After actually looking at the statistics, it looks like “long covid” is actually “long vax”.
That was hard to notice at first because pretty much everyone who got the vaccine also got covid.
Fun Fact: Nobody who didn’t get the vaccine regrets their decision. Nobody. None. Zero.
Pro Tip: If you regret getting the vaccine because it did nothing for you but put you at known and unknown risks, get vocal. If you don’t, you will be put in the same position and manipulated in some way over some similar issue.
11 months ago
CH, I think “long covid” is so broad a term it is going to be hard to sort out. Is SVT from covid “long covid”? My spouse has that and he didn’t take the vaccine. OTOH, his surgeon got SVT also (right after the vaccine…in fact he credits the vaccine for his SVT).
It’s a mess and TPTB obviously have a vested interest in NOT sorting it out.
11 months ago
China may be irreversibly heading towards a self-inflicted collapse.
“The vast majority of these survey respondents had received the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines with 127 (55%) getting the Pfizer-BioNTech one and 86 (37%) getting the Moderna vaccine. The symptoms began after the first dose of the vaccine for 44% of the respondents, the second dose for 33%, the third dose for 14% and subsequent doses for 9%. These symptoms began fairly soon after vaccination, too, with 50% of respondents saying that they first noticed problems within three days of getting vaccinated. And true to the “long vax” nickname, respondents indicated that these symptoms have persisted for quite a long time—ranging from 40 to 1,058 days with a median of 595 days, meaning that well over half of them had been suffering such symptoms for over a year-and-a-half.”
A larger study indicates about 70% felt they got covid from the vaccine and 30% from the infection based on when their symptoms started.
It was made intentionally difficult to track meaningful statistics unless you know the secrets to how different batches were spread.
…though the deadly batches seem to gave gone to red states… so somebody knew what they were doing.
As I have often stated, there likely wont be any big reveal.
Things that don’t happen become exceedingly rare, then rare, then it happens but mild, etc. When stretched out over a few years, intolerable things become normalized and accepted.
What should be obvious is that:
– covid is not dangerous to most demographics
– the vaccine was not effective
– the vaccine had immediate side effects for some people and it is not clear if this caused longer term problems.
If you cannot accept this as fact and then look for ways to manage the situation, you don’t deserve success.
11 months ago
Set, happy to see you watching something more honest than that execrable Aussie Murdoch Fox Channel.
Keep up the good work.
Korean Man
11 months ago
All over Jeju Island, ghost concrete Chinatowns like this were built by Chinese development companies all over the Jeju Island proper, right before the THAAD controversy with China which led to Chinese money flow being stopped abruptly. They were targeting Chinese investors who wanted permanent residency papers. This is one of the many projects that remain.
@Stephen, I’m an actual “moderate”, not really associated any longer with Democrats or Republicans. When I vote, I vote for people who claim to support the things I value. And if they go back on their word, they don’t get a second chance.
For example, Mike Pence was allegedly a Christian, but supported abortion-on-demand candidates. He’s no “Race Bannon”.
And Fox morphed into MSDNC pretty quickly in the Bush ’43 years.
There are few news sources that are both “popular” and trustworthy. But I do notice Big media promotes Xi Jinping pork patties instead of Jimmy Dean these days.
11 months ago
Thanks for the Yale study info, CH.
Glad they don’t force the covid jabs on military anymore (the 10th booster is now available!)
They are doing the anthrax ones again though (2 instead of 6 or something now, hopefully a better formula than the last).
11 months ago
Re: The Covid vaccine…
Maybe 1/10 of 1% of people vaccinated suffer consequences from it. It was true for most of the vaccines developed in the past. Does that mean we ignore the 99.99% of people who aren’t affected by it and are actually helped by it? Only fools think something is 100% safe.
11 months ago
Stephen, I don’t know if you have taken the boosters (how helpful could this vaccine have been if they are already on booster number 10). But there seems to be a cumulative impact…many people have no obvious adverse reactions until they start getting more. Anecdotes aren’t evidence but that has been my observation. (though my observations through the years are usually followed by some scientific acknowledgement years later that they were wrong and what I saw was…shocker, correct. The list is really extensive now, the older I get the more extensive it is.)
11 months ago
Just to add, it also depends very much on the “consequence”.
For example, I would say a 1 in 1000 chance of heart inflammation is non-trivial. My daughter in law now has to take Benadryl regularly as a result of a skin condition after her booster. It has been that way for over a year now. That would be a relatively trivial side effect, but it does impact her life, and I worry about the impact on a future pregnancy.
11 months ago
By now, everybody… everybody… knows someone who had a vaccine side effect.
Some of these were serious short-term effects that may have long-term concequences. Other have been longer term. There are several reasonable theories on serious long-term concequences that we can discuss but not debate for another decade or two.
