Who says the Book of Setnaffarism doesn’t exist? 😀
1 year ago
How cute. The chinabots have their pre-teen nancyboys writing for them.
It’s really sad that the CCP can’t afford even one troll with even moderate skill. I mean, they haven’t shown evidence of an above room-temperature IQ in months, possibly years…
I mean, their trolls are the same quality as their building construction.
Yoon wants to privatize South Korea’s medical system and model it after the American health system which Yoon says he admires.
What do you think guys?
1 year ago
“What do you think guys?”
I think this is an excellent example between liberals and conservatives.
Liberals have the misguided idea that conservatives don’t want to house the homeless, cure the sick, and put shoes on the feet of children.
They do.
However, they look at the whole picture and make decisions that include all considerations. While this sometimes seem cruel to the ignorant observer, it generally produces less long-term harm.
Let’s look deeper into what is happening.
“Mooncare” expanded the medical coverage system (somewhat inspired by Obamacare’s expansion). The important point was having the government pay for expensive things like MRIs. This seems reasonable with a first-level analysis by first-level thinkers.
But looking deeper, what happened was a massive increase in unnecessary procedures.
This is draining the budget. At the rate of depletion, all the reserve will be gone in 6 years and there will be less healthcare for everyone.
The time to deal with this is now, while it can be managed with clear thinking and tuning the balance of good coverage and budgetary reality.
Korea has perhaps the best healthcare system in the world, something i happily pay quite a bit into and seldom have used… but feel happy it is there for me if i need it.
If you feel there is more to this than balancing reasonable care and long-term budget responsibility that funds it, please post your points and links supporting their reality.
Also: Americans don’t deserve good healthcare because they don’t want it.
They will demonstrate in the streets for the lives of black criminals, attention for their deviant séxual behavior, the weather, and in pússy hats yelling about rights women already have…
…but when was the last time you saw Americans demanding quality healthcare at affordable prices instead of wealth transfers from the taxpayer to the big insurance companies? While there is free medical care for illegal aliens and Ukranians.
People get what they accept… and they deserve it.
Korean Person
1 year ago
Setnaffa used to say that right wingers had a sense of humor while the left didn’t.
Seems it’s the other way round. 😀
1 year ago
You don’t find it hilarious that people are so stupid they would rather march for tranny children than march for near-free preventative medicine?
Or that 400 pound women on a mobility cart will yell that your lack of mask is endangering their health?
Or that people will think they are better than you because they made a completely uninformed decision to be a test subject in a failed medical experiment?
Or that Palestinians dance in the streets at every infidel misfortune, from 9/11 to dead Israeli hippies… and now they have no streets.
Or that it took this long for Europe to realize diversity isn’t such a strength.
Or the illegal aliens getting shipped to sanctuary cities made them realize the difference between ideology and reality.
This list is endless.
When bad things happen to good people, it is sad.
When people bring it on themselves, and are complete dìcks about it, it is funny.
What do you
1 year ago
It’s like I said, CH, the chinabots are just not top-drawer material.
However, for any that need a refresher course in satire, comedy, and fisking, I would recommend they take your 8-week correspondence course. Is it still only baek man won? My catalog is from 2014.
Alternatively, they could read the collected works of G. K. Chesterton, I suppose.
1 year ago
1 year ago
A quick covid update!
There was a study that showed the covid vaccine could modify human DNA. It was conducted on human liver cells in a dish. No idea if that experiment applies to full humans.
A recent study shows a great deal of DNA contaminantion, a substance to encourage genetic modification, and lipid nanoparticles that allow mRNA to enter the cell. The first two are byproducts of the manufacturing process that was quietly changed from the one approved.
The Florida Surgeon General has now formally requested clarification from the FDA based on this information.
The key points:
– Has any evaluation been done on risks associated with contaminant DNA integrating with or mutating human DNA?
– Has any evaluation been done on how lipid nanoparticles interact with DNA, as they work well to allow mRNA enter the cell.
– Has any evaluation been done on the added effects of SV40 promoter/enhancer?
– Has the drug manufacturers been required to evaluate these risks?
– Do current FDA limits for DNA contaminantion (which the covid vaccine was MUCH higher) take into account the effects of the lipid nanoparticles?
– As the vacccine does not stay in the injection site (as was falsely claimed), has any effects on the reproductive system been investigated?
These are all valid questions that should have been answered before the vaccine was given to pregnant women, children, and near-zero risk demographics.
