ROK Drop Open Thread – December 29, 2023

The last Open Thread of 2023. I hope everyone has a fantastic 2024, however with a U.S. Presidential election coming in the new year expect it to be a crazy one. Hopefully though it doesn’t get as crazy as the last election year in 2020 got.

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1 year ago

Israel is so silly.

They really want to make Hamas look like a global threat.

Of course, Hamas is a local response to living in a Jewish-run concentration camp and not an international Islamic movement that hates us for our freedoms… or something like that.

How about this PR disaster?

1 year ago

Of course, when the attack does come, everyone will blame Israel for the coverup.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

The government will launch a “workation” visa next year to allow foreigners to travel across the country while working remotely

Digital Nomad visas with quite a high barrier (annual income has to be over $66K US). Quite a ridiculous policy that is only for show and won’t do anything for Korea.

What South Korea doesn’t need more of is more competition for high-paying intellectual jobs – as if South Korean youth don’t just prefer to sit at home than work in jobs that are considered demeaning.

What South Korea needs is more workers who are willing to work in the factories, shipyards, and farms – jobs that Koreans don’t want. Some of those jobs pay far better than some of the preferred office jobs yet there are no takers. South Korea needs to fix that soon or face mass economic collapse.

Last edited 1 year ago by Korean Man
1 year ago

Digital Nomads with high incomes buy food and lodging, visit tourist sites, and generally bring money into Korea.

I understand they don’t teach macro or micro economics at Chinabot Tech; but those rich tourists aren’t going to be living like Norkistani peasants. They’ll be enjoying all the Sparkling! That Korea can offer up. And that means jobs for Korea.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

I guess you never learned about English reading comprehension 101?
I didn’t say anything bad about Digital Nomad visas. I did say negative things about Digital Nomad visas with stupid high barriers of entry that won’t attract anyone.

1 year ago

Most foreign people who make less than $66k annually can’t afford to be a digital nomad in Korea without government assistance. For example, it costs about $2000 for a round trip ticket unless you want to take 2+ days each direction to travel.

Accommodations in nicer hotels or apartments where it is safe to leave a laptop alone while shopping or going out to a restaurant or other entertainment is also more than the average manual laborer can afford.

Maybe if you lived there, you’d know. The government obviously does.

These own goals you keep making are why you and your team are labeled as chinabots.

No Korean would underestimate the costs. In fact they would have pointed them out before I did.

Happy New Year, chinabot.

1 year ago

Chun In-beom (a former lieutenant general in the ROK Army) thinks attracting women volunteers is doable if the pay is attractive enough.

“If a solder is paid $2,000 [per month], that’s a legitimate job. So, a woman would say, well I want to be able to have that job for $2,000. Because for the same job, she’d probably be paid $1,500 in the outside world,” he said.

Bae Ga-won, CNN, December 29, 2023

1 year ago

Per Wikipedia, “Oxford Dictionary has 273,000 headwords; 171,476 of them being in current use, 47,156 being obsolete words and around 9,500 derivative words included as subentries.”

Please try to use them in ways that reflect better on your families.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

NK’s total fertility rate estimated at 1.38, far lower than UN estimate: BOK report

But this is still twice the rate of South Korea’s rate of 0.69.

1 year ago

“But this is still twice the rate of South Korea’s rate of 0.69.”

That explains it.

No babies are going to get made with 69.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

Xinhua Commentary: South Korea’s flirtation with NATO is inviting wolf into its house

Chinese media commentary warning SK about ‘inviting’ NATO into the house. Their take on this is all wrong. It’s not SK that needs NATO and is inviting NATO into Korea’s backyard. It’s the other way around, it’s NATO inviting SK into Europe. Outside of the US, NATO as a group is a weak fragmented organization that is unprepared for a major war – especially a ground war. It’s NATO (Western Europe to be precise) that wants South Korea’s help, especially the utilization of SK’s vast manufacturing production capacity to turn out new weapons. For instance, SK has more self-prop artillery vehicles than all NATO countries combined.

1 year ago


America does something right and, instead of taking care of Ukranians or Africans, starts putting America first and offering free healthcare in America!

This is why people band together and remain patriotic to nations that do things for them that individuals cannot do.

In this case, free heathcare for… wait… something is coming in… what’s this… only for non-citizen? Criminal non-citizens that have entered America illegally and avoid civil obligations such as taxes?

That doesn’t sound right. America is not that stupid. And Americans aren’t stupid enough to allow this while they have no healthcare, right? Right?

 “Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome.” — Charlie Munger

1 year ago
1 year ago

How to Spot a China Shill on Social Media:

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

I think I have found the angry old setnaffa.

Scroll towards the 3:20 mark, with the old angry man screaming Fucking Chinese at a Korean girl travel blogger filming this public harassment in Belgium. Just watch how the girl handles this angry old loser.

1 year ago

“screaming Fucking Chinese at a Korean girl travel blogger filming this public harassment in Belgium”

Hmmm… complaining about an American because some Eurotard is abusively confused about type of Asian is a bit ironic, no?