As you point out, nothing is fully safe. That small risk to a couple of generations was probably worth ending smallpox.
However the rate of incident was MUCH higher with the experimental covid vaccine. Was the result worth the risk?
If you are in the small demographic of being high risk and likely not living long enough to worry about long-term effects, perhaps the risk of covid his higher than the vaccine.
But everyone’s personal risk assessment should not be designed from a pharmaceutical company template.
If you are young and healthy, the vaccine is madness. A couple minutes of consideration clearly shows a zero risk from covid but a non-zero life-changing risk from the vaccine.
…especially when you are going to get covid anyway.
It is unclear if the vaccine really even reduces symptoms. There has been nonstatistical help to make that clear.
The vaccine has become a political fetish for all sides.
The difference is, I can clearly demonstrate the vaccine is neither safe nor effective.
But if you disagree, let us know when your faith as a vaccine fanboi and excuser translates to being up to date on your booster status.
Protip: Comparing vaccine uptake to booster uptake, it is clear most of the vaxtards who wouldn’t shut up about the vaccine now know they have been had and are quietly wishing it would all be forgotten. The ones who are still noisy, are just the biggest tards. You are still on the wrong side of history.
Korean Man
11 months ago
I’ve taken 6 COVID shots in the last 3 years so far and yet I’m still alive with no ill effects. It is the same with my family and friends who have also taken the shots. The same Trumpot that claims fish lived in waters where they released 1500 different types of nuclear wastes coming out of four nuclear plants that were meltdown – were not harmful and safe to eat. But when it comes to COVID vaccines, Trumpbots rail against this supposed international conspiracy. I don’t get it. I am guessing this depends on how the various issues fit the Trumpbot political agendas.
Korean Man
11 months ago
An excellent article.
South Korean Doctors Should Return to DutyThey are jeopardizing patients’ lives to safeguard their own privilege.
I don’t know enough about the radioactive water situation to weigh in there…but we do have a very, very long history studying the effects of radioactivity. There is radiation everywhere, including my granite countertop (we have two radon mitigators in our home, to bring the radiation down to a safer level…neighbor has so much radiation in his home it is the equivalent of smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day…but the previous owners lived there for 22 years and didn’t seem to have any health implications, because exposure to radiation can take a long time). Fortunately, no one is forcing me to live in a radiation filled environment so I can mitigate or not, depending on my personal situation. Unlike the EUA only vaccines my son was forced to take in the military.
11 months ago
It is certainly worth mentioning that before the covid vaccine there had been a longterm study on mRNA vaccines…even for cancer. And the consensus was that the health implications from those vaccine experiments were “non trivial” so they held off approval. Suddenly covid hits, and everything is fine.
11 months ago
Just to add, it is well understood there are some risks to having a military job. My spouse flew for almost 30 years and a good number of our friends are dead from short term (crashing) or longterm (radiation exposure) consequences. In the case of the mRNA vaccines, much like the anthrax vaccines, the cost/benefit analysis does not work out as there is no upside but there is inevitable (even with 0.1 percent risk, four million jabs= 40,000 victims AT BEST) downside.
11 months ago
The use of the word “Trumpbot” for aspersions on the covid jabs is quite the study in mental gymnastics as the covid jabs were introduced under Trump, and Trump is a covid jab advocate.
…the only difference is, he didn’t force that decision on anyone.
And now that they have reversed the mandates, it would seem everyone who matters agrees he was right.
11 months ago
“I’ve taken 6 COVID shots in the last 3 years so far and yet I’m still alive with no ill effects.”
Why are you skimping out on 30% of your shots? Coward.
Keep in mind, a 1000 personal experiences of no danger does not prove there is no danger. However a single experience of danger proves there is danger.
But, it would seem math is not your thing.
There is no debate that the covid vaccine caused heart inflamation, especially in young men. It seems to be accepted that the percentage was pretty high. The debate is now about the long-term danger for symtomatic and nonsymptomatic heart inflamation.
Does it cause scar tissue that reduces heart function which only becomes noticable in later life as heart function naturally reduces? Will we have an unusual number of 50 year-olds having heart problems in 30 years? Nobody knows.
My observation is that all research papers and medical advice before the covid vaccine considered any heart inflamation a medical emergency. After the covid vaccine, “It happens but is exceedingly rare and symptoms are mild and go away on their own.”
That fits the same pattern as “breakout cases happen but are exceedingly rare”, “two shots is all you need”, “a mask is good but two masks are better”, “two weeks to flatten the curve”… etc.
Buy into the bullshít at your own risk.
11 months ago
Just my two cents on the covid topic. About a month ago I read an article where embalmers were starting to find a jelly-like substance in the blood. They said this was never seen before and they believe it is from the shot. Wish I saved the article to post the reference.
