…the successful attack against an America warship near Yemen.
It has gone from a possibility to a probability to an enviablity.
If you remeber Millennium Challenge 2002, you will remeber:
“Van Riper decided that as soon as a U.S. Navy carrier battle group steamed into the Gulf, he would “preempt the preemptors” and strike first. Once U.S. forces were within range, Van Riper’s forces unleashed a barrage of missiles from ground-based launchers, commercial ships, and planes flying low and without radio communications to reduce their radar signature. Simultaneously, swarms of speedboats loaded with explosives launched kamikaze attacks. The carrier battle group’s Aegis radar system — which tracks and attempts to intercept incoming missiles — was quickly overwhelmed, and 19 U.S. ships were sunk, including the carrier, several cruisers, and five amphibious ships. “The whole thing was over in five, maybe ten minutes,” Van Riper said.”
America learned nothing from this scripted excercise. Let’s see if America’s enemies learned anything.
What’s in today’s news.
“Houthis Upping Explosive Drone Boat Swarms, Latest US Navy Intercept Shows”
Did anybody watch the Ukranian drone boats sink the Russian ship? It is very educational… plus the thermal images of increasing damage to the ship is quite interesting.
It is unclear if an America carrier can fight off a swarm of missiles and explosivr drone boats.
The suspicion is…
…they cannot.
We have already seen Houthi missiles get past America’s anti-missile missiles and navy ships require the “last line of defense”, the CIWS.
How many targets can it engage?
We will likely find out.
1 year ago
CH, I think Biden’s rant about not being senile answered many questions.
He sounded every bit as mentally-balanced and competent as our local chinabots
Meanwhile, I hope you’re wrong about the Navy; but Tonkin Gulf was a thing…
1 year ago
Anybody following the collapsing weapons supply deal between Korea to Poland?
There is a hidden component.
Russia: “Say, I wonder if Poland will appreciate your weapons systems as much as North Korea will appreciate the advanced ones we are thinking of giving them.”
I wanted to be the head negotiator with Russia but Korea wouldn’t answer my email.
“You certainly negotiate from a strong position, Russia, but that’s a bit of an expensive distraction. You squander expensive weapons better used in Ukraine. Then you have to create more to counter what we supply Poland.
Im curious what you think an undermilitarized Poland, stability on your easter border, and full military focus on Ukraine is worth?”
The only thing better than getting paid to produce weapons is getting paid not to produce weapons.
Now, I am inspired to talk about opening my own heavy weapons factory and see what the going rate is not to produce anything.
Korean Man
1 year ago
South Korean company offers people $75,000 to have one child per parent, and a choice of either $225,000 or housing if they have three children.
Not mentioned in this article is that the company has also offered to chip in to lessen the 38% income tax burden ($50K salary plus the $75K bonus would put the employee over the high tax bracket), according to Korean news.
Korean Man
1 year ago
With the real estate collapse along with a complete population collapse, South Korea is now dotted with millions of empty homes, including thousands of abandoned new home construction projects and ghost towns that look like they are bombed-out sites.
Congress just rejected a bill to raise the mandatory pilot retirement age (for the major airlines) from 65 to 68. Not many people saw this coming. Especially since the people who rejected it are mostly very very old themselves.
Can’t be about safety. Any guesses?
The airlines very much wanted this legislation passed, and I’m sure the unions wanted it passed.
My guess: Insurance companies didn’t want it passed.
That pilot demographic is the most likely to go on disability and also the highest paid (so they would draw very large disability payments).
Last edited 1 year ago by Liz
1 year ago
That housing layout is soooooo Korean.
There are trees and fields and such yet all the big windows and balconies face inward with a view of… other people’s big windows and balconies.
My friend lived in an apartment next to a river. You could see that beautiful river out of the tiny kitchen window over the sink.
The full glass windows of the livingroom overlooked the parking lot with all of the livingroom windows in the next building looking back.
Korea Glistening!
Korean Man
1 year ago
That housing layout is soooooo Korean.
lol, does this even matter at this point, when it’s just an abandoned eye-sore ghost town?
Total fertility rate by country, where South Korea ranks 203rd out of 204th.
Hong Kong is a city-state or a city in China, with a population of 7 million compared to 10 million for Seoul. And yet South Korea probably surpassed Hong Kong’s low rate, since South Korea’s latest fertility rate has sunken further to 0.7, heading towards 0.6 next year. The next major country with a population of at least over 20 million which is closest in ranking with South Korea, is China which is also facing a population collapse. But they still have a 1.2 fertility rate, which is double the Korean rate.
The Korean case is unprecedented, and the country is in uncharted territory of what’s going to happen in about 10 to 20 years. And the world has never seen anything like this before. Yet the politicians are too stupid and incompetent to do anything about this.
