Investigation Announced Into Why Moon Administration Delayed Environmental Assessment of the THAAD Battery
|The Moon administration was not in favor of the THAAD deployment and made things hard on USFK to sustain the unit such as delaying the environmental assessment:

A thorough investigation is necessary if there are suspicions that the previous Moon Jae-in administration deliberately dragged its feet in normalizing the U.S. THAAD missile defense system in South Korea, a senior presidential official said Wednesday.
Allegations have arisen that the Moon administration deliberately delayed the publishing of an environmental assessment report of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery base, which was installed in Seongju, 214 kilometers southeast of Seoul, in 2017.
Since its installation, the unit has been kept in a temporary status pending the assessment.
“The normalization of the Seongju base is an essential measure for the Korea-U.S. combined defense posture,” the official said. “If there are suspicions this measure was deliberately delayed, I think we have to provide related facts to the people through a thorough investigation.”
Normalization of the THAAD base picked up speed after President Yoon Suk Yeol came into office.
Earlier this year, the environment ministry concluded that the base poses no health hazards, saying the maximum amount of electromagnetic waves emanating from the THAAD base was just 0.2 percent of the legal safety protection standard.
You can read more at the link, but the Yoon administration should also investigate why the Moon administration allowed protesters to almost continuously break the law and block the road forcing USFK to move personnel and equipment to the THAAD site via helicopter.
Commie Moon, agent of the CCP
Every politician who did the bidding of the globalists and betrayed their country during covid should be punished.
That goes double when they are also commies.
But this is a bit of a witch hunt. Korea has better things to focus on.
As I understand, delayed paperwork might give the Chinese hope they had some influence over the situation… but the THAAD was still installed and functional.
As a results, rather than a process, oriented guy, I can approve.
The lesson here is even over commies and globalists, the American military (industrial complex) still has a bit of pull.
Experts have checked more than twice.
The assessment report is not nice.
It shows THAAD radar is deadly
to scallions and sesame,
like Fan Death to peppers and rice.
Are you sure about that?
Thaad site cleared of protesters (
That happened in April 2018, less than a year into Moon’s term.
@TOK, the Moon administration only cleared the road of protesters on special occasions when large pieces of equipment had to be moved in that could not be moved by helicopter after much lobbying by USFK and the ROK Army who also has troops at the site. Day to day operations of moving people and supplies was done by helicopter because of the blockade. This greatly impacted the quality of life for personnel at the site and thankfully there was never an aviation mishap that could have killed troops because of the ridiculous blockade.
Since THAAD was an initiative of President Park the usual suspects in the Korean left came out and protested it. When President Moon took power he took a middle ground of allowing the THAAD to remain where it was because he knew it was providing a needed missile defense capability to the country and did not want to harm the U.S.-ROK alliance by trying to remove it. However, to appease his left wing base he allowed the protesters to continue to block the road forcing the U.S. and ROK military personnel to use helicopters to access the base.
The removal of the protesters on these special occasions only further validates the Moon administration could have removed these protesters whenever they wanted to and chose not to for political reasons.
This is the perfect example why South Korea needs its own missile defense system to replace THAAD. And L-SAM is what is going to replace THAAD which has given Korea so much grief.
L-SAM passed its tests, and is now waiting for full deployment by end of 2024. Let’s get rid of THAAD – the cause of so much grief with China and the US which betrayed South Korea when Trump came to power. If and when Trump comes back to power again, he’ll be demanding $1 billion per year for Korea to host THAAD. Next time, let’s tell him to go take a hike because we got our own missile defense.
Korea Man is a nutjob but I gave him +1 for his idea that Korea should design and deploy its own weapons system (as long as it is competent).
It reduces dependence, lowers long-term costs, and becomes an export-related profit center.
This is fitting with Korea’s goals.
The only question is…
If the Chinese didn’t like THAAD, how will they feel about a Korean duplicate of THAAD?
Sounds same-same to me.
not exactly same.
If it’s South Korean missiles on South Korean land, China has no legs to stand on.
I see that despite TOK showing that the Moon government did not intenionally block the THAAD site, GIKorea is shaping the narrative to align with his conspiracy theory that Moon did intentionally block the site.
And here I was thinking that GIKorea did not delve into conspiracy theories, fake news and misinformation.
But at the end of the day, he is no different than his right wing Setnaffarian buddies.
“If it’s South Korean missiles on South Korean land, China has no legs to stand on.”
That makes sense.
Give us your international military relations opinion on this:
The THAAD is sold to Korea for one dollar and becomes a Korean missile in Korea.
Have we outsmarted the Chinese or is that not good enough for the chinabots?
Was it an “intentional blockade” to appease his left wing support base or reluctance by the police and the military to create a bigger issue by confronting the protestors?
There is a possibility that the police and the military may have advised Moon, that for situations where trucking equipment was absolutely necessary, it may be better to not confront the protestors.
Most of the police mobilized for riot duties are not specialized riot police units nor conscripts but uniformed street and traffic cops, plain clothes detectives, and office/support personnel, who do not look forward to butting heads with protestors.
None of them want a bad day, including the commanding officers, so they may have gone to Moon and advised Moon that leaving them alone is a better option.