KP: “The same Trumpot that claims fish lived in waters where they released 1500 different types of nuclear wastes coming out of four nuclear plants that were meltdown – were not harmful and safe to eat. But when it comes to COVID vaccines…”
Not really a valid comparison. You know water can be tested for contamination, right? “On 11 September 2023, the IAEA stated that the seawater adjacent to Fukushima Daiichi had no rise in tritium levels since discharges began and values remained below Japan’s operational limits”
Beyond that, what makes you think that other food you eat (besides fish from Japan) are free of radiation or other contaminants (like pesticides)?
11 months ago
Two big signals I have looked for are funeral homes and insurance companies coming forward to explain abnormalities they have seen.
There have been several people in both industries coming forward and making claims, but the industry as a whole has been very quiet.
It is hard to know the truth. Are these people crackpots? Are they telling the truth but getting little airplay and no support?
We just watched entire industies claim Ivermectin was dangerous “horse paste” when it is one of the oldest, safest, and most studied pharmaceuticals. There were a number of proposed theories why it might be effective against covid and now we know it was, and why.
Doctors made intentionally flawed studies and the media reported it as evidence even though even a cursory glance at the study showed that it was designed to show Ivermectin failing and dangerous (e.g. megadoses on terminally ill patients).
Media, companies, doctors, scientists, politicians ALL conspired to promote this lie… not in a dark smokey room, but as a Conspiracy of Shared Values… everybody involved knew it was better to pretend this was the truth than tell the truth.
So, it is quite unclear what to believe when something may or may not fit within the known framework of reality.
Bonus: If you think really hard, you can probably come up with something very wrong that you ignore becasue you know there is no gain in exposing it.
Korean Person
11 months ago
The Setnaffarians are obsessed with the vaccine because their leader, setnaffa wanted to get it was refused on medical grounds and although he had a valid reason, was discriminated against.
Since he has mental issues, he still hasn’t let go of the above and keeps bringing up the vaccines when his anger swells up.
11 months ago
Korean Person, it is unclear your motive for talking nonsense.
You don’t disprove anything you are speaking against. You encourage more rational discussion about the topics you are trying to ridicule. You make Koreans look leftists, Koreans, and yourself look stupid.
But keep going. Your action suits my agenda.
11 months ago
The chinabot can’r even keep the story straight. Am I a kook, a nefarious mastermind, the leader of a religion, a victim, or just a guy who likes Korea?
11 months ago
Thanks for posting the video. Watched it. Wish more people could see this, but I doubt they would believe it. If the MSM didn’t report it, it can’t be real! Life is hard, it’s harder when your stupid.
11 months ago
There are so many things in the environment now.
I read recently Diet Coke (if the mother drinks it during pregnancy) might be a culprit in the growing number of autistic children. It wouldn’t surprise me. They’re finding that microplastics are found in some artery blockages now too. It would not surprise me if the cumulative effects of mRNA vaccines would have side effects like that in some people.
I couldn’t view the video since I don’t have a Google account so I cannot comment.
One thing I would be very speculative of, though, is anyone touting “live blood” microscope studies. Those are always misleading. The proteins in the blood coagulate in unpredictable patterns. A legitimate medical lab does not view live blood under the microscope, they spin it down to use only the red blood cells…and they stain it because it is very difficult to impossible to view blood cells unstained with any precision.
There are also conditions that cause things like rouleaux, which make the blood stack like coins when viewed on the slide…this is not new.
Last edited 11 months ago by Liz
11 months ago
What was up with the video? It wouldn’t let me view it but there was a community something-or-other pane to send me off to be reeducated in the official narrative somewhere.
Didn’t we just learn that about 80% of the “community” is unreliable in evaluating facts and making good decisions?
Anyway, here is an autopsy report on a guy who died from heart inflamation after a covid vaccine.
They make sure to say all the right Safe & Effectiv-ie kinds of things so they can get published.
11 months ago
Best childhood story against Socialism:
Little Red Hen
Last edited 11 months ago by setnaffa
11 months ago
Who will help me work? No one.
Who will help me eat? Everyone.
Sorry. Only Producers share the rewards of work.
Korean Person
11 months ago
But keep going. Your action suits my agenda.
The chinabot can’r even keep the story straight. Am I a kook, a nefarious mastermind, the leader of a religion, a victim, or just a guy who likes Korea?
Well. It seems our Setnaffarians aka Trumpbots are now busy deflecting and projecting in addition to using anti-Asian racial slurs.
What does this say about the current situation?
The Setnaffarians know that I’ve uncovered an uncomfortable truth about setnaffa.
As such they are now busy with the projection and deflection to divert attention away from that uncomfortable truth.
Thank you setnaffa for proving to the entire world that I’m correct.
Korean Person
11 months ago
or just a guy who likes Korea?
