Tweet of the Day: What DP’s Election Win Means

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10 months ago

It means Korea becomes a communist vassal state of commie china.

10 months ago

I just had a Korean guy explain the election results to me.

Apparently, the president is unpopular.


That becomes less clear.

Something about the economy (that was destroyed by Moon’s globalist regime).

His wife’s mother made money on some property.

He wouldn’t release the cost of a meal.

He oppressed somebody.

He really didn’t know why Yoon was unpopular, but that was the opinion he was given, so that was the opinion he had.

I was reminded of Yoon’s quick post-election unpopularity which was reported continiously in the media despite newly elected presidents never becoming unpopular until they make their first mistake.

I have some suspicion his “unpopularity” was media-generated much like Trump’s case.

And this seems to work on the highly indoctrinated who trust authority and the low intelligence/information crowd who will believe swollowed gum stays in their stomach and beg to be medically experimented on.

Like they say, you can vote your way into communism but you have to shoot your way out.

Good luck, Korea.

Korean Person
Korean Person
10 months ago

means Korea becomes a communist vassal state of commie china.

The reaction of our deranged and delusional Setnaffarians is so obvious.

They sense the premature end of the Yoon regime and also their lifelong dream of Keeping USFK in Korea Forever.

As such they are acting like kids that have had their favorite candy taken away from them.

If they truly cared about Korea they should be supporting a government that cares about the Korean people, but we all know that they are interested in only one thing and will support a right-wing dictatorship if that one thing is guaranteed,

10 months ago

“and will support a right-wing dictatorship”

If only there was some sort of test we could do where we could divide a country in half between a left and right wing dictatorship just to see what would happen.

10 months ago

Korean Man’s reaction is right out of the nK insult generator; its hilarious. Sad that he thinks the commies cares for the people. Remember, under communism the state owns all means of production, and yes, people are a means of production. So under the commies you are all just slaves of the state. But I guess Korea Man already is so he doesn’t care.

Last edited 10 months ago by Flyingsword
Korean Person
Korean Person
10 months ago

So under the commies you are all just slaves of the state

You certainly need to see a shrink about your imaginary commie issue.

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