The FDA has taken the tactic is simply not responding to such information requests from other branches of government.
Let’s see what happens.
1 year ago
F-16 crashed 11 Dec @ 0900 from Kunsan.
A US F-16 fighter appears to have crashed into Yellow Sea waters off the coast of South Korea
The F-16 crashed into the sea Monday after taking off at about 9 a.m. from Gunsan, some 180 kilometers (110 miles) south of Seoul, Yonhap News Agency reported, citing sources it did not identify. The pilot ejected and was conscious after being rescued from the sea, it said.
US Forces Korea did not immediately respond to a request for comment. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-11/us-f-16-crashes-into-yellow-sea-off-south-korea-yonhap-says
1 year ago
Does that mean one less F-16 for Ukraine?
Or for America?
That’s a joke.
America would rather see Ukraine burned to the ground and salted than watch all the F-16s get picked off one-by-one by over-the-horizon Russian SA missiles in the first week.
Plus, we should give one to Korea to make up for the F-35 that… hit a bird… and will cost more to repair than to thow in the burn pit and order a new one.
They need to do something about the Pelagornis sandersi population near the airbase.
Murder any anti-Korean globalist saboteur who suggests immigration is the solution to anything.
Your grandchildren will thank you.
Their only goal is to dilute the cultural cohesion that keeps Korea strong and prosperous so the Korean people and the nation can be more easily controlled through the disorder that “diversity” brings.
Korean demographics is not a problem to solve. It is a situation to manage.
Fewer Koreans is the coming reality.
Fewer Koreans and a large number of non-Koreans with non-Korean goals and values solves no problems. It actually creates more problems.
This effect is intended by the people looking to destroy everything that makes Korea successful.
To be clear, the choice is fewer Koreans in Korea or fewer Koreans in a country that is no longer Korea.
Think about this and be prepared to fight for Korea.
You will be called a racist, but you will really be a nationalist with a culture superior to most.
Be proud of that and fight for it.
1 year ago
It looks like Ukraine is going to start the Winter Offensive, beat Russia back to their borders, and retake Crimea before the first spring rains.
This is assuming that Hopes and Prayers are at least as strong as Russia’s increasing industrial output in the defense sector.
…although the exact phrasing was “wishes for success” and voiced “assurances of support”.
This is actually a win for everybody…
…except Ukraine.
Republicans can pretend to care about the border more than Ukraine and make a big show of playing hardball with the Democrats. Since they don’t care about Ukraine, they can show they put America first… not by doing something for America, but by not doing something for Ukraine. In the end, they do nothing. Very Republican.
Democrats take the moral highground of sticking up for refugess and the oppressed (and future Democrat voters) by refusing to close the border. And they are tired of loser Ukraine and increasingly worried about being tied to it. Now, they can slink out of dealing with it all and then blame Republicans when Ukraine goes down hard.
In the end, both parties will yell about the issues and do nothing. The Democrats, with a Republican wink, might find an alternative way to transfer your healthcare and smooth roads to Ukraine.
The border will remain open.
Korean Man
1 year ago
Korean demographics is not a problem to solve. It is a situation to manage
Oh really? OK genius, how do you propose Koreans to nurse and feed the 40% of those who are expected to be over 65 years of age in the next 20 years? What do you propose to do with those old people? There will need to be more and more care homes and far more workers to change all the diapers – who will do those jobs? What do you do with all the old people who can no longer function? Euthanize them? What do you propose to do about the big national budget that is needed and all the deficits when the population is rapidly shrinking its productive tax base?
Anyone can point out problems with ideas, it’s another to propose a reasonable solution. South Korea needs an immigration system with Korean characteristics. And I’m not talking about exploitative immigration systems like you see in UAE, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.
1 year ago
“Oh really? OK genius, how do you propose Koreans to nurse and feed the 40% of those who are expected to be over 65 years of age in the next 20 years? ”
The way you nurse and feed 40% of ~50 million people in 20 years is the same way you nurse and feed 40% of 100 million people in 50 years, if the “Have More Babbies” crowd gets their way.
…or, worse, 40% of 100 million non-Koreans with their 3rd world ways and intrusive religions and demands for Korea to accommodate their desires to make Korea more like the sewer they fled.
So, from this starting point, we know what NOT to do.
The calculator tells us the first “solution” of more babies takes a bad problem and makes it worse. History and current events shows us the second solution does the exact same thing but with more diversity.