How can a guy claim he “likes” Korea when he uses anti-Asian racial slurs against Koreans, advocates policies that weaken Korea, and goes after the families of innocent victims of tragedies that occur in Korea?
We all know that he’s a pro-Russian right-winger who is only interested in policies that benefit his hero, Vladimir Putin.
In addition to policies that forward white right-wing supremacy in America.
11 months ago
South Korean Christian missionary, Baek Won-soon, arrested in Vladivostok for alleged espionage moved to Moscow for “interrogation” by Putin’s FSB goons.
The game’s afoot.
11 months ago
Setnaffa, may I?
“How can a guy claim he “likes” Korea when he uses anti-Asian racial slurs against Koreans”
I have never seen anyone here use a racial slur against Koreans. I have not even seen a nationalist slur.
“advocates policies that weaken Korea”
Please give an example.
“and goes after the families of innocent victims of tragedies that occur in Korea?”
I think nobody here has gone after any families of innocent victims. There has been a discussion on a lack of situational awareness that causes one to be a victim.
“We all know that he’s a pro-Russian right-winger who is only interested in policies that benefit his hero, Vladimir Putin.”
Right-winger doesn’t even mean anything anymore. Thinking a mommy and a daddy is better than a queer and a tranny makes you right wing these days. Thinking Disney shouldn’t sexualize children or that criminal black lives don’t matter or open borders and associated problems are bad… all make you “right-wing”.
The lable “right-wing” doesn’t make you Hitler.
It makes you not insane.
“In addition to policies that forward white right-wing supremacy in America.”
I can’t speak for Setnaffa, but you got my number there. But what you misunderstand is that, like “American”, white is no longer a race. It is a way of thinking.
I know this because I was informed of it by people like you.
Time is a white construct, as is showing up to work on time. A mommy and a daddy is a white value, presumably as opposed to babydaddies and single motherhood. Learning to read, western philosophy, classical art and architecture, education, delayed gratification, self-control… all traits that white people use to promote mental and physical colinization of races that hold different values than those.
…values I am assured are at least equal, and frequently superior.
If a person shares my constructive values, they are white enough for me. If they have destructive/self-destructive values, I will ridicule them. Libtard Karen gets the same treatment as George Floyd. Race has nothing to do with it.
Those who have to inject race into every conversation are always… ALWAYS… the most racist people you will meet.
Now, off you go, chingchong.¹
¹China is a nation and not a race.
Korean Person
11 months ago
Now, off you go, chingchong
Yup. Anti-Asian racist.
Right-winger doesn’t even mean anything anymore.
Oh right. Now it’s Trumpster.
I think nobody here has gone after any families of innocent victims
The Setnaffarians don’t disappoint.
Being cowardly liars who do not admit their mistakes and instead try to cover them up is the modus operandi of the American Trumpsters and right-wingers all over the world.
I don’t expect the Setnaffarians to come clean.
Even though they made deriding statements against those who lost their lives during the disasters and their loved ones.
In fact, setnaffa even tried to start a conspiracy theory in his vain attempt to support the Yoon government.
11 months ago
Hahaha! I always get such a satisfying response to chingchong.
Didn’t you learn how to deal with bullies by the end of elementary school?
Try this:
“Yep. You caught me. I’m the chingiest of chongs.”
It would never be fun again.
Anyway, you say chingchong is racist because I am talking about a race and I say it is nationalist because China is not a race (and it would be odd to say chingchong to a Jap.)
Fortunately, there is a way to test this!
The Uyghurs are a Turkic people living in China.
If I meet one, I might get all nationalist and yell, “Death to anti-American chingchongs!”
Maybe you are right and my inner Klansman will come out and I will yell, “Death to filthy Turkroaches!”
Or I could not see race or nationality and yell, “May your mouth be filled with pork, Muslim scum!”
I just don’t know what would happen.
But if I meet an Uyghur, I will let you know.
Until then, rock on with your ching chong.
11 months ago
Thank you CH.
I really think the must have gotten meth in their hemorrhoid medicine, because they are tweaking up a storm lately.
If only those cheap-arse CCP handlers would give us someone interesting and intellectual to match wits against.
The current crop aren’t much more than baby geese. You know, noisy little fuzzballs that crap all over the sidewalk.
11 months ago
Yoon Seok-yeol may be a conservative but Lee Ja-myeong still unrepentant over his misogyny.
An appellate court ruled in favor of leader Lee Jae-myung on Tuesday in a lawsuit that the family of those killed by one of his nephews filed against Lee for referring to the killings as “dating violence.”
Korea Times, Yonhap
11 months ago
Due to a FOIA, the CDC was forced to release their 148 page study on heart inflamation after covid vaccine.
Did anybody read it?
It is a quicker read than I expected.
…every single page is completely redacted.
They are just messing with us.
11 months ago
Q: What travels at mach 8 and sinks American navy ships?
