Tweet of the Day: South Korean Women Oppressed?

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1 year ago

“… when women don’t want to procreate with those men”.

It’s not just a social problem, it’s also an economic problem in Korea.

Women with a good education are economically independent of men. They can choose – or in this case not choose – their male partners.

One group of highly educated women are fortunate to find and marry “decent” men.

Another group of highly educated women remain single.

Then we have another large group of women who are not highly educated and who are not financially independent.

It is this last group of women who are the mothers of the majority of future generations of Koreans.

The declining fertility of the ROK is directly correlated with the declining economic productivity of the ROK; which is why the wealthy men who run the ROK now consider declining fertility to be a “dangerous issue”.

You reap what you sow Korean men, and most of you are only sowing with 금송아지.

When all Korean men start respecting women then highly educated Korean women will reconsider their view of Korean men.

1 year ago

Chinese TikTok. People more interested in getting likes in an app than having a real life.

1 year ago

Shirley, any analysis of Rokdrop “like” statistics will show that CH is the topper. Who is the bottom?

The lady doth protest too much …

Mǐn Xiù Xī
Mǐn Xiù Xī
1 year ago

The challenge with these hillbillies lies in their reluctance to acknowledge their racial biases, even though their actions and words often reveal such tendencies.

It raises the question: what causes them to hesitate in admitting their racist beliefs?

1 year ago

Samsung’s new factory will be 100% automated.

In the lifetime of the next generation of Koreans, automated machines will mine the minerals, process the minerals, ship the raw materials, produce products, market products, sell products, and ship products.

They will be so amazingly cheap that you can have everything you want.

…if you have skills automation cannot do and are lucky enough to have a job.

It is unclear what all those babies are actually going to do to make a positive contribution to society and economy.

Of course this line of thinking has already been proven wrong when we entered the steam age and the number of jobs expanded…

…but the key difference is there was still a need for labor.

This time feels different.

1 year ago

“River to the Sea” is all you need to know about this loser and his “violent misogyny”…

…two fantasies in the first 11 words.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

“violent misogyny”?

Then why do so many countries with far worse gender gaps have far more children? The pattern doesn’t fit the bill. It’s the other way around, the more developed the country, the lower the birth rate.

The fact is that the birth rate is decreasing in all developed countries. South Korea is worse than others because of one factor: a myriad of problems created due to one factor alone – the world’s worst population density around the Seoul Metropolitan area. Other than some small city-states, no other nation has over 50% of its population living around one city while economically producing 60% of the total GDP.

During the 1960s in the US, there was a scientific study that showed that as lab mice reproduced prolifically in a small confined area, their birth rate rapidly dropped as more and more mice were born. And then the births completely halted altogether as the mice were highly stressed into not procreating. This is the same with humans. With such a high concentration of population in one region while the rest of the country empties of population, this puts tremendous stress on the availability/cost of housing. With so many people competing for the same homes, jobs, and space, Koreans are too stressed to procreate.

There’s no way to resolve this issue completely, but Korea can at least improve this situation by a little by deconcentrating away from Seoul, and making rural areas as well as smaller cities like Busan, Sokcho, Daegu, Daejeon, Jeju, etc etc, attractive to living again. That means they should have more jobs, more culture, and good schools to prevent people from wanting to move to Seoul.

Last edited 1 year ago by Korean Man
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