Korean Military Academy Decides to Move Bust of Independence Fighter with Soviet Ties
|It will be interesting to see how hard the Democratic Party of Korea fights this move:

The Korea Military Academy said Thursday it will remove the bust of revered independence fighter Hong Beom-do from its grounds following a heated debate over the defense ministry’s push for the relocation.
The decision came as the ministry has recently been considering relocating the busts of Hong from the academy and its headquarters, both in Seoul, citing his past record of collaborating with Soviet communist forces.
“By considering the academy’s identity and honoring (Hong) as an independence fighter, the bust of General Hong Beom-do will be relocated to an appropriate location outside the academy, where his independence movement achievements can be well displayed,” the academy said in a statement.
You can read more at the link.
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He was not an independence fighter.
He just wanted dependence under a different master.
wanted dependence under a different master.
Ah yes another rich statement that shows the hypocrisy of the Setnaffarians.
It is well known that the Setnaffarians at the behest of their Russian masters called for Korea to increase its dependence on Russian coal.
This would have made Korea totally dependent on Russia and of course its ally China for its energy needs and made Korea vulnerable to control and influence from Russia and China.
Everyone knows that the Setnaffarians want Korea to be dependent on a major power that is sponsoring them.