President Yoon Orders Authorities to Develop Alternate Events for Scouts Attending Jamboree in Heat Wave Hit South Korea
|It is looking like the weather is absolutely miserable for these Scouts. Hopefully the alternate attractions being planned for them has a lot of shade and air conditioning:
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British Scouts arrive at a hotel in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, after they withdrew from the campsite in the Saemangeum reclamation area hosting the World Scout Jamboree amid a heat wave, Aug. 5. Yonhap |
Municipal and provincial governments across Korea were busy arranging various tourism programs for participants at the World Scout Jamboree under way in the country as alternative activities amid an ongoing extreme heat wave and other issues that have affected the global gathering.
Korea Times
The event held in the southwestern coastal area of Saemangeum has faced criticism after numerous accounts of a hospital bed shortage, waterlogged conditions due to previous heavy rains, and swarms of mosquitoes, as the country has been gripped with record-high temperatures.
On Saturday, representatives of the participating countries decided to go ahead with the event despite challenges that led the United States, Britain and Singapore to pull out from the campsite.
In light of the reported problems at the site, President Yoon Suk Yeol ordered authorities to devise tourism programs that would enable jamboree participants to see firsthand Korea’s industry, culture, history and nature.
You can read more at the links.
“It is looking like the weather is absolutely miserable for these Scouts. Hopefully the alternate attractions being planned for them has a lot of shade and air conditioning”
It seems the purpose of scouting has been lost amid the social clutter of gaming and websurfing and Netflix.
Scouts make their own shade and don’t need air conditioning.
This is what differentiates a Jamboree from a field trip.
Further consideration of this issue may give some insight into what is wrong with the world these days.
Scouts make their own shade and don’t need air conditioning.
This is what differentiates a Jamboree from a field trip.
Further consideration of this issue may give some insight into what is wrong with the world these days.
Ah yes another Setnaffarian attempt to sweep the Yoon administration’s incompetence under the rug.
Don’t worry it’s another big dent in the Yoon administration and a big blow to the “Great Diplomat” image that setnaffa and GI Korea was trying to foster and convey, but there won’t be an impeachment because of this.
So tell us how do you propose that the scouts would “make their own shade” when obviously they don’t have the money to buy their own awnings?
If they can do everything by themselves as you are suggesting, then why do they need the host government to set aside land, and provide tents, medical facilities, and such?
In addition, why is the Yoon government going all in to salvage what is obviously a preventable fiasco?
The Yoon government is looking more like an exact copy of the Japanese right LDP party, nothing but incompetence after incompetence, lies after lies, amnesia about everything, corruption galore, and cover-ups.
The only people defending these people are those who don’t care about South Korea at all. They are the angry white American Rightwing whose only sole interest in South Korea is to maintain American foreign policy in Asia – which doesn’t always align with South Korean people’s interests (which are, the right to have basic safety, the right to have a good economy, the right to be free from corruption, the right to criticize the government).
Currently, a lot of Koreans are really pissed off at Yoon, any Korean will tell you that, but this forum is trying to dismiss all this and ignore the national anger that’s brewing right now. If it’s 150 dead people in Itaewon aren’t going to do it, it’s this Jamboree that has brought international disgrace and embarrassment to Koreans that will lead to Yoon’s impeachment for incompetence and a neverending stream of lies after lies.
A fake Korean says:
I wonder what actual Koreans are saying about this event:
Lol, it’s so over fake Koreans ‘who-sound-just-like-every-single-leftist-White-American-to-ever-walk-on-college-campus.’ I guess by your book Yeom Young-sun is actualy a secret angry White American Right-winger! Cope more.
Although, I must wonder where did 100 billion won go… considering only 37% of the construction was finished over a 6 year period, in a country known for bali bali, half of which under Moon… one must wonder, did it all get embezzled by the local politicians and their construction companies? Is that why the budget ballooned to more than double the original projection? Is this why local Jeolla-Do leftists are defending it while just prior asking for more money?
Here fake Koreans, I fix this for y’all:
A Guntoting Trumpean writes:
Good question.
I want to point out, preparations for the event don’t start right after the first day when the event was first awarded.
