ROK Drop Open Thread – February 16, 2024

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1 year ago

“Christisn pastor Chun Ki-won (68), who was known as the “Schindler of Asia” for helping North Koreans escape, has been sentenced to five years in prison for molesting under-aged North Korean defectors.”

아동 성추행’ 아시아 쉰들러 천기원 1심 징역 5년 실형

아동 성추행’ 아시아 쉰들러 천기원 1심 징역 5년 실형

1 year ago

‘…who was known as the “Schindler of Asia”’

Boy, they had is number from the git-go.

1 year ago

Didn’t Chun know that only Democrats and their donors are allowed to molest young people?

1 year ago

That would be an ecumenical matter …

1 year ago

1 year of covid vaccine deaths is equal to 33 years of deaths from all other vaccines combined.

1 year ago

That pie graph is not from the CDC.

1 year ago

“1 year of covid vaccine deaths is equal to 33 years of deaths from all other vaccines combined.”

Good to know. I was worried it wasn’t working to its full potential.

Why are the vaxtards suddenly so quiet when it comes to hyping the latest booster? Nobody wants it and nobody wants to talk about it.

…and none of them want to apologize for a couple years of absolute shít they gave me for being a racist science denier.

Come on, guys! Let’s see you maintain the same level of enthusiasm you had for the vaccine before it was tested.

Some people just need a couple of failed medical experiments done on them before they realize they are failed medical experiments instead of thinking things through.

This is why most people are stupid, poor, and in debt.

Reminder: Not a single person who didn’t take the vaccine regrets their decision. Nobody. None. Think about that.

Anyway, some interesting findings in the latest medical research… which is always funny to read because it can come to the clear conclusion that the covid vaccine makes your testicles explode and the next paragraph will say, “Of course the vaccine is safe and effective and has saved many lives so it is always recommended to be fully up to date on your covid vaccination.”

It’s like you have to cut and paste it into your conclusion to get published.

So the topic is cancer.

There are several proposed pathways for the vaccine to cause cancer, some of which are related to how some viruses cause cancer.

(Epstein (with his assistant Barr) was the first person to notice this. He just died this last week).

TLDR: There is some concern a covid infection can cause cancer. There is some concern the vaccine can cause cancer. They seem to in a dish but life is more complex. Nobody really knows and everybody is waiting to see what happens.

Of note, there appears to be an increase in cancer that is too big to hide, so like increased mortality, it is explained away. The favorite is that there was less screening during covid lockdowns. Also, something something global warming.

There is a legitimate concern that catching covid could lead to cancer (with that risk even higher for those who took the vaccine and then caught covid anyway, as everyone with two brain cells to rub together knew would happen).

This could explain why China engaged in what appeared to be madness to ensure some percentage of their population had no exposure to covid.

It is uncomfortable that China’s behavior is hard to explain without coming to uncomfortable conclusions.

Point to Ponder: Sinovac is not mRNA. Nobody in China got an mRNA vaccine.

So now we wait.

The vaxtards will likely not be worried. They smoke and eat fast food and drink Coke while looking you in the eye and acknowledging all the risks. Long-term risks of the covid vaccine are a bit too difficult for their goldfish brains to process.

Stay Safe & Effective, my friends.

1 year ago

“That pie graph is not from the CDC.”

You are focusing on the wrong thing because that is how you have been trained to think.

You should be asking:

“Is the data in the pie chart valid?”

Now that you recognize you have been conditioned to mindlesly support The Narrative rather than gain the understanding necessary to make informed choices about what you support, let’s see what you do with this information.

Difficulty Level: The Narrative is mostly false because it is designed to keep the majority of the population making poor decisions.

1 year ago

My main goal is to stay on the vaccine soapbox longer than I was on the Lt. Davis soapbox. I still have a few more years to go, but I’ll get there eventually. Hopefully by then something else will come along so I can continue to pontificate here as I always have. In the meantime, I have to hurry to place my order for the $399 gold Trump sneakers.
Stay thirsty, my friends.