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

“complaining about an American because some Eurotard”

He claimed he was American. Where is setnaffa?

1 year ago

The chinabot lacks self-awareness and has officially failed the Turing test.

1 year ago

Kim Pegula, 52, Korean-born, orphaned, now multi-billionaire and current owner (co-owner) of the Buffalo Bills. What a story! Never heard of her before today, so thought I’d share her story here.

Now seemingly vaxx injured … and how.

Photo from Jeff Childers blog

1 year ago

Yes, @Mcgeehee, she really got the short end of the stick from that clot-shot.

1 year ago
1 year ago

We recently had an electrician come to our home and he told us he’s pretty sure he got a heart arrhythmia from the covid jab (since it started right after). My spouse’s surgeon said the same about himself (he waited to get the jab and finally did when the omicron variant came out…and soon after he got SVT). It’s difficult to differentiate origin (the virus also causes tachycardia) and there’s obviously incentive to blame the virus rather than the jab. The Munger quote CH provided applies I think.

Last edited 1 year ago by Liz
1 year ago
1 year ago

Who knows.

Something is happening.

Your first clue is statistics are being friggered by government… and they don’t frigger statistics that back their narrative. Those favorable statistics run on the bottom of CNN 24/7.

So what is happening?

Young people are having problems young people generally don’t have. Lots of excuses for this.

Cancer is up. That is because of lack of screening during covid lockdowns… or something like that.

Everybody agrees unexpected “sudden” deaths are abnormally high. It might be climate change. Nobody knows. They just know it isn’t the vaccine.

Not my problem.

This problem belongs to the people who were stupid enough to inject an untested, experimental, fundementally body-altering substance made with experimental technology and pushed by people who had every incentive to push rather than test.

And all for something that, for all but a few high-risk groups, was only a mild flu?

WTF were they thinking?

How can I have anything but disrespect for people this cognitively dysfunctional… with this inability to accurately assess risks, recognize propaganda, analyze cause and effect, undersatand middle school science?

And how can I have anything but loathing for these same people who look me in the eye and say stuff like, “but they didn’t know the virus would mutate,” or, “the vaccine kept me from dying when I caught covid.”

Maybe there is something to this global warming because I am suddenly for a reduction in mankind’s carbon footprint. Maybe I will get my way.

There are several very clear pathways to long-term health problems with the vaccine. One of them is reduced heart function that will start to be noticed when people’s age-related heart function starts being a problem at a younger age. Just a couple years in, we may be seeing signs of this already.

(There is “research” now showing the latest strain is exceptionally good at binding with ACE2 receptors in the heart and causing something or other… so get your updated booster… the booster that stays in your arm and is gone in 3 days, not the one that travels all over your body, can cross the blood-brain barrier, and is still making ACE2-binding spike proteins after 6 months.)

Sadly, the majority of the people that lined up to be experimented on learned nothing. Many of them don’t even recognize they made a mistake. Many of the ones that do, lie to themselves and pretend it didnt really happen like it did.

The government and corporations will take this silence as acceptance…

…and I will try something like this again…

…and I will have to deal with it… again.

This is why I won’t shut up about it.

I don’t want everyone’s mental illness pushed off onto me again.

1 year ago

“WTF were they thinking?”

A lot of folks just wanted to stay employed to feed their families.
The electrician had a wife with cancer (RIP) and he was “encouraged” to get the jabs for that reason.
There are a lot of politicians who deserve what Mussolini got.
I’ve leave it at that.

1 year ago

And there is the problem:

Imbibing Murdoch-Fox clickbait.

Murdoch-Fox paid out $787 million to Dominion Voting Systems.

Smartmatic’s legal suit against Murdoch-Fox is in the discovery phase.

Murdoch-Fox’s former star, Tucker Carlson, still shilling for Putin.

The natural prey of demagogues fall for the Murdoch-Fox crack every time: clickbait, hook, line and sinker.

1 year ago

, a “Romanian Christmas” is the best the little fuhrers can get. Because if they don’t pay here, they’ll pay in the afterwards. And that place has no parole.

I don’t worry anymore, as all they can do is send me home to Jesus. But they’re building up their wages (Romans 6:23) and they will all be fully paid.

“Do unto others” was not just a suggestion.

Last edited 1 year ago by setnaffa
1 year ago

“Murdoch-Fox’s former star, Tucker Carlson, still shilling for Putin”

It is unclear what that means.

The first clue is the people telling everyone to Stand with Ukraine also said take the 100% Safe & Effective vaccine and you won’t get covid, tranny child rights is human rights, inflation is good for you, criminal black lives matter but burning and looting do not, open borders help the economy, organized shoplifting rings are good for business, etc.

Anybody with average intelligence and rudimentary pattern recognition skills should, at the least, find this worthy of doing the highly discouraged “own research”.

Fifteen minutes of looking at the recent history of Ukraine should give a clue that what is happening is not as simple is Putin is an Enemy of Freedom and Democracy and is on the First Step of Russian Tanks in Portugal by 2025.

