Picture of the Day: Ballot Counting

Ballot counting
Ballot counting
Work to count ballots begins at a ballot counting station set up at a gym on the country’s southern Jeju Island on April 10, 2024, as the general elections to choose 300 lawmakers ended at 6 p.m. (Yonhap)
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9 months ago

This picture clearly demonstrates Korea’s 3rd world election methods.

In a truly developed country like America, voting is done with mysterious black box machines that can’t be inspected… containing strangly complex secret software that may or may not be connected to the internet… and no real way to audit results such as paper trails or block chain… which sometimes switches votes, usually due to “touchscreen errors”, but always in one direction.

And paper ballot vote counting must be done in secret, late at night, with blocked out windows and Just in Time deliveries of no chain-of-custody votes in just the right quantities to decide just the right elections in just the right way.

And results must be statistically impossible, but in a way that cannot easily be explained to the average technically uneducated American with the attention span and interest of a housefly.

Some day, Korea will join the developed countries where everyone can have the politicians that want them to live in a pod and eat the bugs while they go deeper into debt slavery to support an underclass of non-productive foreign parasites.

…or maybe this is already happening and Koreans don’t like communists and anti-Koreans as much as the election results would have us believe.

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