Thai Politican Gets Caught Having Affair with Adopted Buddhist Monk Son

Here is a wacky story out of Thailand of a female politician getting caught having an affair with her adopted son who is a Buddhist monk:

A man in his 60s in Thailand recently released a video of an affair between his wife in her 40s and his adoptive son in his 20s, sparking controversy, the British daily Daily Mail reported. His wife is a local politician in Thailand and his adopted son is a monk.

According to the Daily Mail, A (64), a Thai real estate developer, released a video of his wife B (45) and her adopted son C lying in bed naked at home.

The video has now been widely shared on Thai social media.

According to the released video, when A enters the room, B stands up naked in surprise and tries to take A’s cell phone away. His adopted son, Mr. C, is also lying naked. He jumps up and hides himself in one side of the room.

You can read more at the link, but this was a creative way for the lady to get her side action.

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Kevin Kim
10 months ago

Training in the dharma can be long and hard, but it can also be short and shriveled.

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