ROK Military to Have 5% of Its Force Come From Multicultural Backgrounds by 2030

The make up of the ROK military will look a little different by 2030:

The number of soldiers coming from a multicultural background will account for 5 percent of the nation’s entire conscripts by 2030 after a notable increase since the 2009 amendment to the Military Service Act, which mandates military service for all Korean nationals, according to the report released by the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses, Monday.

The report suggested that a growing number of conscripts from multicultural households could become a crucial resource in sustaining the military, helping address potential conscript shortages stemming from the country’s low birthrate. It raised the need for the military to establish and implement management and support policies tailored to multicultural soldiers.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link.

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1 year ago

What is a multi-cultural soldier?!?! If he/she is in the ROK Army he/she better be a Korean. Who cares about their ethnic background.

1 year ago

That means “half-breed”… You can read the contempt through the words.

The way to stop being racist is to stop talking about races.

1 year ago

“It raised the need for the military to establish and implement management and support policies tailored to multicultural soldiers.”

No it doesnt.

It means the “multicultural” soldiers will need to be Korea soldiers.

You may never face this delimma personally, but take my advice.

Másturbating farmers are better than multiculturalism.

That goes double if it is an inferior culture.

In this case, saying that multiculturalism will save the Korean military is madness.

This is not a problem to solve. It is a situation to manage.

Encouraging semi-Koreans with divided loyalty and an escape route if they are needed is not the answer.

Transforming the military into a high-tech operation with a smaller patriotic and nationalist professional staff is the way to go.

ProTip: When anyone or anything starts yapping about more babies, consider they are stupid. When they start pushing multiculturalism, they are saboteurs.

Consider carrying around a sharpened screwdriver to do your civic duty to protect Korea.

Korean Person
Korean Person
1 year ago

The way to stop being racist is to stop talking about races.


That is something you should practice.

1 year ago

The ROK is getting desperate. They’re snagging USFK dependents at the airport based on an eye test. My son was refused a SOFA visa because his mother is a Korean citizen. I went back a few months later by myself to the Osan Airbase immigration office and got a SOFA visa for him because I’m not asian.

He will also have to either perform his mandatory military service or relinquish his Korean citizenship before March 31st of the year of his 17th birthday.

1 year ago

Bob, Dual Citizenship has responsibilities. We don’t have to like them. In fact, I don’t believe Americans should be allowed to be citizens of another nation; but that’s based on a speech from 1912:

I stand for straight Americanism unconditioned and unqualified, and I stand against every form of hyphenated Americanism. I do not speak of the hyphen when it is employed as a mere convenience, although personally, I like to avoid its use even in such manner. I speak and condemn its use whenever it represents an effort to form political parties along racial lines or to bring pressure to bear on parties and politicians, not for American purposes, but in the interest of some group of voters of a certain national origin, or of the country from which they or their fathers came.

Americanism is not a matter of creed, birthplace or national descent, but of the soul and of the spirit. If the American has the right stuff in him, I care not a snap of my fingers whether he is Jew or Gentile, Catholic or Protestant. I care not a snap of my fingers whether his ancestors came over in the Mayflower, or whether he was born, or his parents were born, in Germany, Ireland, France, England, Scandinavia, Russia or Italy or any other country. All I ask of the immigrant is that he shall be physically and intellectually fit, of sound character, and eager in good faith to become an American citizen. If the immigrant is of the right kind I am for him, and if the native American is of the wrong kind I am against him….

….Now for our own citizens. We represent many different race strains. Our ancestors came from many different Old World nationalities. It will spell ruin to this nation if these nationalities remain separated from one another instead of being assimilated to the new and larger American life.

The children and our children’s children of all of us have to live here in this land together. Our children’s children will intermarry, one another, your children’s children, friends, and mine. Even if they wished, they could not remain citizens of foreign countries….The effort to keep our citizenship divided against itself by the use of the hyphen and along the lines of national origin is certain to breed a spirit of bitterness and prejudice and dislike between great bodies of our citizens.

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