ROK Drop Open Thread – March 29, 2024

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10 months ago

SEOUL, March 27 (Reuters) – The United States and South Korea this week launched a new task force aimed at preventing North Korea from procuring illicit oil, as deadlock at the United Nations Security Council casts doubts over the future of international sanctions.

How can they do this without risking open war? Especially after Russia’s veto?

10 months ago

For those of you paying attention…

Russia has been VERY kind to Ukraine.

This makes no sense if you are a typical dipshyt indoctrinated by western propaganda. It makes total sense if you are an actual person paying attention.

The Russian speakers of eastern Ukraine are now willing Russian citizens so they were never an enemy. Russia is responsible for rebuilding their lives (e.g. Mariopol) so evicting the Ukranian military with minimal damage has always been the procedure.

Much like South Korea has no hate for North Korean people, who are fellow Koreans, Russia has no hate for Ukranians.

But the real war has just begun this week after a couple years of “special military action”.

Russia is systematically destroying the electrical system of Ukraine now that winter is over.

American-style Shock & Awe is a very good tactic.

When the country cannot function, the military cannot function. Logistics, communication, administration… nothing works.

War over.

Bonus: History is being rewritten by major US propaganda… er… news outlets.

“…the fear is Russia will mount a new offensive, as it did last year…:

Russia did not launch a Spring/Summer offensive last year.

The west delayed aid to Ukraine which delayed the much-hyped “Spring Offensive” into the summer.

The gave Russia time to build 3 defensive lines plus a gray zone.

Ukraine attacked these prepared lines in the summer by charging against them over open minefields covered with pre-aimed artillary. It was exactly the disaster that sentence would predict.

Temporary gray zone gains were measured in 100s of meters in the few best cases… never breaking through the first line of defense.

But it was all meaningless… as victory was never defined… because no victory was even possible.

If Ukraine punched through all three lines of defense and made it to the Sea of Azov… then what? Their thin forces would…?

None of this makes any sense…

…until you understand what is happening.

American’s hassling of Russia is only about 20% of the equation. Even now, America is voicing displeasure about Ukrainian strikes in Russia… which is the only way Ukraine can even dream of winning this war.

40% of this prolonged war is to destroy Europe… and it is working. European leadership is either bought off or blackmailed. They are openly deindustrializing and deagraculturalizing… chasing imaginary green policies while sending their industry to America and becoming dependent on food imports.

Protip: now is the time to get in on the ground floor in the European bug farm industry

The final 40% is to destroy Ukraine so badly it no longer exists as a nation… and what is left is given to Russia, Poland, and the corporations.

Russia will get the east… and perhaps the south through Odessa to Transnestria.

Poland will get their traditional lands in the west as a reward for being America’s prime European puppet.

Central Ukraine will go to Blackrock and its subcontractors who will, among other things, control much of the food supply to Europe.

Everyone is tired of this war.

Russia is ready to win. The west has nothing more to give. The dummy Stand with Ukraine crowd is burned out after a short-lived Stand with Palistine phase. Zalensky is ready to retreat to one of his foreign estates. Americans are tired. The election is coming…

…and the war will be over soon…

…on 100% Russian terms, the longer it lasts.

This is going to end exactly as predicted.

Korean Man
Korean Man
10 months ago

Russia has shut down a panel of UN experts that monitor sanctions against North Korea, as Russia provides North Korea with military technology and economic support.

10 months ago

Hard times make strong men.
Strong men make good times.
Good times make weak men.
Weak men make hard times.

Si vis pacem para bellum.

Do not be surprised when you see the weak men around you calling out to surrender their freedoms for security and receiving neither in return.

America isn’t the real enemy. Ukraine isn’t the real enemy. Russia isn’t the real enemy. China isn’t the real enemy. North Korea isn’t the real enemy. Neither Putin, Xi, Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump, nor Biden are the real enemy.

The real enemy is sin. And it permeates every pore of every man, woman, and child on earth.

Anout 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ came from heaven to pay our sin debt and allow us, if we were willing to believe, be reconciled with the God we had previously rejected.

