Picture of the Day: Seoul’s Climate Card

Seoul's Climate Card for limitless use of public transportation
Seoul’s Climate Card for limitless use of public transportation
An ad promoting the Climate Card, which enables people to use subways, buses and public bicycles without limitation by paying 65,000 won (US$48.33) per month, is displayed at a bus stop in Seoul on Jan. 22, 2024. The Seoul city government introduced the card as a six-month pilot project to improve the convenience of public transportation use and to help cope with the climate crisis. The card’s sale is set for Jan. 27, with its mobile version set for Jan. 23 at a price of 63,000 won. (Yonhap)
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1 year ago

“The Seoul city government introduced the card as a six-month pilot project to improve the convenience of public transportation use and to help cope with the climate crisis.”

What does that mean?

…the part where it says, “help cope with the climate crisis”.

Those are legitimate words. The grammar is proper.

But what does it mean?

People are having a hard time coping with overwhelming climate difficulties they must constantly withstand, but this card will help them endure for the next six months?

Are the people who push this nonsense insane or just thoughtlessly vomiting up what gets dribbled into their heads?

Global warming is a great test to see if someone is a tard.

1 year ago

“help cope with the climate crisis”.

Not sure if it’s a translation error, or the original Korean text also has this misconception of public transportation.

Using public transportation will “help slow the climate crisis.”

“Coping” with the climate crisis means drinking more (sic) and emigrating to New Zealand like Zuck and Thiel.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stephen
1 year ago

‘cope with the climate crisis..’ What does the card do, finance the destruction of Commie Chinese coal fired power plants? Anyway, “climate change” is a scam.

1 year ago

Using public transportation will “help slow the climate crisis.”

That presumes there is some sort of crisis.

There is zero evidence of a climate crisis.

There is something bordering on a global econonic crisis. Depending on where you are there is a crime crisis. There is probably an overfishing crisis. There is definately an American national debt crisis. Some people are having a war crisis. China is very close to a social crisis. We will soon have an AI-inspired employment crisis. Africa has a broad-spectrum crisis or two on a daily basis.

But there is no climate crisis.

The Netherlands has been managing high sea levels since the Iron Age.

Mankind’s most prosperous periods were the ones warmer than now, such as when people farmed Greenland.

An increase in “extreme weather” events hasn’t happened, though more people living in places with occasional extreme weather and better reporting make it seem like it has.

And earthquake and forest fires and volcanos and increased heart problems in the vaccinated have nothing to do with the climate no matter how much the climate alarmists would like you to believe otherwise.

Opinions on global warming is a good way to see if someone should be treated as a full human…

…or if they want to push their crazy onto me, if they should be treated like a human at all.

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