Suggesting the only alternatives are ones we know 100% will make things worse is a plan only the many forces looking to sabotage Korea could love.
Isn’t that right, chinabot?
So what is the solution?
Glad you asked.
Let’s define the problem first.
Korea needs to put labor and money into the nonproductive sector of caring for elderly citizens who built the country and should have some expectation of being cared for.
Due to a shrinking population, the ratio of old to young means less labor to give this care and a smaller tax base to pay for it, as a much of it will need to be socialized.
This all has to be done while maintaining the high standard of living that Koreans have earned through hard work¹, high standards², and cultural superiority³.
Did I miss anything?
It turns out, the problem is quite simple to manage in theory and not so difficult in practice.
But how do you automate changing a diaper?
You don’t.
Caregiving jobs go to people who, in past times, would be doing jobs that machines can now do, or almost do. This ranges from farming to driving taxies to assembling wigets.
Without the cost of labor, many things that bring quality of life, such as amazing resturaunt meals to accurate medical diagnosis, become incredibly affordable.
So, Korea can care for the old and maintain quality of life without crippling overpopulation or crippling overpopulation of an underclass of low-level people demanding Korea not be Korea.
If you want to ask any questions or argue any points of this, feel free.
¹hard work: Korea has earned its prosperity by setting long-term goals, making long-term plans, and doing them.
²high standards: Korea doesn’t accept streets covered in poop and needles, walls covered in graffiti, and people looting and burning nail shops to celebrate a career druggie criminal.
³cultural superiority: Korea is a clean, high trust society with good services and a constantly improving situation… because the people demand it.
1 year ago
CH, the only people against your ideas are South Korea’s enemies.
Korean Person
1 year ago
CH, the only people against your ideas are South Korea’s enemies.
Says the right-wing wacko Russiabot.
1 year ago
“CH, the only people against your ideas are South Korea’s enemies.
Apparently Southwest airlines decided to allow fatties an entire aisle to themselves. RIP SWA. I haven’t heard of an idea this bad since Blockbuster ended their late fees. This will be catastrophic.
They were just about to put through the new contract too. That’s the way to stick it to the union.
CEO: “I’ll show you! I’ll drive this airline into bankruptcy in record time!”
Liz, funny you should mention that. I did an undergrad paper on that very subject over 20 years ago, but as I’m scratching my chin and thinking back …
SWA used to have the most comprehensive policy for overweight passengers. That’s worth mentioning because the other major airlines wouldn’t touch that subject with a six-foot pole. Meaning their customer policy would barely skim the surface or not deal with it at all. I think United ignored the issue and just left it up to the aircrew to deal with.
SouthWest jumped in with both feet: Their policy was six pages long when printed out. It included precise language about when ‘larger customers’ were required to pay for a second seat. It had nothing to do with weight but everything to do with size/girth. It described in detail how much of the person’s body (thigh, hip, or waist) encroached into the adjacent seat was the determining factor. Airline seats are 19” wide and if the person needed, say 21”, they had to dole out for the second seat. The exact measurements escape me now, but it was something like that.
1 year ago
Well, now I know which airlines has my business when I feel like a bit of chubby chasin’.
1 year ago
McGeehee, before the new policy they would allow an “oversized” person to take up two seats for free, if an extra seat was available on the plane. This was not a smooth process because no one signs up for a flight explaining they are oversized and might need to pay for two.
Airlines (you probably know since you did a paper on the subject) have very small profit margins. SWA was the best company for about 50 years. When covid hit, they had 2 years of cash ready to cover it without a bailout from the government (they took the bailout to be competitive because everyone else took it, but they didn’t need it).
It has been going down the drain ever since. I hope this year is better than last year’s Christmas catastrophe. I suspect it will be fine, but over time this new policy for fat people will bankrupt them. They will get all the business from fatties around the country…but it costs more money in fuel to transport high weight than low weight and without the other passengers to compensate costs they will lose. Thing is, once they do this they can never go back.
Dick Brown drove EDS into the ground with short sighted policy decisions and took his golden parachute. Seems like the current SWA CEO has a similar plan.
Mike met him summer of 2022 and was impressed at the time. Then the IT Christmas boondoggle happened and we thought he’d resign, though he had just started. Felt badly for him because the system was in place to fail, he was just unlucky it happened then. No one is impressed now.