1 year ago

They can try to copy but they just can’t beat the original. Perhaps they aren’t wrong, though. Let’s see.

“My main goal is to stay on the vaccine soapbox longer than I was on the Lt. Davis soapbox.”

I was on the Lt. Davis soapbox until my goals were accomplished.

I will be on the vaccine soapbox in the same way.

Really, everybody should get on the soapbox because government responds to chatter. Silence is considered acceptance. They will do it again.

Have you gotten your Disease X booster?

As a bonus, every time I discover new ways in which the covid vaccine is neither safe nor effective, was completely unnecessarily, and was poor decision-making due to the inability to formulate a proper risk assessment, I like to rub it in to create a little stress. I am probably kidding myself, as vaxtards have not demonstrated they have the cognative capacity to recognize their error. Then again, considering the latest booster uptake statistics, some people have figured it out, even if they wont admit it.

“Hopefully by then something else will come along so I can continue to pontificate here as I always have.”

Something else always comes up.

If not, global warming and tranny kids will keep us busy.

“In the meantime, I have to hurry to place my order for the $399 gold Trump sneakers.”

Hahaha! That’s funny because I was thinking of buying a pair. Not for wearing, as I am white and over 12 years old, but for putting in storage with my unopened Billy Beer, Atari, and Apple ][.

1 year ago

For those of you keeping score, the UK-registered cargo ship, Rubymar, just got hit by a couple of missiles.

“It might sink.”

There is no might. The crew abandoned ship.

Like in Ukraine, where we have been lied to about why it started, how it’s going, and how it will end, we are also being lied to about the situation near Yeman.

We have been lied to about what America is doing there and what the chance is of losing an American naval ship. We can’t say we have been lied to about how it will end because there has been no talk of it ever ending.

American missile defense is (clearly) not 100%. It isn’t when protecting distant ships with a minute or so notice. And it hasn’t been when the CIWS, the last line of defense had to open up. It has a good record, and people have a lot of faith in it. Hopefully.

Did we discuss how the American navy just encountered their first seagoing drone from Yemen?

Iran has likely mastered this technology. They also have satallites to track American ships. Russia is probably sore about losing two major ships, located with America’s help to Ukraine.

When an American naval ship goes down, everybody is going to scream Pearl Harbor and history books will talk about a surprise attack.

The only people who will be surprised are the ones with poor awareness and pattern recognition.

1 year ago

The Sinking of the Lusitania happened under a Democrat President.

The Pearl Harbor Attack happened under a Democrat President.

North Korea invaded South Korea happened under a Democrat President.

The Tonkin Gulf Incident happened under a Democrat President.

And so on ad nauseum.

Even a chinabot* could see this pattern.

* Please note that China is a country, not a race.

11 months ago

Islam is not a race.

Islam is not a religion.

It is a political system the smart use to control the powerless, stupid, and mentally ill.

Korea, don’t let it get its claws into society.

11 months ago

The state news agency of the DPRK has sharply responded to remarks by Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Goncharenko, who spoke about Ukraine’s readiness to fight North Korea in the future.

Plot Twist: NK has gone from “running dog” to “puppy”

When NK sounds less comical than Ukraine, it’s time to reevaluate the relationship with Ukraine.

Actually, that is being done.

The CIA’s new story is “Yes, we were in Ukraine after the coup (not before) and we were only their to try to control their attacks against civilians. But, you know… those crazy Ukrainians.”

The rats are all positioning themselves in the high points of a sinking ship.

11 months ago

The German frigate “Hessen” was menaced by an an aerial threat off the coast of Yemen.

They fired two missiles at it.

Plot Twist: The target was a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone.

Double Plot Twist: Both missiles malfunctioned and fell into the sea.

Yemen: “The guy from the CIA just called with location data for that German ship.”

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