Korean Muslim Youtuber Cancels Plan to Build Mosque in Incheon

Just imagine the outcry from the American media if people protested building a mosque like this in the U.S.:

A Korean Muslim YouTuber’s plan to build a mosque in the western port city of Incheon has been stopped in its tracks as a land purchase contract he signed has been canceled upon the request of the landowner amid a backlash from local residents.

According to real estate industry officials, Sunday, YouTuber Daud Kim, or Kim Jae-han, agreed with the property owner the previous day to cancel the contract, signed on April 11.

The property owner asked for the contract cancelation, citing that he did not know about Kim’s plan to build a mosque, according to local media reports.

Kim, who garnered over 5.52 million YouTube subscribers and 3.5 million Instagram followers from posts about living as a Korean Muslim, purchased 284.4 square meters of land on Incheon’s Yeongjong Island for 189.2 million won ($136,500). On April 13, he said in YouTube and Instagram posts that he paid a deposit of 20 million won in advance and was to pay the remainder next month.

“Finally with your help, I have signed a contract for land to build Masjid in Incheon. I can’t believe this day has come. I plan to build a prayer place and Islamic podcast studio for D’awah to Koreans,” he said.

Kim also shared his bank information online, asking for donations from subscribers.

However, Kim’s plan immediately triggered objections within the local community, which protested the construction of the religious facility on land that is near schools and residential areas.

Korea Times

I wonder if this is the reason that Kim converted to being a Muslim:

The backlash against Kim grew as local news media reports resurfaced a sex crime he committed in 2019. Kim was referred to the prosecution for attempting to rape a foreign woman.

You can read more at the link, but of course he was punished for attempted rape because he apologized.

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Kevin Kim
Kevin Kim
9 months ago

Holy 닭고기 taqiyya, Batman!

9 months ago

Frankly, he looks like the type they throw off buildings.

“Not that there’s anything wrong with that.” — Seinfeld

Maybe he can open a 족발 restaurant on Halal Street?

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