As Beijing watched Prigozhin's private army move toward Moscow, one thought that may have entered Xi Jinping's head: "I was correct to jail Generals Xu Caihou and Guo boxiong and purge disloyalty and corruption from the PLA." The PLA, the Party's Army, from 2004 to 2014… 1/7
– Da fuq?
– This has to be a setup.
– Clever way to reposition all those semi-disposable soldiers and their weapons that close to Kiev.
– If a private military group attacks Poland, can NATO evoke Article 5 against Russia?
– 俄罗斯人疯了
If a private military group attacks Poland, can NATO evoke Article 5 against Russia?
The reason Prigozhin went on his Hayride to Moscow is because “private military” must now be incorporated into the official Russian Armed Forces.
Xi Huangdi would agree with that … nothing more dangerous in Chinese history to an emperor than a princeling with a private army.
As noted in the linked Tweet: “I was correct to jail Generals Xu Caihou and Guo Boxiong and purge disloyalty and corruption from the PLA.”
Xi Huangdi also purged Bo Xilai, who had built up an army of chengguang in Chongqing.