1 year ago
A deep thought for the day.
1 year ago
Deep thought for tomorrow.
1 year ago
I was keeping track of how many new babies Korea needed.
I looked in the window at Burger King and noticed 4 kiosks. I took 4 babies off my list.
Pretty much every coffee shop I passed also had a kiosk instead of a worker. That was a lot of subtracting.
I got to the new Samsung factory that will be 100% automated. I started to subtract babies from my list but I noticed all the other companies scratching their chins and going hmmm. I just gave up.
I will ask the same thing I always ask yet get no sensible answer.
Once Korea has all these babies, what exactly is the plan to keep them busy?
The population was 20% less in 1990 and Korea did quite well. What is the harm in going back to this?
There is constant yapping about global warming (and sometimes the real threats of pollution, overconsumption, environmental destruction, overfishing, resource depletion, sewage treatment, clean water, trash generation, etc.) How does environmental concern reconcile with dreams of overpopulation?
At what point does “we will solve tomorrow’s problems by having even more babies today” become unsustainable due to resource scarcity, lack of meaningful productivity, lower quality of life, etc?
What is the plan to address the exact problems that “more babies” is supposed to solve when more babies becomes a worse problem?
“Korea needs more babies” is equivilent to “ya know, hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe”, “but the science says it is Safe & Effective”, “it got electrolytes”, “Ukraine will take Crimea by Christmas”, etc.
It is crazytalk that people repeat without thinking anything through.
Or maybe I am wrong?
Let’s see the answers to those questions.
1 year ago
CH, they still need someone to take out the trash and repair the kiosks.
Even the robot brothels will require chinabots to swab out the dolls when they get full.
1 year ago
So there you are…
…a former Ukranian, but now proudly Russian, laborer tasked with rebuilding Mariopol from the days when Azov¹ and Russia fought it out on the streets.
¹Azov: Real nazis with heavy weapons rather than American “far-right racists” with off-brand black rifles they can’t afford ammo for, that has the FBI quaking in their loafers even though the majority of them are snitches and feds.
Anyway, your job is to work on the imaginatively named Hospital Number 7.
You are clearing out the basement and you find a bunch of stuff from the psychiatric ward… documents and pre-labeled packages for sending medical samples.
The addresses are research departments for western pharmaceutical companies.
Let’s take a look at some of those documents.
The pharmaceutical companies appearantly have realized drug testing on Slavs more closely models their wealthy white American and European markets than Africans. Good find, guys.
But while disposable Sub-Saharan Africans will line up to be test subjects in hopes of extending their average life expectency, which is still in their Bronze Age 50s, willing Ukranianians are a bit harder to find.
(Though some percentage of Americans bought into, “The best way to stand with Ukraine is to get vaccinated.” Baffling.)
However the Ukranian psychiatric wards are full of… uh… willing test subjects.
So you can thank Ukraine for knowing how many mg of your cholesterol drug you can take before you get ulcers on your liver!
Slava Ukraina!
Bonus: Samsung shows up in this, but so far, it is medical equipment rather than pharmaceuticals, so the situation is unclear with them.
Korean Person
1 year ago
No doubt that the Setnaffarians are Russiabots.
1 year ago
It is frequently easy to find the double digit IQ people in a crowd.
They are the ones spouting their opinion loudly, but when asked to give the facts that formed their opinion… nothing.
This is because their opinion was not formed with facts.
Their opininion was given to them by clever manipulators using them as a tool to achieve some unrelated goal.
Every Korean involved knows “more babies” is not a solution to the stated problem. At best, it delays the problem but makes it bigger, like an alcoholic who drink becasue he is afraid he will get fired if he shows up to work.
This is why everybody pushing for “more babies” will go to great lengths to avoid explaining their opinion.
Someone smart who is wrong will change their opinion when the facts change and be open with their updated opinion.
Someone average who is wrong will slink away and never spreak of it again. They may proudly but quietly retain the wrong opinion or they may change their opinion. If they change their opinion, they will pretend they never held any other opinion.
Someone stupid will keep going on about their wrong opinion. When questioned, they will ignore the questions, reply with insults, or slink off temporarily, only to return as if nothing had ever happened.
The manipulators will do this, too, but they know what they are doing.
In this case Korea Man falls into the stupid category. I could change my opinion if the facts change and he gives us reasonable answers and a logical explanation.
Let’s give him another chance not be known as stupid.
1 year ago
Q: What sits in the ocean, watches fire, and has bad teeth?
A: The crew of the UK vessel Lycavitos.
Because of the distances involved an American destroyer has about 60 to 90 seconds to take out an incoming missile.
It appears more missiles simply miss their target than get successfully taken out by American air defense.