Last edited 1 year ago by Liz
1 year ago
@Liz, thanks for the “Action, Urgency, Excellence” rexcollection. Dick Brown as EDS CEO was certainly no gift to employees, customers, or shareholders.
Who says the Book of Setnaffarism doesn’t exist? 😀
How cute. The chinabots have their pre-teen nancyboys writing for them.
It’s really sad that the CCP can’t afford even one troll with even moderate skill. I mean, they haven’t shown evidence of an above room-temperature IQ in months, possibly years…
I mean, their trolls are the same quality as their building construction.
Yoon wants to privatize South Korea’s medical system and model it after the American health system which Yoon says he admires.
What do you think guys?
“What do you think guys?”
I think this is an excellent example between liberals and conservatives.
Liberals have the misguided idea that conservatives don’t want to house the homeless, cure the sick, and put shoes on the feet of children.
They do.
However, they look at the whole picture and make decisions that include all considerations. While this sometimes seem cruel to the ignorant observer, it generally produces less long-term harm.
Let’s look deeper into what is happening.
“Mooncare” expanded the medical coverage system (somewhat inspired by Obamacare’s expansion). The important point was having the government pay for expensive things like MRIs. This seems reasonable with a first-level analysis by first-level thinkers.
But looking deeper, what happened was a massive increase in unnecessary procedures.
This is draining the budget. At the rate of depletion, all the reserve will be gone in 6 years and there will be less healthcare for everyone.
The time to deal with this is now, while it can be managed with clear thinking and tuning the balance of good coverage and budgetary reality.
Korea has perhaps the best healthcare system in the world, something i happily pay quite a bit into and seldom have used… but feel happy it is there for me if i need it.
If you feel there is more to this than balancing reasonable care and long-term budget responsibility that funds it, please post your points and links supporting their reality.
Also: Americans don’t deserve good healthcare because they don’t want it.
They will demonstrate in the streets for the lives of black criminals, attention for their deviant séxual behavior, the weather, and in pússy hats yelling about rights women already have…
…but when was the last time you saw Americans demanding quality healthcare at affordable prices instead of wealth transfers from the taxpayer to the big insurance companies? While there is free medical care for illegal aliens and Ukranians.
People get what they accept… and they deserve it.
Setnaffa used to say that right wingers had a sense of humor while the left didn’t.
Seems it’s the other way round. 😀
You don’t find it hilarious that people are so stupid they would rather march for tranny children than march for near-free preventative medicine?
Or that 400 pound women on a mobility cart will yell that your lack of mask is endangering their health?
Or that people will think they are better than you because they made a completely uninformed decision to be a test subject in a failed medical experiment?
Or that Palestinians dance in the streets at every infidel misfortune, from 9/11 to dead Israeli hippies… and now they have no streets.
Or that it took this long for Europe to realize diversity isn’t such a strength.
Or the illegal aliens getting shipped to sanctuary cities made them realize the difference between ideology and reality.
This list is endless.
When bad things happen to good people, it is sad.
When people bring it on themselves, and are complete dìcks about it, it is funny.
What do you
It’s like I said, CH, the chinabots are just not top-drawer material.
However, for any that need a refresher course in satire, comedy, and fisking, I would recommend they take your 8-week correspondence course. Is it still only baek man won? My catalog is from 2014.
Alternatively, they could read the collected works of G. K. Chesterton, I suppose.
A quick covid update!
There was a study that showed the covid vaccine could modify human DNA. It was conducted on human liver cells in a dish. No idea if that experiment applies to full humans.
A recent study shows a great deal of DNA contaminantion, a substance to encourage genetic modification, and lipid nanoparticles that allow mRNA to enter the cell. The first two are byproducts of the manufacturing process that was quietly changed from the one approved.
The Florida Surgeon General has now formally requested clarification from the FDA based on this information.
The key points:
– Has any evaluation been done on risks associated with contaminant DNA integrating with or mutating human DNA?
– Has any evaluation been done on how lipid nanoparticles interact with DNA, as they work well to allow mRNA enter the cell.
– Has any evaluation been done on the added effects of SV40 promoter/enhancer?
– Has the drug manufacturers been required to evaluate these risks?
– Do current FDA limits for DNA contaminantion (which the covid vaccine was MUCH higher) take into account the effects of the lipid nanoparticles?
– As the vacccine does not stay in the injection site (as was falsely claimed), has any effects on the reproductive system been investigated?