$144 million was spent by the local North Jeolla government and the central government. The breakdowns show more than half of the money was spent on overseas trips (99 of them in fact, including cruises to such tourist destinations like Switzerland and Italy, with no explanations of why they went there), and the salaries of the bloated committee responsible for organizing. This is looking more like a make-jobs program followed by abuse of tax payer’s money for unnecessary trips overseas, for the people responsible for organizing.
Korea Man, a space blanket costs two dollars.
Two dollars.
It fits in your cellphone case (bet none of these “scouts” forgot their cellphone).
That and a bit of string can make shade in a lot of cases. But string is optional.
It is unclear what queer shìt the Scouts are teaching these days, but how to make shade and how to wear a hat don’t seem to be part of it.
If this was investigated, there would be a lot of fault to go around.
Scouts in training are not to blame… as they are in training and not expected to know tricks that most people don’t even dream exist.
Scoutmasters are to blame. International Scout organizers are to blame. The Korean left is to blame. The Korean right is to blame.
And people like you are to blame because you are not interested in keeping this from happing again with an honest appraisal of the situation and careful thought on how to stop it.
The left thrives on disorganization and dysfunction and chaos.
And there is no desire to give up that power.
Dude, kool-aid have you been given? These are not soldiers. These are still kids. You are seriously blaming the 15% of the scouts from US and UK who have pulled out? Last I heard, they didn’t even have water until they left, and the government, internationally embarrassed, did an emergency airlift supply. This was all avoidable if they had taken the advice that the event be postponed, which is held out in the man-made flood zone that was the $30 billion pet project by the Lee Myung Bak government in 2010. He didn’t listen to the opposition and the environmentalists, and the area is now an ecological disaster.
Fake Outrage: “Dude, kool-aid have you been given? These are not soldiers. These are still kids. You are seriously blaming the 15% of the scouts from US and UK who have pulled out?”
Object of Fake Outrage: “Scouts in training are not to blame… as they are in training and not expected to know tricks that most people don’t even dream exist.”
You can lead a horse to reading comprehension but you can’t make it comprehend.
And in today’s exciting episode of “All My Scouting 양놈s”…
Irritating insects!
Creepy Thai scoutmaster lurking in the women’s shower!
And, our old favorite, the Rise of Covid-19!
Stay tune for coming episodes…
Heavy rain!
Unexpected flood!
More insects!
More Covid-19!
Bus crash!
Stadium misadventures!
…and all set to a K-pop OST!
What makes this situation different from Itaewon, besides thankfully no deaths, was that the central government was involved in the planning.
Specifically, three ministries, the Gender Equality Ministry, Culture Ministry, and the Interior Ministry were involved in planning and executing the planning for the jamboree.
From the looks of it, the three ministries didn’t give much interest in the event, probably thinking that “it’s a gathering of teenagers, what could go wrong and no need to concern ourselves, etc.”
Now that the jamboree is turning into an international embarassment and with the potential of fingers being pointed towards the central government, the three ministries are going full throttle to control the damage.
Then one wonders, why the three ministries didn’t take steps to ensure that this didn’t turn into an international embarassment.
I wonder if Moon was president now instead of Yoon, whether GI Korea and the Setnaffarians would give this incident a pass or spend all their energy attacking and criticizing the Moon administration.
Of course if Moon was president, we wouldn’t have this international fiasco to begin with.
The fact anyone would expect real-world competence from a “Gender Equality Ministry” indicates there is a large disconnect from reality on all sides of this issue.
They are blameless in the way children and drunks are blameless.
Just caulk the doors and windows, pump in some carbon monoxide, glue a little stainless steel square over the elevator button for their floor, and forget they ever existed.
I am getting the feeling now that they’re letting the much-maligned Gender Ministry take the fall, as the rest of the rats hide. There is no sign of Yoon and his plastic surgeried wife with their scout uniforms on, as they appeared on TV prior to the start of the event, claiming that he would do his best to make sure the event will be successful. There is no sign of the Interior Safety Minister who claimed that he had inspected the facilities and that everything is all good to go, prior to the event. After all, the Gender Ministry is the same ministry that Yoon wanted to abolish but couldn’t get his way. When he didn’t get his way, he basically completely destroyed the ministry’s power to do anything.