While American defenses are “layered”, it appears none but the last (CIWS) have a perfect record… so far.
Bonus: Ukraine just sank another Russian ship off Crimea using jetski-grade explosive drones.
It’s coming…
…the successful attack against an America warship near Yemen.
It has gone from a possibility to a probability to an enviablity.
If you remeber Millennium Challenge 2002, you will remeber:
“Van Riper decided that as soon as a U.S. Navy carrier battle group steamed into the Gulf, he would “preempt the preemptors” and strike first. Once U.S. forces were within range, Van Riper’s forces unleashed a barrage of missiles from ground-based launchers, commercial ships, and planes flying low and without radio communications to reduce their radar signature. Simultaneously, swarms of speedboats loaded with explosives launched kamikaze attacks. The carrier battle group’s Aegis radar system — which tracks and attempts to intercept incoming missiles — was quickly overwhelmed, and 19 U.S. ships were sunk, including the carrier, several cruisers, and five amphibious ships. “The whole thing was over in five, maybe ten minutes,” Van Riper said.”
America learned nothing from this scripted excercise. Let’s see if America’s enemies learned anything.
What’s in today’s news.
“Houthis Upping Explosive Drone Boat Swarms, Latest US Navy Intercept Shows”
Did anybody watch the Ukranian drone boats sink the Russian ship? It is very educational… plus the thermal images of increasing damage to the ship is quite interesting.
It is unclear if an America carrier can fight off a swarm of missiles and explosivr drone boats.
The suspicion is…
…they cannot.
We have already seen Houthi missiles get past America’s anti-missile missiles and navy ships require the “last line of defense”, the CIWS.
How many targets can it engage?
We will likely find out.
CH, I think Biden’s rant about not being senile answered many questions.
He sounded every bit as mentally-balanced and competent as our local chinabots
Meanwhile, I hope you’re wrong about the Navy; but Tonkin Gulf was a thing…
Anybody following the collapsing weapons supply deal between Korea to Poland?
There is a hidden component.
Russia: “Say, I wonder if Poland will appreciate your weapons systems as much as North Korea will appreciate the advanced ones we are thinking of giving them.”
I wanted to be the head negotiator with Russia but Korea wouldn’t answer my email.
“You certainly negotiate from a strong position, Russia, but that’s a bit of an expensive distraction. You squander expensive weapons better used in Ukraine. Then you have to create more to counter what we supply Poland.
Im curious what you think an undermilitarized Poland, stability on your easter border, and full military focus on Ukraine is worth?”
The only thing better than getting paid to produce weapons is getting paid not to produce weapons.
Now, I am inspired to talk about opening my own heavy weapons factory and see what the going rate is not to produce anything.
South Korean company offers people $75,000 to have one child per parent, and a choice of either $225,000 or housing if they have three children.
Not mentioned in this article is that the company has also offered to chip in to lessen the 38% income tax burden ($50K salary plus the $75K bonus would put the employee over the high tax bracket), according to Korean news.
With the real estate collapse along with a complete population collapse, South Korea is now dotted with millions of empty homes, including thousands of abandoned new home construction projects and ghost towns that look like they are bombed-out sites.
This isn’t China.
Congress just rejected a bill to raise the mandatory pilot retirement age (for the major airlines) from 65 to 68. Not many people saw this coming. Especially since the people who rejected it are mostly very very old themselves.
Can’t be about safety. Any guesses?
The airlines very much wanted this legislation passed, and I’m sure the unions wanted it passed.
My guess: Insurance companies didn’t want it passed.
That pilot demographic is the most likely to go on disability and also the highest paid (so they would draw very large disability payments).
That housing layout is soooooo Korean.
There are trees and fields and such yet all the big windows and balconies face inward with a view of… other people’s big windows and balconies.
My friend lived in an apartment next to a river. You could see that beautiful river out of the tiny kitchen window over the sink.
The full glass windows of the livingroom overlooked the parking lot with all of the livingroom windows in the next building looking back.
Korea Glistening!
lol, does this even matter at this point, when it’s just an abandoned eye-sore ghost town?
Total fertility rate by country, where South Korea ranks 203rd out of 204th.
Hong Kong is a city-state or a city in China, with a population of 7 million compared to 10 million for Seoul. And yet South Korea probably surpassed Hong Kong’s low rate, since South Korea’s latest fertility rate has sunken further to 0.7, heading towards 0.6 next year. The next major country with a population of at least over 20 million which is closest in ranking with South Korea, is China which is also facing a population collapse. But they still have a 1.2 fertility rate, which is double the Korean rate.
The Korean case is unprecedented, and the country is in uncharted territory of what’s going to happen in about 10 to 20 years. And the world has never seen anything like this before. Yet the politicians are too stupid and incompetent to do anything about this.
