Tweet of the Day: Pedestrian Crossing in Japan
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1 year ago

Here in Korea, crossing the street is a bit more ‘exciting’. In 2022, pedestrians accounted for 35% of all road deaths, a high share compared to other OECD countries.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

Flyingsword, have you looked at the official numbers lately?

Looking at the per capita ranking, the United States (12.9 deaths per 100K people) is now far worse off than South Korea (5.3 per 100K people) when it comes to traffic deaths. And South Korea now is not that worse off than most other developed countries, but way less deaths than the United States.

Last edited 1 year ago by Korean Man
1 year ago

I don’t care about America, I live in Korea.

Anyway, America has gotten worse due to all the illegal immigrants driving around untrained but licensed by the democommie states.

Last edited 1 year ago by Flyingsword
Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

I’m referring to your statement.

In 2022, pedestrians accounted for 35% of all road deaths, a high share compared to other OECD countries.

Not really true is it? Even looking at the link that you posted, Korea is somewhere around the middle of the OECD pack. The US on the other hand, fits your claim.

1 year ago

I can reduce pedestrian fatalities with this one simple trick.

(This also works for gun crime.)

1 year ago

K man, not my words. Quote from the referenced study put out by the Korean Government. Take it up with them, if they want to discuss with a chinese commie party worker that is.

Korean Person
Korean Person
1 year ago

The Setnaffarians spend way more time chasing imaginary communists.

1 year ago

“The Setnaffarians spend way more time chasing imaginary communists.”

Agree and disagree.

The communists are imaginary… as we are not dealing with real communists… as least for themselves… maybe in the sense of the productive class financing the non-productive class which keeps them in line through crime and social division.

Do we spend too much time chasing them?

Not sure.

We certainly don’t spend the necessary amount of violence.

But, I only whine about the psuedocommunists because it is sad to watch them perpetuate the decline of western civilization that brought so much to the world.

The reality is I would join them in a heartbeat beacuse all you self destructive libtards have brought this on yourselves and you would like to take me with you.


They will never allow me to be a full globalist, but they will keep me around in the remnants of the upper middle class because I have some skills that keeps their civilization functional.

Though, if I join the globalists, I am going to switch careers. I want to be in charge of torture.

I will smile and whisper in your ear.

“You brought this on yourself.”

1 year ago

Glad my ego doesn’t require validation based on the number of plusses or likes or whatever.

When ChingChong “Lefty” McSock gets on a roll, he cant help himself…

…nothing but retard babbling from every one of his socks giving each other a handy followed by minus ones for anybody who makes sense.

Remember, its goal is not to make sense or push a particular point of view.

It is just to create disorder in any functioning system. Smart ones do this with cleverness. The dumb ones do it through dumbness.

We got the dumb one.

But it is a loss for them before they even started.

The way to beat them is use their babbling as a way to spread sensible ideas.

And if, somehow, they get their dream and the Revolution succeeds, history shows the dumb tools are purged first.

So they are either a frustrated loser with no job satisfaction or filler in an unmarked mass grave.

Either way, I sleep well at night.

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