We earned an eternity in hell; but Jesus offered us the opportunity to become children of God and live forever in heaven.

Sunday, 31 March, we celebrate God’s acceptance of that sacrifice where Jesus was resurrected.

Your reaction to that historical event will determine your future.

Make the right move.

Last edited 10 months ago by setnaffa
10 months ago

Setnaffa, why did they schedule Easter this year on Tranny Recognition Day?

The etherial enemy may be sin.

But the direct action is done by the sinful.

And they are the physical enemy.

Once they are eliminated, life can return to happiness and prosperity where you have safety and opportunity, your rewards are in direct relation to your efforts, and you have the comfort of functional traditions with freedom to improve them when necessary.

Christianity is under attack by the left.

Some of this is deserved… as Prohibition, war on Dungeons & Dragons, fretting over descrete homosexuality, refusal to accept that the people getting abortions are the ones society really needs to get abortions, and a million other intrusive issues that have no relationship to the the types of sin that affect society (like killing or stealing)… which made no friends with people trying to live their lives without someone on top of them… and now it is time for payback… just as the Religious Right payback will be equally horrible once this tranny/criminal/illegal alian/80 IQ POC leftist phase loses steam.

None-the-less, Christianity is under state-sponsored attack, on top of its long self-destruction of having little to offer but scolding for the last couple generations, as demonstrated by falling rates of membership.

The only way it will survive in a meaningful way is by countering the current madness with reason rather than equal but opposite madness.

Concentrate on the first-order sins that affect everyone and be a stable alternative to the political and social insanity infesting America right now which only the mentally ill really approve of.

And once in power, don’t get greedy with Sin Creep and start looking for “sin” deep in the lives of people not letting their “sin” affect others.

Let people smoke pot and drink alcohol and look at victimless AI pr0n. Speak out against street junkies, drunks beating their wives, and human trafficking. Let people play D&D, rap about drive-bys and pimping, enjoy videogames with machineguns and zombies. Speak out against devil worshiping, doing drive-bys and pimping, shooting up schools or playing with corpses.

That is Christianity’s formula for success… counter the crazy, don’t become it.

Its good advice…

…if it is taken.

10 months ago

CH, “the battle belongs to the Lord.”

Christianity has always been under attack.

They thought by crucifying Jesus they had won. They have been murdering Christians since then. In the USA, they normally just mocked us; but the confused and hate-filled girl in Nashville murdered six.

The persecutions will get worse. Read Revelations.

But killing Christians just sends us to heaven. When non-Christians die, they go to be judged by the God they rejected.

I would like for each of you to avoid that second death.

Korean Man
Korean Man
10 months ago
10 months ago

A bit more information on Maxim Kuzminov.

You might remember him as a Russian MI-8 pilot.

He shoots two other pilots and defects to Ukraine with a helicopter and some secret documents of some sort.

A half million dollars and a Ukranian passport under a new name, and he vanished.

Except he didn’t keep a low profile.

He partied it up in Spain, burning through his money with a fancy car and nightly clubbing.

Six weeks ago, he walked past a Hyundai, and somebody put 6 bullets in him. He ran just far enough to fall in a location they could run him over as they left.

The Hyndai didn’t survive the encounter either and was found burned.

Russia is the prime suspect.

I bet there is a lesson somewhere in there.

10 months ago

Well, enjoy.

Korean Person
Korean Person
10 months ago

How can they do this without risking open war? Especially after Russia’s veto?

Ah yes.

No doubt the Setnaffarians are Russiabots.

10 months ago

“No doubt the Setnaffarians are Russiabots.”

You say that as if it is a bad thing.

Russia is America’s close-but-cautious ally in the de-everything-ing of Europe and the partitioning of Ukraine.

Being a Russiabot simply means supporting American governmental and corporate policy to expand influence and economic prosparity while strenghtening America through exploitation of weakened countries.

There are likely many insults, but Russiabot is not one of them.

Haitibot would be pretty offensive.

10 months ago

Another senseless school shooting by a white male.

It was in some place called…



Actually, not even sure they were white.

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