A deep thought for the day.
Deep thought for tomorrow.
I was keeping track of how many new babies Korea needed.
I looked in the window at Burger King and noticed 4 kiosks. I took 4 babies off my list.
Pretty much every coffee shop I passed also had a kiosk instead of a worker. That was a lot of subtracting.
I got to the new Samsung factory that will be 100% automated. I started to subtract babies from my list but I noticed all the other companies scratching their chins and going hmmm. I just gave up.
I will ask the same thing I always ask yet get no sensible answer.
Once Korea has all these babies, what exactly is the plan to keep them busy?
The population was 20% less in 1990 and Korea did quite well. What is the harm in going back to this?
There is constant yapping about global warming (and sometimes the real threats of pollution, overconsumption, environmental destruction, overfishing, resource depletion, sewage treatment, clean water, trash generation, etc.) How does environmental concern reconcile with dreams of overpopulation?
At what point does “we will solve tomorrow’s problems by having even more babies today” become unsustainable due to resource scarcity, lack of meaningful productivity, lower quality of life, etc?
What is the plan to address the exact problems that “more babies” is supposed to solve when more babies becomes a worse problem?
“Korea needs more babies” is equivilent to “ya know, hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe”, “but the science says it is Safe & Effective”, “it got electrolytes”, “Ukraine will take Crimea by Christmas”, etc.
It is crazytalk that people repeat without thinking anything through.
Or maybe I am wrong?
Let’s see the answers to those questions.
CH, they still need someone to take out the trash and repair the kiosks.
Even the robot brothels will require chinabots to swab out the dolls when they get full.
So there you are…
…a former Ukranian, but now proudly Russian, laborer tasked with rebuilding Mariopol from the days when Azov¹ and Russia fought it out on the streets.
¹Azov: Real nazis with heavy weapons rather than American “far-right racists” with off-brand black rifles they can’t afford ammo for, that has the FBI quaking in their loafers even though the majority of them are snitches and feds.
Anyway, your job is to work on the imaginatively named Hospital Number 7.
You are clearing out the basement and you find a bunch of stuff from the psychiatric ward… documents and pre-labeled packages for sending medical samples.
The addresses are research departments for western pharmaceutical companies.
Let’s take a look at some of those documents.
The pharmaceutical companies appearantly have realized drug testing on Slavs more closely models their wealthy white American and European markets than Africans. Good find, guys.
But while disposable Sub-Saharan Africans will line up to be test subjects in hopes of extending their average life expectency, which is still in their Bronze Age 50s, willing Ukranianians are a bit harder to find.
(Though some percentage of Americans bought into, “The best way to stand with Ukraine is to get vaccinated.” Baffling.)
However the Ukranian psychiatric wards are full of… uh… willing test subjects.
So you can thank Ukraine for knowing how many mg of your cholesterol drug you can take before you get ulcers on your liver!
Slava Ukraina!
Bonus: Samsung shows up in this, but so far, it is medical equipment rather than pharmaceuticals, so the situation is unclear with them.
No doubt that the Setnaffarians are Russiabots.
It is frequently easy to find the double digit IQ people in a crowd.
They are the ones spouting their opinion loudly, but when asked to give the facts that formed their opinion… nothing.
This is because their opinion was not formed with facts.
Their opininion was given to them by clever manipulators using them as a tool to achieve some unrelated goal.
Every Korean involved knows “more babies” is not a solution to the stated problem. At best, it delays the problem but makes it bigger, like an alcoholic who drink becasue he is afraid he will get fired if he shows up to work.
This is why everybody pushing for “more babies” will go to great lengths to avoid explaining their opinion.
Someone smart who is wrong will change their opinion when the facts change and be open with their updated opinion.
Someone average who is wrong will slink away and never spreak of it again. They may proudly but quietly retain the wrong opinion or they may change their opinion. If they change their opinion, they will pretend they never held any other opinion.
Someone stupid will keep going on about their wrong opinion. When questioned, they will ignore the questions, reply with insults, or slink off temporarily, only to return as if nothing had ever happened.
The manipulators will do this, too, but they know what they are doing.
In this case Korea Man falls into the stupid category. I could change my opinion if the facts change and he gives us reasonable answers and a logical explanation.
Let’s give him another chance not be known as stupid.
Q: What sits in the ocean, watches fire, and has bad teeth?
A: The crew of the UK vessel Lycavitos.
Because of the distances involved an American destroyer has about 60 to 90 seconds to take out an incoming missile.
It appears more missiles simply miss their target than get successfully taken out by American air defense.
While American defenses are “layered”, it appears none but the last (CIWS) have a perfect record… so far.
Bonus: Ukraine just sank another Russian ship off Crimea using jetski-grade explosive drones.