Picture of the Day: ROK JCS Chief Visits the DMZ

JCS chairman visits border units
JCS chairman visits border units
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Chairman Gen. Kim Seung-kyum (2nd from R) inspects a western front-line guard post of the 1st Infantry Division on Aug. 14, 2023, in this photo provided by the JCS. (Yonhap)
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1 year ago

Never having been to the DMZ, I don’t know what he’s pointing towards; but I assume he’s indicating an issue that needs resolving.

Would be nice to know if they fixed it the same day.

1 year ago

“Take the picture. I can’t hold my arm up and keep this knowing expression much longer.”

“Bang. Bang. Bang. If this was a gun instead of a finger and I had cover and they didn’t move and this was a war, I could win this thing single-handedly.”

“Let’s send a private through the minefield. I bet he can get to at least right there.”

“How did the Nazis do it again? One finger or palm down?”

“Whether you’re a brother or whether you’re a mother
You’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive
Feel the city breakin’ and everybody shakin’
And we’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive”

“You. What don’t you see over there? You don’t see them wearing masks, that’s what you don’t see. Why are you wearing a mask? Are you afraid everyone will see your gaymouth?”

“She was up on the stage about yeah-high but when she squatted down on the pole, I poked her right in the butthole like this.”

“WTF? Some animal wiped a booger! Right here! On the barbed wire!”

“Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the… FLOOR!
Beaten… why for?
Can’t take much more
Here we go… Here we go… Here we go (now)
One – Nothing wrong with me”

1 year ago

+1000 for Saturday Night Fever reference.

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