Here is Yoon’s puppet with her scared face, who had confidently claimed that they were ready for the event prior to its start, now being grilled by the reporters.
But fear not, not all is lost. Yoon has ordered the Gender Ministry to take the scouts to KPop concerts and culture/history tours. All these were not even part of the original plans, yet Yoon just ordered the Ministry to make it happen.
This all might be one of the most brilliant political maneuvers in Korean history.
Why, you ask?
You have to be born with this. It can’t be taught.
I was waiting for the Dokdo rant…
Get your fainting couch…
“Data also showed that officials, such as those from the gender equality and family ministry, and the North Jeolla provincial government, went on dozens of lavish overseas trips throughout eight years under the guise of research for the jamboree.
In May 2018, five officials from the province went on an eight-day trip to Switzerland and Italy under the pretext of investigating successful jamboree hosting cases.
The trip included visits to tourist attractions, such as Interlaken, Lucerne, Milan and Venice. Switzerland and Italy, however, had no experience hosting jamborees.”
Take a guess it more money was spent on jamboreeing or researching.
Come on, guess.
And the local provincial government should be investigated and punished for the abuse of funds. But the ultimate decision lay with the central government, who had plenty of chances (a year and a half) to raise flags and warnings that the preparations were not going well and that the Jamboree should be postponed. Why didn’t they bring up these irregularities? But they did the opposite and declared everything to be ready which tells me they are too incompetent to know how to do something that requires basic logic like having enough toilets, having grounds that are not flooded, having enough food to feed all the people, and enough clean water. They were and still are in charge, they have to answer for their decisions.
Something for our chinabots to watch and learn:
A supposedly Korean leftist calling for Jeolla-Do’s leftist government to be investigated and punished!? That doesn’t sound very Korean. For all the vices of Korean leftists, and there are many, they are still Korean, and their greatest virtue is in group loyalty above all… a strong point of all Koreans which you just demonstrated to not have.
No, you are not Korean and will never be Korean. Your squeamishness over in group “corruption” just revealed your Americanism. Face it, you’re a Twink(ie), yellow on the outside, but full on the inside of the Whitest stickiest cream. Perhaps you live in LA?
One need only be familiar with T.K. of AAK, or any number of college educated “Korean” Americans to realize these are not chinabots, but the most, bluest of blue, bluetribe Americans.
Poetaytoe vs pahtayter.
Whether they’re paid by Winnie or even aware of it, they’re still shills for Beijing.
Insert sad smile here.
And they’ll be given the first dirt naps when the real communists take over. Even before thec real MAGA hat wearing, “No Step on Snek” flag waving crowds…
Did I see condescending, patronizing, and stereotyping attitude on the part of the right leaning members of the ROK Drop?
I don’t know whether to laugh or be concerned.
I think it wasn’t long ago when Moon was president and right wingers were protesting, none of the right wing members here had any qualms about those protestors breaking “group loyalty to the Korean people and nation.”
If any of the members live in Korea and understand how things are here, they would realize that each Korean has his/her opinions about the current president and that opinions run from support to hoping that he would get impeached.
Unfortunately, for the right leaning members, the negative opinions tend to outnumber the positive opinions of the current President.
Also, it isn’t always about left or right. It’s a lot more about the current president and his aides’ and ministers’ incompetence, cronyism, lying, and his wife’s supposed corruption rubbing a lot of Koreans the wrong way.
Or the more simple explanation is, the right leaning members, just want a US-friendly right wing president, no questions asked and are willing to look the other way when it comes to the not so great aspects of the current presidency while trying to suppress any dissenting opinions about the current president.
TOK has thoughtful comments even when i disagree.
My traditional observation about right/left/regional/etc Koreans are that no matter how much they fought over internal issues, none of them would betray Korea to the benefit of non-Koreans.
No matter your politics, Dokdo is Korean land.
That has been slowly changing with the devious introduction of globalism into Korean government and industry.
Suddenly, choices have to be made that hurt Korea in one aspect to help Korea in another.
That has given a clever way to make decisions that benefit the globalists at Korea’s expense, unnoticed to the Korean people with the proper media spin.