A: The new hypersonic missile the Hothies seem to have tested… likely based on Iranian, Russian, Chinese, or some other country technology that is smiling as they consider how Yemen will get the blame but they will get the benefit.
Bonus: Get your calculator out and you will know when WW3 has to start based on the new American government budget with record deficit, spending twice its income along with a trillion dollars a year in interest on the debt.
Oh dear.
After actually looking at the statistics, it looks like “long covid” is actually “long vax”.
That was hard to notice at first because pretty much everyone who got the vaccine also got covid.
Fun Fact: Nobody who didn’t get the vaccine regrets their decision. Nobody. None. Zero.
Pro Tip: If you regret getting the vaccine because it did nothing for you but put you at known and unknown risks, get vocal. If you don’t, you will be put in the same position and manipulated in some way over some similar issue.
CH, I think “long covid” is so broad a term it is going to be hard to sort out. Is SVT from covid “long covid”? My spouse has that and he didn’t take the vaccine. OTOH, his surgeon got SVT also (right after the vaccine…in fact he credits the vaccine for his SVT).
It’s a mess and TPTB obviously have a vested interest in NOT sorting it out.
China may be irreversibly heading towards a self-inflicted collapse.
From the Yale study:
“The vast majority of these survey respondents had received the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines with 127 (55%) getting the Pfizer-BioNTech one and 86 (37%) getting the Moderna vaccine. The symptoms began after the first dose of the vaccine for 44% of the respondents, the second dose for 33%, the third dose for 14% and subsequent doses for 9%. These symptoms began fairly soon after vaccination, too, with 50% of respondents saying that they first noticed problems within three days of getting vaccinated. And true to the “long vax” nickname, respondents indicated that these symptoms have persisted for quite a long time—ranging from 40 to 1,058 days with a median of 595 days, meaning that well over half of them had been suffering such symptoms for over a year-and-a-half.”
A larger study indicates about 70% felt they got covid from the vaccine and 30% from the infection based on when their symptoms started.
It was made intentionally difficult to track meaningful statistics unless you know the secrets to how different batches were spread.
…though the deadly batches seem to gave gone to red states… so somebody knew what they were doing.
As I have often stated, there likely wont be any big reveal.
Things that don’t happen become exceedingly rare, then rare, then it happens but mild, etc. When stretched out over a few years, intolerable things become normalized and accepted.
What should be obvious is that:
– covid is not dangerous to most demographics
– the vaccine was not effective
– the vaccine had immediate side effects for some people and it is not clear if this caused longer term problems.
If you cannot accept this as fact and then look for ways to manage the situation, you don’t deserve success.
Set, happy to see you watching something more honest than that execrable Aussie Murdoch Fox Channel.
Keep up the good work.
All over Jeju Island, ghost concrete Chinatowns like this were built by Chinese development companies all over the Jeju Island proper, right before the THAAD controversy with China which led to Chinese money flow being stopped abruptly. They were targeting Chinese investors who wanted permanent residency papers. This is one of the many projects that remain.
@Stephen, I’m an actual “moderate”, not really associated any longer with Democrats or Republicans. When I vote, I vote for people who claim to support the things I value. And if they go back on their word, they don’t get a second chance.
For example, Mike Pence was allegedly a Christian, but supported abortion-on-demand candidates. He’s no “Race Bannon”.
And Fox morphed into MSDNC pretty quickly in the Bush ’43 years.
There are few news sources that are both “popular” and trustworthy. But I do notice Big media promotes Xi Jinping pork patties instead of Jimmy Dean these days.
Thanks for the Yale study info, CH.
Glad they don’t force the covid jabs on military anymore (the 10th booster is now available!)
They are doing the anthrax ones again though (2 instead of 6 or something now, hopefully a better formula than the last).
Re: The Covid vaccine…
Maybe 1/10 of 1% of people vaccinated suffer consequences from it. It was true for most of the vaccines developed in the past. Does that mean we ignore the 99.99% of people who aren’t affected by it and are actually helped by it? Only fools think something is 100% safe.
Stephen, I don’t know if you have taken the boosters (how helpful could this vaccine have been if they are already on booster number 10). But there seems to be a cumulative impact…many people have no obvious adverse reactions until they start getting more. Anecdotes aren’t evidence but that has been my observation. (though my observations through the years are usually followed by some scientific acknowledgement years later that they were wrong and what I saw was…shocker, correct. The list is really extensive now, the older I get the more extensive it is.)
Just to add, it also depends very much on the “consequence”.
For example, I would say a 1 in 1000 chance of heart inflammation is non-trivial. My daughter in law now has to take Benadryl regularly as a result of a skin condition after her booster. It has been that way for over a year now. That would be a relatively trivial side effect, but it does impact her life, and I worry about the impact on a future pregnancy.
