Survey Shows Sharp Difference in Perception of Lawmakers in Asia Compared to the United States & Germany

Here are some interesting survey results about the prestige of certain professions. In Korea, China, and Japan lawmakers have the highest level of prestige, however in the U.S. and Germany lawmakers rank very low according to this survey:

Individuals from South Korea, China, and Japan perceive lawmakers as holding the highest societal status job, whereas those from the United States and Germany consider firefighters to have the highest social status, according to survey results released Sunday.

The Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training conducted the survey from July to August 2023. The survey involved 7,500 employed individuals aged between 18 to 64 across five different countries: South Korea, China, Germany, Japan and the US.

Researchers identified 15 occupations spanning diverse sectors and requested respondents to evaluate the societal status of each profession using a five-point scale, ranging from “very low” to “very high.”

The 15 jobs included lawmaker, pharmacist, middle and high school teacher, small business executive, mechanical engineer, software developer, bank teller, factory worker, restaurant employee, construction day laborer, social worker, firefighter, artificial intelligence expert, movie director and digital content creator.

According to KRIVET, the perception of prestige associated with specific occupations also varies depending on the nationalities of the survey respondents.

Korean nationals assigned the highest occupational prestige, scoring 4.16 points, to lawmakers, followed by pharmacists and artificial intelligence experts, respectively marking 3.83 and 3.67 points. In contrast, factory workers, restaurant employees, and construction day laborers were ranked the lowest, ranging between 1.86 to 2.19 points.

Japanese and Chinese respondents also answered that lawmakers held the highest occupational prestige, with 3.59 points and 4.22 points respectively, followed by pharmacists in Japan and movie directors in China.

Unlike the three Asian countries, respondents from Germany and the US answered that firefighters held the highest occupational prestige, followed by software developers. In Korea, firefighters were ranked 11th in their level of prestige. Lawmakers were ranked 12th in the US and 10th in Germany.

Korea Herald

You can read more at the link, but considering all the partisanship and how poorly the U.S. Congress performs it is no surprise they rank so lowly by Americans surveyed in this poll. This survey however would have been more interesting if they included military personnel. Would military personnel have outranked firemen?

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10 months ago

Sounds like they asked 1st graders…

10 months ago

That is, while Mark Twain in the 19th Century and Will Rogers in the 20th Century made a lot of jokes at the expense of our elected representatives, Congress still smells like crooks.

Little kids often see First Responders like Firemen, police officers, and EMTs as heroes. Also Barney tbe dinosaur.

Unfortunately for me, I grew up with a lot of them. And they do have a difficult and occasionally thankless job; but the “heroes” are quite obviously those who face daily annihilation and worse because the GOP has pushed abortion rights back to the States and blocked the right of adults to force other folks’ children to listen to pr0n in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades.


10 months ago

In a democracy members of Congress and the Senate write the laws, the citizen voters and courts make the laws and the government enforces the laws.

In Roosia, Tsar Putin does all three. It’s called a dictatorship because Putin dictates the law.

10 months ago

“In a democracy members of Congress and the Senate write the laws, the citizen voters and courts make the laws and the government enforces the laws.”

Oh dear.

Every… single… point… you… made… is… incorrect.

Sometimes, in more than one way.

I then become skeptical you are a bigger expert in Russian politics.

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