In contrast to America, it is pretty safe to say a HIGH percentage of Koreans are patriotic Korea-first Koreans.
Denying this and complaining of stereotypes or generalizations is insincere.
the right leaning members of the ROK Drop
What right leaning members?
There’s this one clueless Southen white guy with five sockpuppets.
You say that like those are “bad” traits. Let’s run a thought experiment. What if we could resurrect 1000 random Koreans from 1900, or 1800, or even 1500? As a group what would their attitudes and behaviors be like? Would they recognize KM, KP, or any of the other “Korean” posters here as worthy Koreans? Or would they be disgusted and disturbed at what they see?
Confucian texts and historical evidence is clear, Korea was almost always a highly Patriarchal society full of the so called condescending, patronizing, and stereotyping attitudes you appear to shy away from. It is those attitudes that keep Korea extremely homogeneously Korean. Liberal “Koreans” today scoff at the “old ways” and spit on their ancestor’s graves in direct opposition to the ancestor worship of tradition. They don’t even remember the location of their clan’s burial mountain.
They claim the “old ways” were really the “bad ways” because of the presumption of “progress.” This is Anglo Whiggism which became American Whiggism which morphed into American globalism. In other words, they got mindfucked by the Global American Empire and don’t even realize it. Moreover, look at the fruits of Western feminism, equality, progressivism, etc. Does the outcome any of these things look like progress? Collapse of family, fertility, culture, along with opening up the country to immigration and miscegenation looks far more like a suicidal death cult.
You missed the point I was making. The in group loyalty used to apply to local political culture as well. It wasn’t just at the national level over issues like Dokdo. It wasn’t long ago when Korean leftists would defend Korean leftists no matter what. Intensely frustrating to deal with, but admirably recognizable as Korean. That the so called Korean leftist posters here so quickly threw the local Jeolla-Do government under the bus shows no loyalty or even attempt at saving face.
It raises suspicions that I’m not talking to actual Korean leftists. It is this behavior, combined with a history of regurgitating American political memes, that has to make one pause and wonder: “are these posters even Korean, or are they American “Koreans” who are having an identity crisis?” What type of person feels the need to make sure everyone knows they are “Korean” to the extent they include “Korean” in their user name to constantly remind everyone else they are “Korean”? From my experience, the type of person who seriously belonged to the “Asian Student Union” in American colleges.
There was nothing “Asian” about those kids other than blood. They ate American food almost exclusively, they listened to American rap music, they knew little about Asian politics other than what American media told them about Asian politics, they worshiped American Gods and values with no hint of Asian Gods and values. Yet they were the loudest to scream they were Asian and not American. This is the behavior of those who deep down know they are American and not Asian, yet are uncomfortable with reconciling their feelings with reality.
If these posters really are Korean by blood, and live in Korea as citizens, I encourage them to rediscover their ancestors and culture. To stop being what the (liberal) American Empire tells them what they should be. To stop being “global citizens” and restore Joseon and the old faith. And finally, to stop being such damn Anglophiles. If they don’t want to do any of these things, maybe they should get comfortable with being American.
Look, by blood I have a pretty good case (more than half) to being considered “Korean,” but when I travel to Korea to visit my relatives in Levi Blue Jeans, knowing not a lick of the Korean language, not showing, or even caring to learn, special deference to those older to me, etc, etc, etc. It was pretty clear to everyone I was not “Korean.” The thing is, I was damn comfortable being the “American” and didn’t try gaslighting anyone into thinking I was actually “Korean.”
True in material but not in spirit. It is rather curious to focus and elevate the individual, very American of you. I think you’ve been infected by the American mind worm. Maybe it’s high time for you to get some parasite medication.
So anyone who opposes America are Americans?
First they say anyone opposes America are Chinese now they are saying it is Americans?
This from the same people who profess support for Russia specifically Putinese Russia and maybe look forward to being ruled by Putin.
These American right wingers surely have mental issues like all right wingers.
Q: What is worse than a chinabot?
A: A chinasockbot
If you are going to use socks, at least make your writing style and word choice so different that the computer doesnt flag a rare 100% match.