By now, everybody… everybody… knows someone who had a vaccine side effect.
Some of these were serious short-term effects that may have long-term concequences. Other have been longer term. There are several reasonable theories on serious long-term concequences that we can discuss but not debate for another decade or two.
As you point out, nothing is fully safe. That small risk to a couple of generations was probably worth ending smallpox.
However the rate of incident was MUCH higher with the experimental covid vaccine. Was the result worth the risk?
If you are in the small demographic of being high risk and likely not living long enough to worry about long-term effects, perhaps the risk of covid his higher than the vaccine.
But everyone’s personal risk assessment should not be designed from a pharmaceutical company template.
If you are young and healthy, the vaccine is madness. A couple minutes of consideration clearly shows a zero risk from covid but a non-zero life-changing risk from the vaccine.
…especially when you are going to get covid anyway.
It is unclear if the vaccine really even reduces symptoms. There has been nonstatistical help to make that clear.
The vaccine has become a political fetish for all sides.
The difference is, I can clearly demonstrate the vaccine is neither safe nor effective.
But if you disagree, let us know when your faith as a vaccine fanboi and excuser translates to being up to date on your booster status.
Protip: Comparing vaccine uptake to booster uptake, it is clear most of the vaxtards who wouldn’t shut up about the vaccine now know they have been had and are quietly wishing it would all be forgotten. The ones who are still noisy, are just the biggest tards. You are still on the wrong side of history.
I’ve taken 6 COVID shots in the last 3 years so far and yet I’m still alive with no ill effects. It is the same with my family and friends who have also taken the shots. The same Trumpot that claims fish lived in waters where they released 1500 different types of nuclear wastes coming out of four nuclear plants that were meltdown – were not harmful and safe to eat. But when it comes to COVID vaccines, Trumpbots rail against this supposed international conspiracy. I don’t get it. I am guessing this depends on how the various issues fit the Trumpbot political agendas.
An excellent article.
I don’t know enough about the radioactive water situation to weigh in there…but we do have a very, very long history studying the effects of radioactivity. There is radiation everywhere, including my granite countertop (we have two radon mitigators in our home, to bring the radiation down to a safer level…neighbor has so much radiation in his home it is the equivalent of smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day…but the previous owners lived there for 22 years and didn’t seem to have any health implications, because exposure to radiation can take a long time). Fortunately, no one is forcing me to live in a radiation filled environment so I can mitigate or not, depending on my personal situation. Unlike the EUA only vaccines my son was forced to take in the military.
It is certainly worth mentioning that before the covid vaccine there had been a longterm study on mRNA vaccines…even for cancer. And the consensus was that the health implications from those vaccine experiments were “non trivial” so they held off approval. Suddenly covid hits, and everything is fine.
Just to add, it is well understood there are some risks to having a military job. My spouse flew for almost 30 years and a good number of our friends are dead from short term (crashing) or longterm (radiation exposure) consequences. In the case of the mRNA vaccines, much like the anthrax vaccines, the cost/benefit analysis does not work out as there is no upside but there is inevitable (even with 0.1 percent risk, four million jabs= 40,000 victims AT BEST) downside.
The use of the word “Trumpbot” for aspersions on the covid jabs is quite the study in mental gymnastics as the covid jabs were introduced under Trump, and Trump is a covid jab advocate.
…the only difference is, he didn’t force that decision on anyone.
And now that they have reversed the mandates, it would seem everyone who matters agrees he was right.
“I’ve taken 6 COVID shots in the last 3 years so far and yet I’m still alive with no ill effects.”
Why are you skimping out on 30% of your shots? Coward.
Keep in mind, a 1000 personal experiences of no danger does not prove there is no danger. However a single experience of danger proves there is danger.
But, it would seem math is not your thing.
There is no debate that the covid vaccine caused heart inflamation, especially in young men. It seems to be accepted that the percentage was pretty high. The debate is now about the long-term danger for symtomatic and nonsymptomatic heart inflamation.
Does it cause scar tissue that reduces heart function which only becomes noticable in later life as heart function naturally reduces? Will we have an unusual number of 50 year-olds having heart problems in 30 years? Nobody knows.
My observation is that all research papers and medical advice before the covid vaccine considered any heart inflamation a medical emergency. After the covid vaccine, “It happens but is exceedingly rare and symptoms are mild and go away on their own.”
That fits the same pattern as “breakout cases happen but are exceedingly rare”, “two shots is all you need”, “a mask is good but two masks are better”, “two weeks to flatten the curve”… etc.
Buy into the bullshít at your own risk.
Just my two cents on the covid topic. About a month ago I read an article where embalmers were starting to find a jelly-like substance in the blood. They said this was never seen before and they believe it is from the shot. Wish I saved the article to post the reference.
Rocket man, look up Dr. John Campbell on the youtubes.
