Warning for Typhoon Khanun Issued for South Korea for Later this Week
|Korea has just been having horrible weather this summer and this is only going to make it worse:

Typhoon Khanun is forecast to hit South Korea later this week, after being expected to travel farther west than initial projections, the national weather agency said Sunday.
The typhoon passed through the northeast of Japan’s Okinawa and was moving up 240 kilometers off the northeast coast at 3 p.m. Sunday, the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) said.
It is predicted to head further north toward the southeastern coast of the Korean Peninsula on Thursday, with the central pressure at 975 hectopascal and the maximum wind speed of up to 115 kilometers per hour, the KMA said.
The KMA said earlier Sunday that the typhoon would hit most parts of South Korea except for the southwestern coast off South Jeolla Province. At 4 p.m., however, the weather agency said the typhoon will likely move farther to the west as it reaches the peninsula.
You can read more at the link.
So what’s gonna happen to those Scouts camped in their tents? The government was warned that the storm is heading their way, and they won’t evacuate the campsite which is prone to flooding. This crazy government refuses to listen to those people who have asked them to end this Jamboree early.
수요일과 목요일에 전국적으로 ‘태풍 특보’가 발표되겠고, 잼버리 야영장이 위치한 전북 부안에도 태풍의 영향으로 비가 내릴 것으로 보입니다. 기상청은 특히 태풍의 경로에 따라 유동적이지만 초속 15m가 넘는 강풍 반경에 전북 지역이 포함될 가능성이 있다며, 사전에 철저한 대비를 당부했습니다.
A ‘typhoon warning’ will be announced nationwide on Wednesday and Thursday, and rain is expected in Buan, Jeonbuk, where the Jamboree campsite is located, due to the typhoon. In particular, the Korea Meteorological Administration said that although the path of the typhoon is flexible, there is a possibility that the Jeonbuk area may be included in the radius of strong winds exceeding 15m per second, and asked for thorough preparation in advance.
Too bad I wasn’t running the Jamboree.
Remember when I mentioned part of my emergency plan would include a large enclosed area in case of emergency?
Well… there you go.
Of course I was only joking.
They don’t get any cover. They are scouts.
They seemed to have failed the sun and hot weather test but maybe they will do better in the torrential downpour test.
As soon as the rain lets up, we release the truckload of killer bees and murder wasps.
Then we hand out edged weapons and see who makes eagle scout this year.
“There can be only one.”
Ignorance, incompetence, lying, and not owning up to one’s mistakes and such are the hallmark of the right-wingers.
No wonder we are seeing such obvious incompetence by the Yoon government and the PPP.