These are all valid questions that should have been answered before the vaccine was given to pregnant women, children, and near-zero risk demographics.
The FDA has taken the tactic is simply not responding to such information requests from other branches of government.
Let’s see what happens.
F-16 crashed 11 Dec @ 0900 from Kunsan.
A US F-16 fighter appears to have crashed into Yellow Sea waters off the coast of South Korea
The F-16 crashed into the sea Monday after taking off at about 9 a.m. from Gunsan, some 180 kilometers (110 miles) south of Seoul, Yonhap News Agency reported, citing sources it did not identify. The pilot ejected and was conscious after being rescued from the sea, it said.
US Forces Korea did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Does that mean one less F-16 for Ukraine?
Or for America?
That’s a joke.
America would rather see Ukraine burned to the ground and salted than watch all the F-16s get picked off one-by-one by over-the-horizon Russian SA missiles in the first week.
Plus, we should give one to Korea to make up for the F-35 that… hit a bird… and will cost more to repair than to thow in the burn pit and order a new one.
They need to do something about the Pelagornis sandersi population near the airbase.
No, Korea. No, no no.
Murder any anti-Korean globalist saboteur who suggests immigration is the solution to anything.
Your grandchildren will thank you.
Their only goal is to dilute the cultural cohesion that keeps Korea strong and prosperous so the Korean people and the nation can be more easily controlled through the disorder that “diversity” brings.
Korean demographics is not a problem to solve. It is a situation to manage.
Fewer Koreans is the coming reality.
Fewer Koreans and a large number of non-Koreans with non-Korean goals and values solves no problems. It actually creates more problems.
This effect is intended by the people looking to destroy everything that makes Korea successful.
To be clear, the choice is fewer Koreans in Korea or fewer Koreans in a country that is no longer Korea.
Think about this and be prepared to fight for Korea.
You will be called a racist, but you will really be a nationalist with a culture superior to most.
Be proud of that and fight for it.
It looks like Ukraine is going to start the Winter Offensive, beat Russia back to their borders, and retake Crimea before the first spring rains.
This is assuming that Hopes and Prayers are at least as strong as Russia’s increasing industrial output in the defense sector.
…although the exact phrasing was “wishes for success” and voiced “assurances of support”.
This is actually a win for everybody…
…except Ukraine.
Republicans can pretend to care about the border more than Ukraine and make a big show of playing hardball with the Democrats. Since they don’t care about Ukraine, they can show they put America first… not by doing something for America, but by not doing something for Ukraine. In the end, they do nothing. Very Republican.
Democrats take the moral highground of sticking up for refugess and the oppressed (and future Democrat voters) by refusing to close the border. And they are tired of loser Ukraine and increasingly worried about being tied to it. Now, they can slink out of dealing with it all and then blame Republicans when Ukraine goes down hard.
In the end, both parties will yell about the issues and do nothing. The Democrats, with a Republican wink, might find an alternative way to transfer your healthcare and smooth roads to Ukraine.
The border will remain open.
Oh really? OK genius, how do you propose Koreans to nurse and feed the 40% of those who are expected to be over 65 years of age in the next 20 years? What do you propose to do with those old people? There will need to be more and more care homes and far more workers to change all the diapers – who will do those jobs? What do you do with all the old people who can no longer function? Euthanize them? What do you propose to do about the big national budget that is needed and all the deficits when the population is rapidly shrinking its productive tax base?
Anyone can point out problems with ideas, it’s another to propose a reasonable solution. South Korea needs an immigration system with Korean characteristics. And I’m not talking about exploitative immigration systems like you see in UAE, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.
“Oh really? OK genius, how do you propose Koreans to nurse and feed the 40% of those who are expected to be over 65 years of age in the next 20 years? ”
The way you nurse and feed 40% of ~50 million people in 20 years is the same way you nurse and feed 40% of 100 million people in 50 years, if the “Have More Babbies” crowd gets their way.
…or, worse, 40% of 100 million non-Koreans with their 3rd world ways and intrusive religions and demands for Korea to accommodate their desires to make Korea more like the sewer they fled.
So, from this starting point, we know what NOT to do.
The calculator tells us the first “solution” of more babies takes a bad problem and makes it worse. History and current events shows us the second solution does the exact same thing but with more diversity.
Suggesting the only alternatives are ones we know 100% will make things worse is a plan only the many forces looking to sabotage Korea could love.