KP: “The same Trumpot that claims fish lived in waters where they released 1500 different types of nuclear wastes coming out of four nuclear plants that were meltdown – were not harmful and safe to eat. But when it comes to COVID vaccines…”
Not really a valid comparison. You know water can be tested for contamination, right? “On 11 September 2023, the IAEA stated that the seawater adjacent to Fukushima Daiichi had no rise in tritium levels since discharges began and values remained below Japan’s operational limits”
Beyond that, what makes you think that other food you eat (besides fish from Japan) are free of radiation or other contaminants (like pesticides)?
Two big signals I have looked for are funeral homes and insurance companies coming forward to explain abnormalities they have seen.
There have been several people in both industries coming forward and making claims, but the industry as a whole has been very quiet.
It is hard to know the truth. Are these people crackpots? Are they telling the truth but getting little airplay and no support?
We just watched entire industies claim Ivermectin was dangerous “horse paste” when it is one of the oldest, safest, and most studied pharmaceuticals. There were a number of proposed theories why it might be effective against covid and now we know it was, and why.
Doctors made intentionally flawed studies and the media reported it as evidence even though even a cursory glance at the study showed that it was designed to show Ivermectin failing and dangerous (e.g. megadoses on terminally ill patients).
Media, companies, doctors, scientists, politicians ALL conspired to promote this lie… not in a dark smokey room, but as a Conspiracy of Shared Values… everybody involved knew it was better to pretend this was the truth than tell the truth.
So, it is quite unclear what to believe when something may or may not fit within the known framework of reality.
Bonus: If you think really hard, you can probably come up with something very wrong that you ignore becasue you know there is no gain in exposing it.
The Setnaffarians are obsessed with the vaccine because their leader, setnaffa wanted to get it was refused on medical grounds and although he had a valid reason, was discriminated against.
Since he has mental issues, he still hasn’t let go of the above and keeps bringing up the vaccines when his anger swells up.
Korean Person, it is unclear your motive for talking nonsense.
You don’t disprove anything you are speaking against. You encourage more rational discussion about the topics you are trying to ridicule. You make Koreans look leftists, Koreans, and yourself look stupid.
But keep going. Your action suits my agenda.
The chinabot can’r even keep the story straight. Am I a kook, a nefarious mastermind, the leader of a religion, a victim, or just a guy who likes Korea?
Thanks for posting the video. Watched it. Wish more people could see this, but I doubt they would believe it. If the MSM didn’t report it, it can’t be real! Life is hard, it’s harder when your stupid.
There are so many things in the environment now.
I read recently Diet Coke (if the mother drinks it during pregnancy) might be a culprit in the growing number of autistic children. It wouldn’t surprise me. They’re finding that microplastics are found in some artery blockages now too. It would not surprise me if the cumulative effects of mRNA vaccines would have side effects like that in some people.
I couldn’t view the video since I don’t have a Google account so I cannot comment.
One thing I would be very speculative of, though, is anyone touting “live blood” microscope studies. Those are always misleading. The proteins in the blood coagulate in unpredictable patterns. A legitimate medical lab does not view live blood under the microscope, they spin it down to use only the red blood cells…and they stain it because it is very difficult to impossible to view blood cells unstained with any precision.
There are also conditions that cause things like rouleaux, which make the blood stack like coins when viewed on the slide…this is not new.
What was up with the video? It wouldn’t let me view it but there was a community something-or-other pane to send me off to be reeducated in the official narrative somewhere.
Didn’t we just learn that about 80% of the “community” is unreliable in evaluating facts and making good decisions?
Anyway, here is an autopsy report on a guy who died from heart inflamation after a covid vaccine.
They make sure to say all the right Safe & Effectiv-ie kinds of things so they can get published.
Best childhood story against Socialism:
Little Red Hen
Who will help me work? No one.
Who will help me eat? Everyone.
Sorry. Only Producers share the rewards of work.
But keep going. Your action suits my agenda.
The chinabot can’r even keep the story straight. Am I a kook, a nefarious mastermind, the leader of a religion, a victim, or just a guy who likes Korea?
Well. It seems our Setnaffarians aka Trumpbots are now busy deflecting and projecting in addition to using anti-Asian racial slurs.
What does this say about the current situation?
The Setnaffarians know that I’ve uncovered an uncomfortable truth about setnaffa.
As such they are now busy with the projection and deflection to divert attention away from that uncomfortable truth.
Thank you setnaffa for proving to the entire world that I’m correct.
or just a guy who likes Korea?
How can a guy claim he “likes” Korea when he uses anti-Asian racial slurs against Koreans, advocates policies that weaken Korea, and goes after the families of innocent victims of tragedies that occur in Korea?
We all know that he’s a pro-Russian right-winger who is only interested in policies that benefit his hero, Vladimir Putin.
