The decision has been made by the right wing Yoon government which you adore, but you blame the leftists.
As KM said you do have mental issues because of the tumor in your brain.
1 year ago
Both of you are wrong.
The purpose of this is to give a level of force between blanks that do nothing and real bullets that represent a real commitment to an escalation of force.
With rubber bullets traveling a fifth the speed of sound in the torso, an unruly ajushi that is not quite worth killing can be guided to settle down without further danger to society.
There are entire books written on this but to simplify one aspect, a police officer risks injury when he hesitates becasue he has no appropriate level of response.
A Korean police officer is sometimes faced with criminals that require violence to apprehend but they would become a criminal if they shot them with a real gun.
This same thing is happening in America where hesitating cops have to evaluate if they will be labled a racist for shooting a drugged up African-American coming at them.
Hint: of course they will
It is unfortunate to see Korean police starting on the slippery slope to easy violence to get compliance.
And again, leftists make their nation less safe…
And again, leftists make their nation less safe…
The decision has been made by the right wing Yoon government which you adore, but you blame the leftists.
As KM said you do have mental issues because of the tumor in your brain.
Both of you are wrong.
The purpose of this is to give a level of force between blanks that do nothing and real bullets that represent a real commitment to an escalation of force.
With rubber bullets traveling a fifth the speed of sound in the torso, an unruly ajushi that is not quite worth killing can be guided to settle down without further danger to society.
There are entire books written on this but to simplify one aspect, a police officer risks injury when he hesitates becasue he has no appropriate level of response.
A Korean police officer is sometimes faced with criminals that require violence to apprehend but they would become a criminal if they shot them with a real gun.
This same thing is happening in America where hesitating cops have to evaluate if they will be labled a racist for shooting a drugged up African-American coming at them.
Hint: of course they will
It is unfortunate to see Korean police starting on the slippery slope to easy violence to get compliance.
Let’s see where this goes.