Isn’t that right, chinabot?
So what is the solution?
Glad you asked.
Let’s define the problem first.
Korea needs to put labor and money into the nonproductive sector of caring for elderly citizens who built the country and should have some expectation of being cared for.
Due to a shrinking population, the ratio of old to young means less labor to give this care and a smaller tax base to pay for it, as a much of it will need to be socialized.
This all has to be done while maintaining the high standard of living that Koreans have earned through hard work¹, high standards², and cultural superiority³.
Did I miss anything?
It turns out, the problem is quite simple to manage in theory and not so difficult in practice.
But how do you automate changing a diaper?
You don’t.
Caregiving jobs go to people who, in past times, would be doing jobs that machines can now do, or almost do. This ranges from farming to driving taxies to assembling wigets.
Without the cost of labor, many things that bring quality of life, such as amazing resturaunt meals to accurate medical diagnosis, become incredibly affordable.
So, Korea can care for the old and maintain quality of life without crippling overpopulation or crippling overpopulation of an underclass of low-level people demanding Korea not be Korea.
If you want to ask any questions or argue any points of this, feel free.
¹hard work: Korea has earned its prosperity by setting long-term goals, making long-term plans, and doing them.
²high standards: Korea doesn’t accept streets covered in poop and needles, walls covered in graffiti, and people looting and burning nail shops to celebrate a career druggie criminal.
³cultural superiority: Korea is a clean, high trust society with good services and a constantly improving situation… because the people demand it.
CH, the only people against your ideas are South Korea’s enemies.
CH, the only people against your ideas are South Korea’s enemies.
Says the right-wing wacko Russiabot.
“CH, the only people against your ideas are South Korea’s enemies.
Says the right-wing wacko Russiabot.”
Keep talking, enemy of South Korea.
CCP still trying to steal foreign technology.
Apparently Southwest airlines decided to allow fatties an entire aisle to themselves. RIP SWA. I haven’t heard of an idea this bad since Blockbuster ended their late fees. This will be catastrophic.
They were just about to put through the new contract too. That’s the way to stick it to the union.
CEO: “I’ll show you! I’ll drive this airline into bankruptcy in record time!”
Liz, funny you should mention that. I did an undergrad paper on that very subject over 20 years ago, but as I’m scratching my chin and thinking back …
SWA used to have the most comprehensive policy for overweight passengers. That’s worth mentioning because the other major airlines wouldn’t touch that subject with a six-foot pole. Meaning their customer policy would barely skim the surface or not deal with it at all. I think United ignored the issue and just left it up to the aircrew to deal with.
SouthWest jumped in with both feet: Their policy was six pages long when printed out. It included precise language about when ‘larger customers’ were required to pay for a second seat. It had nothing to do with weight but everything to do with size/girth. It described in detail how much of the person’s body (thigh, hip, or waist) encroached into the adjacent seat was the determining factor. Airline seats are 19” wide and if the person needed, say 21”, they had to dole out for the second seat. The exact measurements escape me now, but it was something like that.
Well, now I know which airlines has my business when I feel like a bit of chubby chasin’.
McGeehee, before the new policy they would allow an “oversized” person to take up two seats for free, if an extra seat was available on the plane. This was not a smooth process because no one signs up for a flight explaining they are oversized and might need to pay for two.
Airlines (you probably know since you did a paper on the subject) have very small profit margins. SWA was the best company for about 50 years. When covid hit, they had 2 years of cash ready to cover it without a bailout from the government (they took the bailout to be competitive because everyone else took it, but they didn’t need it).
It has been going down the drain ever since. I hope this year is better than last year’s Christmas catastrophe. I suspect it will be fine, but over time this new policy for fat people will bankrupt them. They will get all the business from fatties around the country…but it costs more money in fuel to transport high weight than low weight and without the other passengers to compensate costs they will lose. Thing is, once they do this they can never go back.
Dick Brown drove EDS into the ground with short sighted policy decisions and took his golden parachute. Seems like the current SWA CEO has a similar plan.
Mike met him summer of 2022 and was impressed at the time. Then the IT Christmas boondoggle happened and we thought he’d resign, though he had just started. Felt badly for him because the system was in place to fail, he was just unlucky it happened then. No one is impressed now.
@Liz, thanks for the “Action, Urgency, Excellence” rexcollection. Dick Brown as EDS CEO was certainly no gift to employees, customers, or shareholders.