Tweet of the Day: Korea Has Toxic Environment Around Drug Use?

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1 year ago

Korea is getting ready to attack the Afghanistan of Social Morality and, like so many before, lose the War on Drugs.

It is fantastic there is no open drug use in Korea. I am reminded of this when I travel to American cities and see Downtown (and increasingly Uptown) filled with zombies right out of a movie.

However, Korea is about to make the mistake of looking for drug users.

Protip: If I don’t notice you are a drug user, it isn’t my business… or the government’s.

If someone is causing a problem due to drugs, send them off to a workcamp. If they aren’t causing a problem, and even being productive, go fúck with someone else.

Bonus: Anybody being supported with public money doesn’t get the drugs. Not for you, welfare queen.

1 year ago

South Korea cannot address drug addiction without getting rid of the culture that glorifies drug use.

The answer, as the ancient Israelites discovered, is not more laws, it’s a complete change of heart.

Only Jesus Christ offers that. And it cannot be imposed by human will. But you could try praying for your nation to repent and be healed.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

This story is getting worse. The police harassed this man since October non-stop for alleged weed use at a hostess bar. The hostess bar owner was blackmailing Lee, demanding hundreds of thousands of dollars for alleged drug use. Lee insisted that he did not know what the hostess bar owner had given him. The police had nothing on Lee, yet they held him for 19 hours straight interrogation, and harassed him for months, while the media horde was upon this story, destroying the man’s reputation. Why didn’t the police charge Lee, if they were so convinced? Why did the police hounded the man for months instead of charging him, if they were so convinced? Didn’t he deserve a chance to clear his name in the court? Why do the police act like a Fascist state? Because President Yoon made a directive to the police chief. Of course, they couldn’t charge him with anything because they had nothing on him other than trying to get him to confess that he took weed at a drinking session – for months and months. All this energy to prosecute a guy who’s alleged to have taken some weed – based on a hostess bar owner’s allegation. The drug traffickers are laughing at the police in the meantime.

1 year ago

Executer dealers.

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