The entire western propaganda angle is as stupid as Iraq has yellowcake because they hate us for our freedoms and we must attack because of 9/11.

Pointing out that Russia’s invasion is, at the least, a very understandable move or pointing out the obvious… that Russia is not out of missiles and has been clearly winning this war since a couple months after the invasion… or that the Spring Offensive could not possibly work… or that rationed western support hurts Ukraine more than Russia, as it is designed to do…

…is not shilling for Putin.

It is being an adult, assembling facts, and drawing valid conclusions… which are presented with a mind open to rational, fact-based criticism or deconstruction.

But, while there is lots of emotional criticism over anything that goes against the official propaganda points, there is no rational discussion that addresses key points.

But there are plenty of insults… science denier, racist, shill, etc… yet no rational argument to support these insults.

Example: Nobody will even try to explain why it was a good idea to inject an experimental substance made with experimental technology to protect against something that was no danger… that was clearly pushed by lies, propaganda, and fraud… and clearly didn’t work within months. People just pretend you didn’t say it.

People can believe what they want. I find the more divorced from reality people are, the less I have to work for more income.

But when their misconceptions and mental illnesses get pushed onto me, I’m not having any.

Bonus: I feel sorry for people who “had” to take the vaccine to keep their job. I watched some smart people fully aware of the risks make a calculated decision between an unknown health risk profile and a 100% employment risk profile.

I “had” to take the vaccine, too. My first inclination was simple fraud, as the system seemed intentionally designed to allow even the slightly motivated to avoid it… something best explained by an intentional eugenics program selecting positive traits. This line of thinking is conspiratorial… but hasn’t been nullified by any following events.

But in the end, I am good enough at my job, I wound up getting an exception and being the only one who didn’t get the vaccine…

…with a bonus of traveling to Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America at the height of covid.

…where I found all the vaccine restrictions to be easy to avoid, unenforced, or human engineered out of with little effort.

With this experience, I feel a lot of people that “had” to take the vaccine probably just had to put a bit of effort into the situation.

But most people work neither hard nor smart, which I encourage, but I don’t want them making decisions for me, which they like to do.

And anybody who isn’t a complete ‘tard should think very carefully about allowing life-altering decisions to be made for them by people who gain by not having their best interests in mind.

Again: Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome.

1 year ago

As we have seen, the vaccines are carelessly made and the results are contaminated.

But don’t take my word for it.

A lot of people are horrified at the prospect of eating raman two weeks out of date but welcome an injection of whatever the teevee told them to take.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

Marginalized groups call for legal protection against discrimination

Since 2007, anti-discrimination bills have been proposed 11 times at the National Assembly, including the latest one submitted in 2021. However, none have passed the final stage, mainly due to a strong backlash from conservative Protestant groups who oppose the legislation largely because homosexuality goes against their religious beliefs. Over the past 15 years, only a handful of lawmakers in the 300-seat Assembly have openly supported the bills. Others remain quiet or publicly oppose them, wary of alienating Protestant voters.

Rightwing Conservative Protestant “Christians” whose odd fanatical beliefs are rooted in the evangelical Southern US States, cause all kinds of harm to what we call “progress”. Many non-religious South Koreans who are sick of these people’s antics derogatively call the organizations, 개독교 OR 개신교. It’s one of the reasons why the number of Protestant Christian populations in the country is steadily shrinking from 20% of the population in 2012 to 15% in 2023. Fanatical religions that have their fat fingers in the political pot is what cause societal conflicts – we see this all over the world.

1 year ago

“Fanatical religions that have their fat fingers in the political pot is what cause societal conflicts – we see this all over the world.”

No societal conflicts where religion is abolished…like Khmer Rouge, Mao Zedong, and Stalin all created pacifist societies without those icky religions.

Last edited 1 year ago by Liz
Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

Democrat party leader, Lee Jae-Myung, was rushed to a hospital in Busan after being stabbed in the neck by a man who was arrested by police. Reports are still coming in with not much update other than Lee was stabbed on the left side of the neck. Not much update either on the status of Lee’s condition. Initial news reports show Lee lying on the ground, bleeding heavily, with his aids trying to stop the bleeding. Wouldn’t be surprised if the attacker is a right-winger religious fanatic.

Last edited 1 year ago by Korean Man
1 year ago

“Wouldn’t be surprised if the attacker is a right-winger religious fanatic.”

Statistically speaking, his killer is more likely to be another communist.

1 year ago

“Wouldn’t be surprised if the attacker is a right-winger religious fanatic.”

Lee Jae-myeong to attacker:

How did you find me? I am in the Jehovah’s Witness Protection Program!

1 year ago

I see I have been downvoted for pointing out historical truth.

It can only be the work of a science denier or a communist.

I must say, this is impressive work.

My plan for ridding the world of communists requires a whole helicopter but this fellow did it with just the blade.

Before you feel sorry, remember he is the one pushing more taxes on those working hard and more regulation on those succeeding.

Be they globalist covid tyrants destroying small business or redistributionists making everyone poor, they are an existential threat to my earned success and wellbeing.

I shed zero tears.

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