Picture of the Day: Flag Flies at Half Mast at Russian Embassy in Seoul After Terror Attack in Moscow
The Russian national flag is flown at half-staff at the Russian Embassy in Seoul on March 24, 2024, to mourn for the victims of last week’s deadly shooting in Russia. On March 22, a group of gunmen attacked Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region, killing at least 143 people and leaving more than 100 hospitalized, according to foreign media reports. (Yonhap)
Everybody was just a little too quick to yell ISIS.
…except ISIS…
…which makes their freeriding a bit unconvincing.
The gunmen headed toward Ukraine and didn’t mention Allahuakbar once during interrogation.
They did mention about a promised payment.
Foreign media intentionally confused a similar town in the direction of Belarus while reporting that Belarus was cooperating… clever misdirection away from Ukraine.
America knew this, or something like this, was coming… even gave a warning.
Chances are, Ukraine organized this and America disapproves and wants no part of this.
For whatever reason, Ukraine has no trouble shelling civilian population centers (which is what got them into this mess to begin with) and other acts of terrorism.
If they would stick to droning Russian oil refineries, they would at least get respect.
As it is, they are animals…
…not unlike the I Stand with Ukraine crowd which doesn’t know why Russia invaded to begin with.
Ah yes I believe that Chicken Head just expressed his support for Russia.
“Ah yes I believe that Chicken Head just expressed his support for Russia.”
Are you dumb?
I have consistently expressed my support for Russia.
…though “understanding” is perhaps a better word.
Invading Ukraine was exactly the right thing to do… it was just too late… but not too too late.
NATO expanded despite an agreement not to. Western leaders openly laughed that the Minsk agreement was never inteneded to be followed but was a delaying tacting to build Ukraine’s military. The Ukraine military has been committing state-sponsored terrorism against Russian culture/speaking Ukrainian citizens. Etc.
The west simutaniously claims “Russia is going to lose this war” and “Russia will invade Europe” and anybody who believes both those things is quite dumb, as neither are true.
The reality is Russia has not had an easy time taking territory where the residents are overwhelmingly pro-Russian.
It is likely impossible to invade and occupy areas where the people hate Russia. That area would be from Central Ukraine to Lisbon.
Being that Russia has been invaded at least 3 times in the last 100 years, they are quite sensitive to external threats, especially on their western border with no natural barriers.
None of this would have happened if the agreement for Russia to keep the Soviet sphere of influence was kept.
But that got chiseled away one NATO member at a time.
The color revolution in Ukraine that moved it into the western sphere of influence was the last straw.
So, do I support Russia? I’m not sending money or taking up arms.
But ignorant westerners yapping about Putin is Hitler and is going to invade the world are wrong… and they are wrong at their own peril… as this thinking allows some evil westerners to lead the ignorant into all sorts of trouble.
So I will explain the situation, which is quite sympathetic to Russia. That may be a form of support.
People had better wise up and figure out who their enemies are.
It isn’t Russia.
It is the people who want to overtax you, control your ability to do business, medically experiment on you, encourage crime and disorder to keep you controlled, deny you healthcare, inflate away your savings, put you into generational debt, limit your travel, control your food choices, groom your children… and the list goes on.
Putin, with an unheard of 87% popularity, is doing something right. If you want to know what that is, ask 87% of Russians.