People who open carry are sending a message.
That message is usually, “I’m the dummy you want to get the drop on.”
Drawing from the drop usually never ends well.
“People who open carry are sending a message.
That message is usually, āIām the dummy you want to get the drop on.ā
This point is so rarely seen on social media. And so true.
@Chickenhead, I missed seeing that story two weeks ago. What a horrible crime. It sounds like another mentally unstable criminal running around with a gun. I wonder how many times he has been in and out of jail?
America now:
– defund police
– criminalize self defense for the productive class with something to lose
– don’t prosecute serious crimes
– release career criminals into the public
This is 100% intentional.
If people would study history instead of the how many genders children of color should have, they would instantly recognize this as a communist tactic for guiding society.
In this case, those pushing this are not communists (for themselves) but they know a good program when they see it.
After a decade of increasing disorder and injustice, Americans will beg for a solution and agree to anything which returns stability.
For once, government will be there for you with a handy solution (to the problems they created).
There will be a lot of enthusiasm adopting a national ID required to enter a store, a digital currency to track all transactions, per mile travel tax and the tracking technology for it, and more restrictions on non-criminal guns… as this will fight criminals and terrorists and drug dealers and human traffickers and the boogeyman.
You essentially have a crystal ball that sees the future.
Now what are you going to do about it?