In addition to policies that forward white right-wing supremacy in America.
South Korean Christian missionary, Baek Won-soon, arrested in Vladivostok for alleged espionage moved to Moscow for “interrogation” by Putin’s FSB goons.
The game’s afoot.
Setnaffa, may I?
“How can a guy claim he “likes” Korea when he uses anti-Asian racial slurs against Koreans”
I have never seen anyone here use a racial slur against Koreans. I have not even seen a nationalist slur.
“advocates policies that weaken Korea”
Please give an example.
“and goes after the families of innocent victims of tragedies that occur in Korea?”
I think nobody here has gone after any families of innocent victims. There has been a discussion on a lack of situational awareness that causes one to be a victim.
“We all know that he’s a pro-Russian right-winger who is only interested in policies that benefit his hero, Vladimir Putin.”
Right-winger doesn’t even mean anything anymore. Thinking a mommy and a daddy is better than a queer and a tranny makes you right wing these days. Thinking Disney shouldn’t sexualize children or that criminal black lives don’t matter or open borders and associated problems are bad… all make you “right-wing”.
The lable “right-wing” doesn’t make you Hitler.
It makes you not insane.
“In addition to policies that forward white right-wing supremacy in America.”
I can’t speak for Setnaffa, but you got my number there. But what you misunderstand is that, like “American”, white is no longer a race. It is a way of thinking.
I know this because I was informed of it by people like you.
Time is a white construct, as is showing up to work on time. A mommy and a daddy is a white value, presumably as opposed to babydaddies and single motherhood. Learning to read, western philosophy, classical art and architecture, education, delayed gratification, self-control… all traits that white people use to promote mental and physical colinization of races that hold different values than those.
…values I am assured are at least equal, and frequently superior.
If a person shares my constructive values, they are white enough for me. If they have destructive/self-destructive values, I will ridicule them. Libtard Karen gets the same treatment as George Floyd. Race has nothing to do with it.
Those who have to inject race into every conversation are always… ALWAYS… the most racist people you will meet.
Now, off you go, chingchong.¹
¹China is a nation and not a race.
Now, off you go, chingchong
Yup. Anti-Asian racist.
Right-winger doesn’t even mean anything anymore.
Oh right. Now it’s Trumpster.
I think nobody here has gone after any families of innocent victims
The Setnaffarians don’t disappoint.
Being cowardly liars who do not admit their mistakes and instead try to cover them up is the modus operandi of the American Trumpsters and right-wingers all over the world.
I don’t expect the Setnaffarians to come clean.
Even though they made deriding statements against those who lost their lives during the disasters and their loved ones.
In fact, setnaffa even tried to start a conspiracy theory in his vain attempt to support the Yoon government.
Hahaha! I always get such a satisfying response to chingchong.
Didn’t you learn how to deal with bullies by the end of elementary school?
Try this:
“Yep. You caught me. I’m the chingiest of chongs.”
It would never be fun again.
Anyway, you say chingchong is racist because I am talking about a race and I say it is nationalist because China is not a race (and it would be odd to say chingchong to a Jap.)
Fortunately, there is a way to test this!
The Uyghurs are a Turkic people living in China.
If I meet one, I might get all nationalist and yell, “Death to anti-American chingchongs!”
Maybe you are right and my inner Klansman will come out and I will yell, “Death to filthy Turkroaches!”
Or I could not see race or nationality and yell, “May your mouth be filled with pork, Muslim scum!”
I just don’t know what would happen.
But if I meet an Uyghur, I will let you know.
Until then, rock on with your ching chong.
Thank you CH.
I really think the must have gotten meth in their hemorrhoid medicine, because they are tweaking up a storm lately.
If only those cheap-arse CCP handlers would give us someone interesting and intellectual to match wits against.
The current crop aren’t much more than baby geese. You know, noisy little fuzzballs that crap all over the sidewalk.
Yoon Seok-yeol may be a conservative but Lee Ja-myeong still unrepentant over his misogyny.
An appellate court ruled in favor of leader Lee Jae-myung on Tuesday in a lawsuit that the family of those killed by one of his nephews filed against Lee for referring to the killings as “dating violence.”
Korea Times, Yonhap
Due to a FOIA, the CDC was forced to release their 148 page study on heart inflamation after covid vaccine.
Did anybody read it?
It is a quicker read than I expected.
…every single page is completely redacted.
They are just messing with us.
Q: What travels at mach 8 and sinks American navy ships?
A: The new hypersonic missile the Hothies seem to have tested… likely based on Iranian, Russian, Chinese, or some other country technology that is smiling as they consider how Yemen will get the blame but they will get the benefit.
Bonus: Get your calculator out and you will know when WW3 has to start based on the new American government budget with record deficit, spending twice its income along with a trillion dollars a year in interest on the debt.
The Raging 20s get more exciting every day!