Moon, who is not that crazy about using police to break up protests, may have been inclined to agree.
The military also may not want any headaches and gone along with the plan.
You have to understand that for military personnel and government employees here in Korea, choosing to ignore the problem and hoping it goes away or that someone else takes care of it is a lot less of an headache than confronting that problem.
Ignoring cancer doesn’t cure it.
Did it become a Korean missile? When did that happen? When Trump comes to power, that one dollar will turn into one $billion per year invoice. I’m really hoping your man will reclaim the US presidency. That will destroy the Korean right’s credibility for decades.
Korea Man, your word salad did not address the issue.
Korea arms itself with JDAMs purchased from America. The Chinese do not complain they feel threatened by American precision-guided weapons. They are considered Korean weapons.
If the THAAD system is sold to Korea, does it become a Korean system?
As you said, the Chinese will no longer have a leg to stand on.
But when an option for Korea to have its cake and eat it too is given, instead of enthusiastically finding ways to make it work, you panic that it might.
This is why you are accused of being a chinabot. In the end, you always fall back to supporting china.
The other option is you are just a Korea-hating shìt Korean.
For $1 billion per year? Sorry, not worth it, don’t need it, just take it out. In 2016, South Korean car makers had 10% of Chinese market. After 2017 and THAAD, the market share was 0%. Same story with Lotte, Samsung, cosmetics, entertainment, tourism etc, as China banned all Korean consumer goods. Damage to the economy for just one year was $35 billion, now keep on multiplying that by each year that the ban is in effect. Was THAAD worth it for Korea, to trade what is supposedly free (which is not at all), for economic damage currently still running into hundreds of billions in total? It’s not going to take any education to guess that the US will at some point will try to leverage the ‘free’ hosting of THAAD in Korea. Nothing is free. I bet you that many in the right-wing Park government who OK’ed THAAD, never in their imagination had thought that the US would betray them. The only true defense is up to South Korea, never rely on the US.
ChickenHead still doesn’t get it. Schizophrenic support for China is a distinctly American thing. One need only look at Diane Feinstein’s vote record in conjunction with her husband’s business dealings in China. Many such cases.
It seems like you are suggesting we have a libtard Korean-American who hates his American GI father and his Korean barwhore mother… so he hates America and hates the Korea he doesn’t really know except though his parent’s eyes… and is lost and angry and hatefull.
He grew up surrounded by dysfunction and anger and mental illness and substance dependency with a bit of violence, and he chose to embrace the ideology that makes him a perpetual dependent victim in keeping with how he perceives himself.
Everything is America’s fault but he doesn’t want Korea to succeed either… so his anti-Americanism and only slightly less Anti-Koreanism gives the illusion that he is pro-Chinese because he really has no hate toward them.
We have seen this before. Looking back, I saw it twice before I could find Korea on a map.
You might be on to something.
I will open my mind.
The more they write, the more they give stuff away. And the stupider they write, the more they give away.
I was thinking the same thing. The chinabots all sound like tom (the canadian incel) and the fake tbone/paintchip poster(s).
But they mimic the same sewage flowing freely down the streets of Beijing, so I don’t care where they’re really from.
@TOK, the Yoon administration not long after taking over was able to normalize access to the THAAD site. The Moon administration could have normalized access years ago and chose not to.
I was in Korea in 2002 when the largest anti-US protests were happening and the government was able to deploy enough riot police around 2ID bases to keep them open from protesters back then. The same thing happened in the 2005 timeframe when protesters tried to block access to Camp Humphreys for its expansion. Enough riot police was sent to stop the protesters and remember this was during the Roh administration. Moon could have done the same thing to normalize access to the THAAD site and chose not to.
@Chickenhead, remember the Chinese are against THAAD for largely made up reasons in order to create tension between the US and South Korea to harm the alliance. With Yoon as president now it is no longer as useful thus you don’t hear as much from the Chinese any more on this topic.
From the article you linked, it seems like the police and the military assured the villagers that no deliveries would be made during the weekend, and then had the trucks drive in during the middle of Sunday night when everyone was sleeping.
Of course when the villagers found out they mobilized and protested.
This doesn’t look like “normalization” but more of the status quo. The only difference is that the police and the military decided to misinform the villagers.
Also, there hasn’t been any report of clashes between the protestors and the police lately, and if the deliveries were being made five times a week, presumably during the weekdays, it brings into question whether the protests have been continously blocking the entrance and that they have been dispersed by the police as you claimed.
“and then had the trucks drive in during the middle of Sunday night when everyone was sleeping.”
Fairweather protesters sleeping on the job get all whiney when their laziness gets them outsmarted.
I would have tossed a flashbang into every yard on the way out of town.
would have tossed a flashbang into every yard on the way out of town.
Then we would see you behind bars in a Korean jail after being arrested by the Korean Police.
That is assuming of course you are a real person living in Korea as you claimed and not some Russiabot or an ignorant angry pro-Trump Southern white with issues living in the deep South and want to sell off his country to the Russians.
Thr difference between my “Hahahahaha!” and your “Hahahaha” is mine concerns a real event (protester self-own) and yours concerns some sort of fantasy that exists entirely in your own head (me in a Korean jail).
Not all “ha”s are equal.