Picture of the Day: Successful Flight of the KF-21
This photo provided by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) on June 28, 2023, shows the sixth prototype of the KF-21 fighter jet. DAPA said the sixth and final prototype of the homegrown fighter successfully performed its maiden flight earlier in the day. (Yonhap)
That look suspiciously familiar.
Familiar shape, but no internal weapons bay so quite different.
Wonder if they have the recipe for LO?
We are happy the ROKAF has pretty homegrown planes. We anticipate they will outperform anything China or the wormies throw their way.
If it is hanging weapons external then it is not stealth.
“If it is hanging weapons external then it is not stealth.”
What if you use stealth weapons?
Modern problems require modern solutions.
Besides the K in KF stands for Kamikaze.
Enemy won’t even see it coming and then BOOM… bridge of their carrier engulfed in a fireball.
No internal weapons bay becasue it is filled with shaved match heads.
Well, now that new friendship with Japan takes on new meaning. I have to admit I never saw that coming.
Korea purchased a bunch of F-35 tech transfers from Lockheed. Not surprising when Korea is one of the foreign military sales participants. US government blocked EW tech transfer and Korea will have to develop that themselves, but program audit reported 87% tech secured which I’m reading as 87% of tech bought. The fuselage was engineered to be remolded to have internal weapons bay when block 3 is produced. This plane is shaping up to be the dominant mid market choice replacing the ubiquitous F-16 so expect this to potentially be popping up all over the place in a decade or so.
This is at most 13% domestic. Really makes one wonder if internationalizing the F-35 project was really a good a idea. Who needs espionage when it can just be bought on the open market?
The US government refused to give technology to South Korea, and as such South Korea developed most of the technology on its own. No need to pay royalties to US defense contractors.
The only foreign components are the engines, ejection seats, and the air-to-air missiles and their associated release mechanism.
Only a racist US Southern white who looks down on Asians will make up a ludicrous claim that most of the technology for the KF-21 was bought abroad and that from the F-35 when the US refused to give that technology.
“Only a racist US Southern white…”
You realize that GrayBlack is half alien and half African-American, right?
This is not to be confused with Flyingsword who is half flyings and half word.
Ah yes seems Chickened Head considers me a threat since he is expending all his energy trying to counter me 😀
The US government only blocked the transfer of Electronic Warfare technology of which there were 4. AESA radar, IRST, EO TGP, and RF jammer. It still allowed over a dozen other core technologies to be transferred. The plane even uses the General Electric F404 engine. Lockheed Martin is an official partner of the KF-X program which means they’re a part of R&D.
Why would the program audit say 87% of technology was ‘secured’ rather than say ‘developed.’ Secured implies acquired. This might be a translation issue, but in conjunction with how the plane looks like something Lockheed Martin builds… and them being a program partner… and the tech transfers… and the engine…
The engine is a mighty important feature and the most complex and difficult piece of technology. Without it you don’t even get off the ground. I’m not sure that helps your case. I didn’t even know about the bolded parts being foreign. Thanks!
You’re expressing that liberal American mindset again! This is why I can’t agree with those who call you a China bot. Actual Chinese prefer the term Baizuo.
You might get a laugh from this. During inprocessing as a DA civilian they listed me as White in the demographics data. I’m guessing the bureaucrat simply looked at my name and not at the Asian guy sitting right in front of him. The computer system didn’t allow for correction.
When applying to Marine OCS they pulled my racial demographics data from DoD but added in my ethnicity. I became a White Asian according to the government. At OCS Candidates are listed as OCAN/E-5 for pay grade purposes. When I got medically dropped from OCS with LoD benefits, Tricare sent me to an Air Force clinic.
The clinic was expecting an active duty (because of the LoD) White Asian Marine Sergeant. I was just an Asian American civilian, but I might as well been an alien. That poor confused Lt on duty…
Oh yeah, my demographics data never got fixed either so this problem will pop up again in the future.
I checked Native American on every form possible until they got wise to that and changed it to American Indian.
What audit? Audit by GrayBlack?
I have to give setnaffa credit for adapting to the new reality.
His previous sockpuppets were jokes but for the latest one using the name ‘GrayBlack’, it seems setnaffa put some effort into it.
A ‘White Asian former Marine Sergeant’ who spews right wing garbage but in a more reasoned tone.
Reminds me of ‘Drago’.
But then one wonders, does setnaffa expect us to believe a government bureaucrat put down his race as ‘white’ despite being ‘Asian’ because of his name and that no one corrected it?
The more you read ‘GrayBlack’s’ story the more you see holes in the overall flow and logic.
Need to do better setnaffa.
The last time you tried that with ‘Drago’ it didn’t take long for you to do something that exposed ‘Drago’ as one of your sockpuppets.
Maybe Korea Person isn’t really a chinabot.
He might freelance for them, since the only time his politics are pro-Korean is when he is trying to drive a wedge between Korea and USA…
…but he could be a Korean adoptee raised in America by a liberal white family who meant well.
Korea Person took all the liberalism but didn’t take the meaning well part.